CORONAVIRUS: Monday 3/22/2021 roundup

After another Sunday without a King County update, we start tonight with two days’ worth of numbers:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: We asked Seattle-King County Public Health if update-less Sundays were the new norm; they said no, just happened to happen two weekends in a row – this time the problem was a staffing emergency. So remember the daily summary from Seattle-King County Public Health, represents the changes since Saturday:

*85.629 people have tested positive, 346 more than Saturday’s total

*1,452 people have died, unchanged from Saturday’s total

*5,220 people have been hospitalized, 17 more than Saturday’s total

*949,161 people have been tested, 6,660 more than Saturday’s total

One week ago, those totals were 84,303/1,437/5,180/933,980.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 123.6 million cases, 2,722,000 deaths – 542,000 in the U.S. See the other stats – nation by nation – here.

PHASE 3: Reminder – the entire state is now in Phase 3 of reopening, which means 50 percent capacity for many types of businesses. But not all are choosing to reopen that fully, so be mindful of what your favorite businesses decide to do.

TEST SITE CLOSING: Announced tonight – the city-run West Seattle testing/vaccination site will be vaccination-only as of March 31st.

IF YOU’RE ELIGIBLE AND LOOKING FOR AN APPOINTMENT … here are the links we’ve amassed:

*Check for West Seattle city-run site appointments here; sign up for the city’s notification list for all three of its sites here.
*Health-care providers (particularly bigger ones like UW Medicine, CHI Franciscan, Swedish, Kaiser Permanente, etc.)
* (volunteer-run aggregator)\
*The state says it’s improved its own lookup tool
*Here’s another search to try
*Pharmacies big and small – Safeway, Rite Aid, QFC, Pharmaca, Costco
*Sea Mar clinics

LEFTOVERS? Here’s what commenter SD said happened late today at the West Seattle site.

SCHOOL SURVEY: Seattle Public Schools is reminding elementary families to answer the latest reopening-related survey by Wednesday.

NEED FOOD? This week’s nearest Food Lifeline distribution is 2-5 pm Friday (March 26th) at 815 S. 96th.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

10 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Monday 3/22/2021 roundup"

  • Ashley March 23, 2021 (8:00 am)

    Are the positive numbers trending up again? It seems like they have been higher over the past week or so….

    • AMD March 23, 2021 (9:19 am)

      There have been some data delays in King County which contribute to higher single-day counts, but general trends in the country are plateauing in some areas and rising in others.  Numbers are not falling despite the vaccination efforts, which is concerning (to be clear, the vaccines work, and it’s concerning to think how much bigger the case surge would be right now were it not for those already vaccinated).

    • polka dot March 23, 2021 (9:44 am)

      They are going up, 7 day average on the 7th is 134, the 7 day average on the 21st is 186, and the total cases for today is 346.  

      • polka dot March 23, 2021 (10:02 am)

        Actually, I don’t think the 346 total for today is correct, the dashboard says it updated this morning but I just noticed that the totals are the same as yesterday, sorry, disregard that part.

  • AS March 23, 2021 (9:54 am)

    When are all of these locations supposed to get more vaccine? The news kept saying a big order was coming in but there haven’t been any appointments available?

  • G1 March 23, 2021 (12:15 pm)

    Does anyone know if any of the vaccination sites around here have overflow lists in case doses are going unused?

    • WSB March 23, 2021 (1:05 pm)

      We’ve mentioned in the nightly roundups, the West Seattle (SWAC) site has a few leftovers most days and starts going through those standing around, by age, oldest to youngest. The mayor’s office says they’ve scrapped the “standby list” in favor of that.

    • SD March 23, 2021 (4:00 pm)

      G1, that’s what the reference to  “leftovers” means in the round up. Yesterday was my 5th time trying, and I finally kicked out yesterday as they had 19, more than 2x as many as usual. So they got down to age 62. The other days, they only got to 64 and some of the 63 year olds. Note that most days they do the extras at 430, but last week they did it at 4 pm on Wednesday and Thursday. 

  • trickycoolj March 23, 2021 (4:18 pm)

    A note for eligible folks that might be struggling to see appointments, the WA DOH tool is not iphone friendly.  People are reporting that they are hunting for appointments for days thinking they’re unavailable, switch to a real computer (desktop/laptop) and find appointments immediately!  I found the same problem trying to hunt for info for a busy essential worker parent, barely worked on my iphone/ipad.  Seems like a serious oversight considering the currently eligible demographic of 65+ is  likely to use a phone/tablet as their internet surfing device.  Heck, I’m tech savvy and sometimes I just don’t want to go sit down at the real computer and just wanted to search from my couch.

Sorry, comment time is over.