NEW MAPS: Who’ll be joining us in King County Council District 8?

Today the usually obscure process of redistricting – drawing new maps for political districts after the Census – drew headlines because the commission working on legislative and congressional maps missed their deadline. But a separate group is still at work on another new map of note – redrawing King County Council districts. Their deadline is next week, after 10 months of work, and they’re down to working out the differences between two draft maps. A West Seattleite who’s on the King County Districting Committee, Rob Saka, called our attention to the group’s work earlier this fall. We watched tonight’s meeting.

West Seattle is currently in County Council District 8 [map], which also includes Vashon and Maury Islands, White Center and much of unincorporated North Highline, much of Burien, and part of downtown/Capitol Hill. Both of the draft maps keep West Seattle and Vashon/Maury remaining in District 8, but the district diverges from there. On Draft Map D, District 8 stretches much further south; on Draft Map E, the boundaries are much further north on both ends of the district, which would endin White Center. Here’s a version showing the areas of disagreement countywide (look for the stripes):

Before the end of tonight’s 2-plus-hour meeting, the committee members resolved some of the differences, but they didn’t reach final agreement on District 8, only agreeing that the “small cities” in the Sea-Tac Airport area should be in the same district, whichever district that turns out to be. They’ll continue talking again tomorrow night, and you can watch the livestream – the link is here, along with the schedule of other meetings, including a final public hearing on November 30th. If you have comments in the meantime, you can email

P.S. The city of Seattle has a redistricting commission, too (with members including former mayor Greg Nickels of West Seattle), but it’s at a much earlier stage of the process.

5 Replies to "NEW MAPS: Who'll be joining us in King County Council District 8?"

  • brandon November 17, 2021 (7:55 pm)

    Please don’t lump West Seattle with Capital Hill.

    • WSB November 17, 2021 (8:24 pm)

      Part of Capitol Hill is already in the same district.

  • Kyle November 17, 2021 (8:08 pm)

    Interesting that they would put the core of downtown and West Seattle in the same district. Would assume downtown would have more in common with capitol hill and the central district in district 2.

  • Terri Lindeke November 18, 2021 (2:38 pm)

    This map is totally unacceptable to the Cities of South King County.We fought hard to keep our majority POC Cities together on the federal and state level.  We had many people from South Seattle testify that they wanted to join us in South King County so they could feel represented.We were successful in reuniting the City of Burien  in our South King County home on the State and National level.Now is not the time to mute our voices by taking Normandy Park, Burien, and SeaTac out of our home to be lumped in with large communities in Seattle.  We are NOT Seattle.  We are South King County.  Do not take away the voices of our majority POC cities by lumping us in with Seattle.  This was not done on the National or State level.It is inappropriate to do that on the King County level. Hands off South King County!SincerelyTerri Lindeke, Chair33rd Legislative DistrictSouth King County

  • K November 19, 2021 (10:08 am)

    Wow, Plan D is really stupid.

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