BIZNOTE: Chase Bank in Admiral saying farewell to ‘friendly branch manager’

The staff at Chase Bank‘s Admiral branch wants you to know their manager is moving on:

On behalf of the Chase Bank Admiral Branch, we would like to inform the community that our friendly branch manager, Jeff Glessner, has been promoted to a new position within the firm. Some of you may have known him from the Morgan Street Thriftway Branch.

Jeff came to JP Morgan Chase with a background in teaching and coaching football. His management style reflected both. He provided positive fun energy, at the same time noticing and promoting each employee’s qualities . Mistakes were learning experiences where he would encourage us to focus on the “next play.”

The game is not over. Having planted their roots on this “accidental island,” he and his wife Dakota, along with their son Lincoln, can’t escape.

Congratulations, Jeff, Dakota, and Lincoln!

His last day at the Admiral branch is November 30th.

1 Reply to "BIZNOTE: Chase Bank in Admiral saying farewell to 'friendly branch manager'"

  • Elton November 22, 2021 (11:49 am)

    Jeff is quite friendly – best of luck to him!

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