Two guests headlined the latest West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting:
HOPELINK: When you think of transportation, does Hopelink come to mind? No? This service would like to change that. Hopelink’s Bebhinn Gilbert was the guest, explaining what Hopelink’s mobility-management service is and does. Here’s her slide deck:
Hopelink’s service area includes all of King County, and its goal is to try to help people navigate their transportation options, so that transportation is a resource, not an obstacle. Hopelink itself is both a provider and a coordinator – as explained here. Non-emergency medical transportation is one of their services, as is helping people better utilize the transportation options that are available from a variety of providers. One big emphasis right now: Helping people get to COVID-19 vaccine providers. If you need help with that, you can reach them via or 425-943-6706.
In Q&A, Gilbert was asked if the West Seattle Bridge closure has been an obstacle. She says they’ve worked with all the transportation providers to ensure that’s factored into any trip to or from West Seattle.
Speaking of the bridge …
SDOT UPDATE: West Seattle High-Rise Bridge Safety Project director Heather Marx recapped the recent announcement that a contractor has been chosen for both the high-bridge repairs and low-bridge work (WSB coverage here). She also recapped the status of low-bridge access authorization (same stats reported here).
In Q&A, Marx was asked if capacity restrictions were expected when the high bridge reopens next year. Answer: No. Another attendee asked for clarification on who’s getting low-bridge warnings and who’s getting citations. She said that the first time you’re caught crossing the low bridge without authorization, you get a warning; second violation and beyond, you get a citation with a $75 fine.
WSTC BOARD RECRUITING: One position remains open. Interested? Email
NEXT MEETING: 6:30 pm June 24th, still online, with Washington State Ferries expected to send a guest.