WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen F-250 pickup truck

The photo and report are from Derek:

Once again I have to report another stolen vehicle. On Thursday or Friday our gray 2003 Ford F-250 diesel was stolen from our shop on West Marginal Way SW. WA license plate B70024X. Police report 21-290159.

Call 911 if you see it. (Derek’s previous stolen-vehicle report was this, in August.)

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen F-250 pickup truck"

  • Again November 1, 2021 (7:52 pm)

    So sorry you have to deal with this yet again.  A ton of people in ws have dealt with auto theft more than once.  I wish something could be done to stop the rampant auto theft in Seattle.  We will definitely keep an eye out for this truck.

  • 22blades November 2, 2021 (5:55 am)

    Sorry about the theft. Having had vehicles stolen from me, I understand the violation it is. I still dream of the cars being sited. All the time, even after a decade or moreā€¦

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