GRADUATION: Congratulations, South Seattle College Class of 2021!

On wheels and/or on foot, Class of 2021 graduates got to celebrate tonight at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) on Puget Ridge. School faculty and photo-op stops lined the southwest corner of campus.

SSC President Rosie Rimando-Chareunsap and Seattle Colleges District leadership were there for the photos and cheering.

SSC called this the “Unstoppable Graduation Celebration,” in honor of the perseverance this year’s nearly 500 graduates showed in finishing their programs and earning a degree or certificate despite the many life changes brought on by the pandemic.

South Seattle College’s announcement noted 487 awards this year, including:

313 associate transfer degrees that enable graduates to transfer to four-year colleges and universities in Washington and beyond to complete their bachelor’s degrees.

61 career training associate of science degrees and certificates that prepare graduates to enter the workforce immediately.

72 high-school diplomas or equivalents, allowing graduates to take a significant step toward future education and employment opportunities.

41 bachelor of applied science degrees, taking graduates’ careers to the next level and increasing their earning potential.

The school estimates about 150 of its new grads joined in tonight’s celebration.

1 Reply to "GRADUATION: Congratulations, South Seattle College Class of 2021!"

  • JD June 19, 2021 (10:28 am)

    What a wonderful celebration. Congratulations to all of the graduates!

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