(Sunrise, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox:
WEST SEATTLE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN: The RSVP deadline for today’s 11 am discussion/11:30 am business/11:45 am program meeting has passed so this is just a reminder if you already RSVP’d – if interested in future meetings, our calendar listing includes the contact email address.
(added) RAPIDRIDE CONSTRUCTION QUESTIONS? The monthly online “office hours” for the King County team working on RapidRide H Line construction are happening 5-6 pm tonight. Drop in at any time:
To join online, click the following link: Click here to join the meeting
To join by phone, call: 206-485-0017; Conference ID: 206 834 474#
To request interpretation services for these virtual events, please contact us before the meeting via phone, at 206-257-3079, or email us at rapidride@kingcounty.gov
FREE ART CLASS: Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association is presenting a free art class in observance of Black History Month, 5:45 pm online. Our calendar listing includes information about how to participate.
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: What’s up (or not) with the bridge and other city projects? The City Council’s Transportation Committee chair, Councilmember Alex Pedersen, is one of tonight’s guests. 6:30 pm online, all welcome. We don’t have tonight’s connection information yet, though, so check back here later – we’ll add it as soon as we get it. UPDATE: The info is now in our calendar listing.
KING COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COALITION: A community coalition working on issues related to Boeing Field meets tonight to present a community briefing on its work, 6:30 pm online. Register here for the participation link.
BOARD GAME NIGHT: 6:30 pm at Meeples Games (upstairs at 3727 California SW), drop in and play!
There’s more on our calendar!
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