CITY COUNCIL NOTES: Seattle Parks reopenings, including play areas; your chance for budget comments Tuesday; Town Hall stats

Three notes from the City Council‘s weekly briefing meeting, just concluded, when councilmembers share quick updates:

(Photo from Lincoln Park, sent by Carolyn in March)

PARKS REOPENINGS: City Councilmember Debora Juarez, who chairs the Parks Committee, had some big news. She said that Parks will reopen play areas tomorrow and parking lots October 19th. We’re inquiring with Parks for details. (Play and fitness equipment at parks were first taped off in the early weeks of the pandemic, more than 6 months ago.) ADDED 11:23 AM: Confirmed by Parks – here’s the update, with the rules.

BUDGET COMMENTS TOMORROW: What do you think the city should – and/or shouldn’t – be spending money on? Tuesday night is the first major public hearing in the budget process. This is an all-public-comment event, online, starting at 5:30 pm. Signups for commenting start two hours earlier; the agenda explains how you can do that beginning at 3:30 pm Tuesday.

TOWN HALL FOLLOWUP: West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold told her colleagues that more than 500 people signed up to attend her Town Hall last Wednesday, with 88 questions submitted. (Our coverage, including links to the video, is in two parts – the first hour-plus, focused on public safety, here; the second part, focused on the West Seattle Bridge, here.)

9 Replies to "CITY COUNCIL NOTES: Seattle Parks reopenings, including play areas; your chance for budget comments Tuesday; Town Hall stats"

  • Kitty October 5, 2020 (1:27 pm)

    Oh, YIKES!

  • l October 5, 2020 (1:38 pm)

    It’s about time.

  • KT October 5, 2020 (2:41 pm)

    …”She said that Parks will reopen play areas tomorrow and parking lots October 19th…”  Huh?  

  • wseakell October 5, 2020 (3:06 pm)

    Finally! Now when are they going to open the parking lots (and what is the reason they’ve been closed for so long?) 

    • WSB October 5, 2020 (3:20 pm)

      The parking lots are mentioned in the story. Oct. 19th. CM Juarez announced it, and when we asked Parks to confirm it, they did.

      • wseakell October 5, 2020 (4:31 pm)

        Thank you WSB! 

  • Kyle October 5, 2020 (5:38 pm)

    Hallelujah on the parking lots! That was such a failure by the parks department. At the beginning of the pandemic, okay we’re not sure yet. However, for months I’ve been able to dine in a restaurant but not park my vehicle at a city park? Outdoor parks are a great social distance opportunity and parking lots are not the biggest obstacle. It actually make parking worse in the neighborhoods, which was evident after only a few weeks. It always seems like Seattle Parks makes it harder for us to enjoy our public spaces.

  • Jeremy October 5, 2020 (6:29 pm)

    Do the playground reopenings mean anything for the Roxhill Elementary playground? On one hand, it’s on school property, but on the other, I recall it had to stay unlocked in the Before Times due to it being a community playground. Whose jurisdiction/decision is it?

  • Mj October 6, 2020 (3:44 pm)

    Nice a sign saying the kids can play at the park play areas, frankly this ship sailed months ago!

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