FOLLOWUP: Bald Eagle in ‘guarded’ condition after West Seattle rescue

(Thursday photo by David Hutchinson)

After a veterinarian examined the Bald Eagle that was listlessly hanging around Don Armeni Boat Ramp on Thursday, we now have word on what’s wrong with it. Via email, the PAWS wildlife-rehab facility‘s spokesperson Laura Follis tells WSB:

On intake, she was standing, alert, and defensive, but bloodwork noted a severe anemia with bleeding from her gastrointestinal tract. She received a blood transfusion and is being cared for by PAWS wildlife veterinary and rehabilitation team. Her prognosis is very guarded at this time and we are hopeful for her recovery.

(Thursday photo by Kersti Muul)

The safe capture of the ailing bird involved local wildlife advocates as well as officers from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife and Seattle Police. Bald Eagles are often seen in the area, but won’t often just linger on the ground the way this one did unless there’s something wrong.

27 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Bald Eagle in 'guarded' condition after West Seattle rescue"

  • WS Eagle Admirer February 26, 2021 (8:46 pm)

    Most impressive and heartwarming to see this eagle safely captured by wildlife experts and cared for at PAWS, my absolute favorite charity!  Many thanks to WSB for the amazing photos and story, please keep us posted as she recovers swiftly, fingers crossed.

    • WSB February 26, 2021 (9:06 pm)

      Thanks to everybody who texted and/or tweeted and/or sent pics, starting with a neighbor across the street, then Kersti, David, and Stewart – I was stuck at the desk watching the Sound Transit Board meeting, so couldn’t go in person. (Just as well, there apparently were too many onlookers as it was.) – TR

  • JayJay February 26, 2021 (9:03 pm)

    Thank you so much for the update.  Hoping so hard for a full recovery.  What a kind, competent group attending to the eagle.

  • Kalo February 26, 2021 (9:11 pm)

    Does anyone know if, when she’s recovered, she’ll be released where she was found? I’m hoping she’s not one of the mated pair that have lived in the tree across from Saltys for many years.

    • Kersti Muul February 27, 2021 (7:49 am)

      We are investigating that, because it will make a difference when/if she is released. There’s two established, mated pairs. The salty’s pair and the 56th/Schmitz pair.If you see them please let me know. 

      • Melissa February 27, 2021 (12:43 pm)

        I noticed a larger dark brown eagle circling the area while I was walking one of my pups. 

        • Kersti Muul February 27, 2021 (7:00 pm)

          That would be a juvenile

      • Kalo February 27, 2021 (7:02 pm)

        We saw the Saltys pair this evening.

      • Keri February 27, 2021 (10:06 pm)

        Sorry this is late. Meant to send sooner. On my run up the Fairmount Ravine this afternoon- (3:38 pm) I saw two in the Salty’s nest. They were silhouetted from my POV so I couldn’t make out coloring to see if they were juveniles or not. but same size and making lots of noise. 

        • Kersti Muul February 28, 2021 (4:30 pm)

          Thank you 💟

  • WSCurmudgeon February 27, 2021 (2:01 am)

    Good to learn of the timely cooperation of  the public,  SPD and WSDW officers to quickly help this bird!  The internal bleeding and anemia suggest that she may have eaten prey which was poisoned with an anticoagulant rodenticide.  

    • tmstar February 27, 2021 (6:44 am)

      My impression exactly.  Strychnine kills by causing animals to bleed out internally.   Treatment for this was not cheap when my small dog got some.  Not quite $3,000.00 and four days in doggie hospital.  These poisoned baits frequently get to unintended targets either directly or up the food chain.  Bad juju.                        

    • Kersti Muul February 27, 2021 (8:00 am)

      Possible, but unlikely in this case. But treated in case.I am the Rodenticide lead with Seattle Audubon conservation committee. We have partnered with Seattle chapter of Raptors are the Solution and we are full steam ahead on this issue. If you’d like to get involved or learn more, please email us!

  • Kersti Muul February 27, 2021 (7:57 am)

    As I’ve noted in a reply above, we are investigating if She is one of the established, mated pairs. Either from Salty’s, or the 56th and Schmitz nest. It will make a difference when/if she is released.If you see them please let me know. You can contact me directly at:kersti.e.muul@gmail.comIf you would like to help cover some of her medical costs, I have started a fundraiser here:

    • Barb February 27, 2021 (1:27 pm)

      I am the person who made the call so you know who I am. Today at the Sally’s nest sight there was a mature eagle sitting outside the nest. Another mature eagle started circling the nest. Another mature eagle was in the nest and got riled so the one outside the nest took off. The two circled for a couple of times and then flew off. The eagle that was in the nest sat on the branch for quite awhile. Hope this helps.barb.

      • Kersti Muul February 28, 2021 (4:32 pm)

        Thank you 💓

  • Patty Lessley-Douglas February 27, 2021 (8:43 am)

    THANK YOU to all who had a part in rescuing this amazing creature!! Praying she recovers quickly♥️

  • Elle Nell February 27, 2021 (9:47 am)

    This is a perfect reminder to NOT USE RAT POISON as it clearly can endanger other animals and kill them!! TRAP or DETER— and along the same line, chemical pesticides are TOXIC and DANGEROUS!! Time to play well with others, folks!!

  • CJ February 27, 2021 (1:04 pm)

    This badass woman with the Mohawk and tactical gear that catches bald eagles.Does Hollywood know about her? Does she have an agent already?I want to see more of her.

    • Elle Nell February 27, 2021 (1:27 pm)

      This is not California. 🤢

  • Bill February 27, 2021 (3:24 pm)

    Maybe not CA – but she definitely is badass.🤘🏽👩🏼‍🎤🦅

  • Kersti Muul February 27, 2021 (7:47 pm)

    I was able to analyze her iris by comparing my photo of her (on the left) from Thursday, with an older photo sent to me today (on right)The pigment (?) in the iris has two distinct rays in the exact same position.The photo sent to me is of a resident female named ‘Bey’ her partner named ‘Jey’. So this eagle is definitely a mated resident. Thanks to multiple reports emailed to me today regarding the Salty’s nest pair being seen together in their tree,  I have determined that this is not the female of that pair. Most likely the Schmitz nesters.Thank you everyone for the help and donations. 

    • Sharon February 28, 2021 (7:41 am)

      Hi Kersti, I think you accidentally posted one of your great orca shots! PS I call them Jay and Bey because they seem to be belting out songs to each other. Bey is very active along Alki and was the eagle that spent days feasting on the dead seal last year. She is strong and amazing. 🙏🏿🙏🏻🙏🏽 for her recovery and return to Jay.

  • Erin February 27, 2021 (9:00 pm)

    Hi – not sure if it’s related but we saw two bald eagles together today in Lincoln Park around 4:30!

    They were sitting together on the top of a tree without leaves.

    We didn’t take any photos but some of the folks around us did. Maybe they will see this and share their photos!

    • Kersti Muul February 28, 2021 (9:01 am)

      Thank you. That is an established pair, and unrelated to this incident.They fledged two chicks last year ❤️

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