You asked, so we asked: Derailed railing?

The photos are from Conrad, who wondered about what appeared to be a stalled city project:

There has been at least six weeks of construction along the Delridge Way onramp to the West Seattle Bridge, requiring a detour onto a small portion of the onramp for bicyclists and pedestrians. It appears crews are installing safety bollards along the sidewalk and redoing the staircase into Pigeon Point.

This work is appreciated, but it is a bit confusing because there hasn’t been any visible work done on the area in weeks. It seems construction started and then stopped without being completed.

We asked SDOT spokesperson Mariam Ali – here’s the reply:

This is a Neighborhood Street Fund project that was working on the railing for the Delridge trail widening.

Below are all the updates for the construction of Delridge trail widening and railing:

-Core drill is done for the railing footing
-Asphalt paving is done for the shoulder area.
-RS Mechanical Group is scheduled to install railing around mid-August.
-Crews were mainly working on the stairs before and now should be able to focus more on our railing installation work.

Bottom line, work should resume soon.

SIDE NOTE: The aforementioned Neighborhood Street Fund, which builds community-proposed projects, may not solicit new ideas for a few years. The Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee was told earlier this month (see the memo here) that SDOT is proposing choosing 2022-2024 projects from the existing pool of suggestions.

11 Replies to "You asked, so we asked: Derailed railing?"

  • Ktrapp August 9, 2021 (12:23 pm)

    That first photo is a reminder to ask how many years are we into the City’s “we’re just about ready to tear that abandoned house down” claim.  The last time I remember it making news here, it was at least a couple years ago.  And the city was using it as an example of how they were going to be getting faster at tearing down abandoned buildings.

    • WSB August 9, 2021 (5:16 pm)

      Not exactly. There was a tour with city officials, organized by community members, more than a decade ago. Laws have been changed since then to allow demolition of properties without a replacement plan, in short. This is still standing because its owners haven’t taken any steps toward demolition. There was a plan two years ago to replace it with townhomes … I just checked the file and there’s been no further action since the 2019 early-stage filing.

      • waikikigirl August 10, 2021 (5:37 pm)

        Wonder what that house looked like back in its hey-day? Since I brought this up…LOL I sure miss Throw back Thursday’s!

  • JK August 9, 2021 (3:45 pm)

    The railing may help separate bicycles and pedestrians from the cars but the curb already did that.  A railing doesn’t help the primary safety problem in this area — the area is simply too narrow for the pedestrian and bicycle traffic it gets and the limited visibility due to the curve, hillside and vegetation.  The cheap asphalt “widening” looks to be narrower than the space being lost to the railing.  I won’t be surprised if we start seeing collisions among pedestrians and cyclists after the railing is put in.

    • bill August 9, 2021 (9:48 pm)

      The curb wouldn’t keep someone from falling onto the ramp. A railing should help a good deal. A railing will also keep drivers from parking their broken cars on the sidewalk. Yes I’ve encountered that! I agree cutting the bank back or taking a few feet from the ramp to widen the sidewalk to proper MUP width would be a good thing, but spending money to do a complete job for pedestrians and cyclists is beyond the city administration’s political will.

  • Ceejay August 9, 2021 (4:01 pm)

    Okay hats the story with the red abandoned house on the right?

  • K to the F August 9, 2021 (4:32 pm)

    The Edmunds stairs between 38th and Fauntleroy have been left in a similar state — cement steps done but railing is still 2x4s. Be interested to hear when that might wrap up as well.

  • Gary August 9, 2021 (7:15 pm)

    Not familiar with the project, but  I biked through there recently, and noticed the retaining wall was sagging/pushing towards the pathway.  It’s a steep slope and there’s lots of vegetation growing onto the pathway.  Maintenance is definitely necessary.

  • SO August 10, 2021 (8:51 am)

    Does anyone know the proposed height of the railing? For years this has been one of the scarier spots on my bike commute downtown; one slip and you’re into the path of a car accelerating to freeway speed. Thus a high rail – like that along the bridge – is seriously needed. As others say, the blind turn and overgrown narrow path add to the hazard. Good news is most folks have courteous trail manners at this corner, thanks!

  • Benjamin August 10, 2021 (4:54 pm)

    Well, it makes sense they are not rushing, as the road is closed.  That said,  this will do NOTHING if the city or or property owners to not perform regular maintenance and cut back the grow.  I bike (or jog sometimes!) through here daily, the issue is the lack of visibility at the too small curve, and, in winter, overgrowth and fallen, slippery leaves. 

    • bill August 10, 2021 (10:41 pm)

      And don’t forget the seep a little higher up the path that creates ice in the winter. 

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