The Log House Museum hasn’t reopened yet, but its parent organization is offering another “digital tour.” Here’s the announcement:
The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is pleased to announce its second digital tour experience “Pandemic People: Compare and Contrast Lived Experiences in 1918 and 2020.” Join us for an online tour to experience the enrichment that an in-person field trip experience affords, even while we can’t be together. This tour is open for student groups Grades 6 – 12, and any interested adult groups. Signups are required at least two weeks before your desired tour date. “Pandemic People” is a free experience.
“Pandemic People” compares and contrasts pandemic experiences on the Duwamish Peninsula in the age of The Spanish Flu and COVID-19. The tour invites participants to reflect on care discrepancies between communities, public safety precautions, and first-person narratives of life in the pandemic in 1918 and 2020. How have our experiences living in pandemic conditions changed over the past century? How have they stayed the same? Join us on a digital tour to find out! To register, please call 206-350-0999, or email Tours run for approximately 40 minutes. Tour availability is based on docent availability and is subject to change.
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