SATURDAY: Candidates for mayor in West Seattle for WSB/WSJA forum

checkbox.jpgFour years ago, 21 candidates ran for Seattle mayor, and we moderated a forum to which 15 RSVP’d. This year, 15 candidates are in the race, and 10 have RSVP’d for the forum we’re co-presenting Saturday with the West Seattle Junction Association. It starts at noon, with the candidates side by side at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon). Thanks to everyone who’s suggested questions – we’ll see how many we can get through with 10 candidates in an hour and a half. Our calendar listing has the lineup of participants and how to watch.

4 Replies to "SATURDAY: Candidates for mayor in West Seattle for WSB/WSJA forum"

  • Joan July 10, 2021 (9:10 am)

    West Seattle Blog: will you be recording this forum and posting it on the blog?

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