VOTING: Six days to go

That’s another artwork by Ruthi Winter of West Seattle Beach Drive Art Studio, encouraging early voting – which is still going strong. As of tonight, King County Elections has received ballots from almost 65% of Seattle voters. Countywide, it’s 59 percent. If you’ve already put your ballot in the mail or in a drop box, you can go here to see whether it’s been received and counted. If you’re using USPS Mail, even though our state requires only that the ballot be postmarked by Election Day – next Tuesday, November 3rd – early is still better. Same if you’re using a drop box, though they’re open 24 hours a day until 8 pm Tuesday – even if you’re usually a procrastinator, get your ballot in now so the one-and-only Election Night results drop can be as complete a report as possible. West Seattle’s three boxes are on the list/map here; so far, those three boxes have accounted for more than 27,000 ballots. If you’re not registered, you can do that in person up until, and even on, Election Day; one way to do it – or update your address – is at one of the Vote Centers that will open starting Saturday – closest one is the CenturyLink Event Center on the south end of downtown.

11 Replies to "VOTING: Six days to go"

  • Joseph October 28, 2020 (9:08 pm)

    Hopefully, we’ll have a new Governor Culp in 6 days.

    • shotinthefoot October 29, 2020 (10:07 am)

      LOL, no. He’s not qualified in ANY way – not even close. You really want him in charge during a global pandemic? I think I’ll stick with the leadership of a trusted, qualified politician who listens to facts and reason, rather than a high school dropout, racist, science-denying sheriff of a literal one-horse town. 

  • M October 28, 2020 (9:50 pm)

    I wish we voted for our city council on the presidential ballot cycle so we could get the voter turnout and get some change. 

    • S October 28, 2020 (11:21 pm)


    • Joseph October 29, 2020 (2:52 am)

      That would be wonderful.

    • AMD October 29, 2020 (8:23 am)

      I think it would be better for people to care enough about local measures to turn out in equal numbers for local elections and special elections as national ones.  

      • Jb October 29, 2020 (9:33 pm)


  • vote October 29, 2020 (7:22 am)

    Election officials are recommending dropping off your ballot at a collection box at this point, rather than mailing. Get your vote in and counted!

    Election Officials Urge Alternatives To Mailing Back Ballots  –

  • vote October 29, 2020 (7:40 am)

    Thanks Governor Inslee, for leading us to currently being one of 10 states with a less severe outbreak. Cases are starting to rise again, but this graph is reassuring with how our state has been doing. We can turn it around if we take precautions and stay vigilant right now.

    Coronavirus Update: Maps Of US Cases And Deaths : Shots – Health News  –

  • JCS October 29, 2020 (7:53 am)

    Does someone here need medication for delusion? Governor Culp?

    • Cheryl October 29, 2020 (10:41 pm)

      Dear g-d, can you imagine putting an ex-sheriff *with no political experience* (from the tiny town of Republic, with a population of only 1,070 people!) in charge of the entire state of WA (population 7.5 MILLION)? During a pandemic. With unemployment at record levels. Schools closed. People losing their homes. Small businesses closing left and right (while Richie Rich over there at Amazon gleefully counts his billions). And so on, and so forth. Really? You think Culp is the guy for the job? That’s some serious Kool-Aid y’all are drinking. These are major problems for the Big Boys to solve. Not some racist dipsh*t Cult 45 Joe Schmo from podunk Eastern WA. Sorry, not sorry.

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