Bloodworks Northwest has sent out a “red alert” for blood donations. Here’s why:
A “perfect storm” of unforeseen events continues to impact local and nationwide blood availability leading Bloodworks Northwest to declare a code-red for alert for donors to book appointments. As detailed by Bloodworks CEO Curt Bailey in recent outreach to Pacific Northwest community leaders:
“Confusion over eligibility to donate after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine (vaccinated people can still donate!), record-high patient usage (up to 118% above normal), warm spring weather (when donors tend to skip appointments), and a national blood shortage (help from other parts of the country is limited or uncertain) [are contributing to] the biggest shortage since the pandemic began a year ago, with less than a 24-hour supply of blood on the shelves.”
You can make an appointment to donate by going here.
P.S. If you can’t donate right now, Bloodworks NW plans pop-up donation opportunities at Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW; WSB sponsor) May 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11 – you can make an appointment for one of those dates now too.