WEST SEATTLE MONDAY: 5 notes for today/tonight

(City-landmark Hamm Building, photographed early today by Jerry Simmons)

Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead:

PRE-HOLIDAY FODO DISTRIBUTION: Now through 2 pm is the window for today’s distribution at the West Seattle Food Bank (35th/Morgan), which has turkeys and chickens available for holiday meals.

UR WEST SEATTLE: As announced on Sunday, purchases at unique West Seattle businesses, starting today, make you eligible for this discount program kicked off by West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor).

FLEURT GIVEAWAY: Another business-supporting-business initiative – Fleurt in The Junction is giving away two $50 gift cards to people who have made purchases at Fleurt or other Junction businesses/restaurants, from this past Saturday (November 21st) through tomorrow (Tuesday, November 24th). Entries are via comments on this Instagram post by Fleurt (which has all the rules).

CITY COUNCIL’S FINAL BUDGET VOTE: 2 pm online. The meeting starts with a public-comment period; you can register to speak starting at noon. Info on commenting and viewing, plus all the budget-related documents, can be found here.

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 7 pm online, with an agenda including a conversation with City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Email info@admiralneighborhood.org for the link to watch/participate.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE MONDAY: 5 notes for today/tonight"

  • zephyr November 23, 2020 (12:16 pm)

    If you have a link to the restaurants doing take out for Thanksgiving dinner, please post.   I did a quick search and didn’t find it.  Or if you are still working on it, no problem.  Thanks. 

    • WSB November 23, 2020 (1:24 pm)

      We have many lists in progress and are trying very hard with limited resources to do what we can. Most years we start on this a couple weeks in advance but given that everything changed just a week ago there was no way to do that.

  • Sillygoose November 23, 2020 (1:59 pm)

    I just love this building, I know it poses some historical challenges for the tenants but I will cry if it is ever torn down.

  • Megan Sheppard November 23, 2020 (7:24 pm)

    Mom’s old beauty salon (“Elite”) now a wine store. Oh the hours I spent there of a Monday morning as a youngster, swinging my feet while sitting under a bonnet dryer, reading movie magazines and –allegedly–singing the WSU fight song, thinking no one could hear me. (Because *I* couldn’t hear anything under the dryer, lol.)

  • Don Brubeck November 23, 2020 (8:06 pm)

    Beautiful image, Jerry Simmons. Rain has its joys, if you get out and look.

    • Jerry Simmons November 25, 2020 (6:54 pm)

      Thanks very much Don!

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