ELECTION 2021: Planning to vote this weekend?

checkbox.jpgTuesday is the deadline to get your ballot in, so this weekend is the perfect time to vote if you haven’t already. So far, only 18.4% of West Seattle/South Park voters have turned in their ballots. As always, the deadlines are 8 pm Election Day (Tuesday) if you use a county dropbox – or earlier, to ensure a November 2nd postmark, if you are mailing via USPS. If you need help voting – including doing it via an assistive device – you can go to a King County Elections Vote Center starting tomorrow (nearest one is at Lumen Field Event Center, open 10 am-4 pm Saturday, 8:30 am-6 pm Monday, 8:30 am-8 pm Tuesday). Still making up your mind? We’ve covered some forums along the way – you can review our coverage archive here – and watch for two reports tonight on the Port Commission and King County Executive forums held by local groups last night. As noted here, you have 17 decisions to make this time around.

25 Replies to "ELECTION 2021: Planning to vote this weekend?"

  • Derek October 29, 2021 (3:25 pm)

    Already did! Wife and I voted Lorena, NTK, Oliver, and Mosqueda! Excited to see the results soon! 

    • Question Authority October 29, 2021 (5:30 pm)

      Sorry to hear that, you must really dislike a civil, safe and prosperous City.

      • Sigh October 29, 2021 (6:12 pm)

        You mean, they must dislike someone who TALKS about a civil, safe, and prosperous city (after having had 12 years to accomplish that on the city council and doing nothing) and now just wants a job because unemployment is requiring a job search again, so he’s running for whatever he thinks he can win, but has no real plan to create a so-called civil, safe, and prosperous city now, just as he didn’t from 2007-2019.  I dislike someone like that too.  Bruce would just be more of the same of what we’ve had the last four years.  All empty promises, not the slightest care for the city or, you know, actually working for that salary.  Hard pass.

    • Chris K October 29, 2021 (5:44 pm)

      Same.  Seattle is a progressive city and deserves progressive leadership.

      • Wseattleite October 29, 2021 (9:52 pm)

        Completely agree that Seattle will get what they deserve. 

    • Scubafrog October 30, 2021 (2:09 am)

      Glad to hear it, Derek and Chris (and many, many others)!  Same here.  Lorena, NTK, Oliver, Mosqueda for the win.  

      • S.A. October 30, 2021 (2:56 pm)

        Our household voted the same!

  • momosmom October 29, 2021 (4:14 pm)

    OMG you voted Lorena???   Please, please everyone else I’m hoping you’ve thought long and hard before casting your vote.

    • Kevin on Delridge October 29, 2021 (9:29 pm)

      Do you want to present some arguments? Or just condescend and fear monger?

      • momosmom October 30, 2021 (7:39 am)

        No Kevin I do not want to present an argument, especially on the WSB, it is not the proper place to do so. All I did was voice my opinion because I have no say in this vote- I do not live in the City limits so I can’t vote for either candidate and I’m just hoping that the people who do vote will bring the RIGHT people in for the City of Seattle. I’ve always said whatever happens in the City limits DOES have a domino effect for the outlying neighborhoods.So vote wisely.

        • Kevin on Delridge October 30, 2021 (2:00 pm)

          So just condescend and fear monger, got it!

          My selections match Derekā€™s; based on lots of time listening, thinking, discussing, and reading. I await your ā€œOMGā€ and implication that I didnā€™t spend any time thinking or that I didnā€™t ā€œvote wisely.ā€

  • Janie October 29, 2021 (4:22 pm)

    Voted for Gonzales too. Iā€™m hoping I can turn mine in at the drop box in the junction soon.

  • Azimuth October 29, 2021 (5:04 pm)

    Derek, Looks like we cancelled each otherā€™s votes out šŸ˜„

  • Auntie October 29, 2021 (5:06 pm)

    Guess our votes will cancel out yours for a wash – we voted exactly opposite. Some other Seattleites will be deciding the race.

  • Canton October 29, 2021 (11:15 pm)

    Voted Harrell, Wilson, Nelson, and Davidson. This city needs a less activist, non accomplishing, leadership role. You have had the same people literally doing nothing, to get it together for too many years. If you disagree, please explain what the current leaders have done. Crime, safety,  homelessness, what has the current council done to ACTUALLY fix this… that’s right… nothing. Time for change. 

    • spooled October 30, 2021 (4:29 pm)

      Voted the same as you.  Hopefully 51% of others feel like they’ve had enough extreme activism as well.  Pretty much anyone who’ve been a victim of crime in the last couple years ought to think so.  (robbed again last weekend).

  • Mj October 30, 2021 (7:23 am)

    Sigh – really Bruce is running to prove a job search for unemployment?  Bruce is clearly the better candidate to be Mayor.  He grew up in the City as a minority person, understands the challenges, AND is not running for the pay of the job. .

  • Graciano October 30, 2021 (3:28 pm)

    The City of Seattle, needs a new leadership, not a promotion. As for  Lorena, she is part of the current problem with the city. 

  • Maria Gonzalez October 30, 2021 (4:54 pm)

    Another person here that has no say so in this election (lives out of City limits) but if I did I wouldn’t vote for Lorena as Graciano states she’s a part of the current problems of Seattle.I hope things change if she is voted in but I have a strong feeling it won’t…we shall see though in these next 4 years!No relation

  • Jort October 30, 2021 (7:32 pm)

    I am so amazed but not at all surprised that people who wore pink hats and marched against Trump are willing to vote for a city attorney candidate who literally switched to the Republican Party during Trumpā€™s first impeachment trial! I guess people with ā€œIn this house we believeā€ signs really, truly are going to vote for a person who 100 percent fully supported Donald Trump because they are just that scared of actual progressive ideas. Obviously itā€™s easier to put up a yard sign than it is to actually care about your supposed values. If she wins, get ready for her to start making our city proud by doing Fox News guest appearances on Tuckerā€™s ā€œGreat Replacementā€ hourly show. All because you got ooga-booga scared about the scary-looking liberal candidates. 

    • MC October 30, 2021 (10:34 pm)

      Ann Davison already stated that she voted for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. I really don’t think she is pandering to Trump or Fox News by openly
      admitting to voting against him twice and condemning January 6th. NTK’s disturbing and unfit-for-repetition tweets honestly remind me a lot more of Trump than the very mainstream-Seattle political stances of Ann Davison.

      • Jort October 31, 2021 (10:24 am)

        Again, whatever you have to say to justify it, that’s on you. If you’re looking forward to a City Attorney who will alternate days between appearances Tucker’s “Great Replacement” show and whatever bile Jason “Rantz” is spewing on the radio, Ann Davison is your candidate. The same Ann Davison who witnessed an insurrection on our country on January 6th and decided afterward to say, “Yeah, I’m definitely still a Republican. Because the homeless are so icky!” Once again so many of Seattle’s voters want to virtue signal about being liberal with yard signs but, secretly, get a-skeered of something and run back into the soulless embrace of uncaring Republican mommies and daddies. Ann Davison is a full-blown insurrectionist-supporting candidate from an extremist, anti-democratic political party. But I guess she doesn’t scare people with her tweets, so there ya go.

    • Chris K November 1, 2021 (11:45 am)

      Don’t worry about it.  Seattle voters are smart enough not to vote Republican.

  • SEADOG October 30, 2021 (8:15 pm)

    I cannot fathom how anyone could vote for Lorena Gonzalez after she ran her racist dog-whistle ad against Bruce Harrell.  It is disgusting that these types of tropes are still being used in 2021 and it is sickening to see people still supporting her.  Trump would have been so proud of you Lorena.  I’m sorry, but if after this you still support her, your moral compass is completely broken.

    • Derek November 1, 2021 (10:40 am)

      I cannot fathom how anyone thinks it’s racist. He called it racist to weaponize his race and cover up for the fact that a POC woman is threatening his lead. Pathetic. Bruce is a Durkan wanna be who will kiss up to Bezos and Boeing. Signed sealed and delivered for Lorena today. 

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