FAUNTLEROY FISH: Storm draws salmon to creek. Here’s how to see them

(Photo by Palmer Richardson)

12:37 PM: More word of recent rains drawing salmon into local creeks! This time we have an update from Fauntleroy Creek, courtesy of Judy Pickens:

Nearly a month ago, volunteer salmon watchers began seeing a few coho spawners come into Fauntleroy Creek. After several days with no new fish, we were about to call it quits at seven but, because of tides at or exceeding 11 feet, we decided to keep going. By Sunday (Nov. 14), watchers had tallied 10 – a good year for this small creek.

Yesterday’s high tides were still high enough to give spawners easy access from Fauntleroy Cove. Watchers braved rain and gusty wind and were rewarded when spawners began to pour into the creek.

(Video by Dennis Hinton)
By dark, the tally had jumped to 48, the most in nine years. And it may not be over. Watchers will be back this afternoon to see if another very high tide brings in more.

If you want to take a chance on seeing spawners, come to the fish-ladder viewpoint (SW Director and upper Fauntleroy Way SW, overlooking the ferry terminal). Catch the attention of a salmon watcher below and you’ll be invited down to the creek. Children must come with a parent, and dogs must be on leash. You may stay as long as the watcher does.

Judy says a watcher is expecting to be there by 2 pm.

ADDED TUESDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Michelle Green Arnson for the photo of a fish she saw there today:

9 Replies to "FAUNTLEROY FISH: Storm draws salmon to creek. Here's how to see them"

  • Jim November 16, 2021 (12:54 pm)

    Question why do you need to be invited by the salmon watchers to look at the salmon? This doesn’t make any sense to me, is it on a person personal property or what?? 

    • WSB November 16, 2021 (1:45 pm)

      This stretch is, yes.

    • Jay November 16, 2021 (2:10 pm)

      People need supervision or they’ll be tossing coffee cups and cigarette butts at the salmon. Or show up with nets and easily catch the salmon in the shallow water. Any destination or event that draws the general public to a natural area generally results in the place being trashed. Look at Rattlesnake Ledge, lined with Starbucks cups and beer cans, or a line of tourists throwing their trash at Snoqualmie Falls.

  • Buttercup November 16, 2021 (2:05 pm)

    I encourage parents to visit these sites. As a child my parents took us to Goldstream Park ( on Vancouver Island) and it made huge impacts on us about taking care of our wildlife and surroundings. Also respect for the lives the fish endure.

  • TM November 16, 2021 (5:50 pm)

    Awesome news!

  • Mg November 16, 2021 (5:52 pm)

    We took our kids today and it was MAGICAL.  I love sharing these kinds of experiences with my children and it’s even better when it’s in our own neighborhood. Does anyone know if the watchers will be back throughout the week? 

  • Donna, The Whale Trail November 16, 2021 (7:09 pm)

    This is wonderful news! Congratulations and thank you to Judy, Dennis and everyone who cleared the way. This is what hope looks like: salmon by salmon, stream by stream.

  • WSSC November 16, 2021 (9:37 pm)

    Be very careful venturing father up the creek toward Fauntleroy Park. Especially during rain and gusty wind, as the watchers had recently. The property owners near the park, at the Fauntleroy Church parking lot, have erected several signs announcing they have chosen not to maintain the safety of the area, even though it looks open for public use. There are many trees in poor condition.

  • WSB November 17, 2021 (9:53 am)

    Update – we’ll publish a separate followup a bit later but yes, follow the instructions above again today at or after 2 pm if you’re interested in trying to see them – TR

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