Another scooter-share provider launching in West Seattle: LINK

(Photo courtesy LINK)

The city’s scooter-share pilot program is allowing up to three providers, and another one just announced that it’s launching service, with its first batch of e-scooters being deployed in West Seattle. LINK says its first 150 deployed e-scooters will be in High Point, Roxhill, South Delridge, and South Park, with deployment starting this afternoon. From the announcement:

The LINK fleet will grow to more than 500 in the next four days, and soon, with city approval, grow to more than 1,000. LINK scooters are equipped with a proprietary Vehicle Intelligence System–onboard self-protection technology that monitors the entire vehicle and resolves potential issues in real-time to protect riders and pedestrians alike.

LINK plans a launch party tomorrow (Saturday, October 31st) noon-2 pm at Seacrest Park : “LINK staff and community partners will be on hand to provide free Bern brand helmets and fittings, educate riders about safe riding techniques, discount ride coupons, and provide e-scooter demonstrations and test rides.” LINK says the aforementioned “issues” are handled because the scooters’ system “continually monitors more than 140 sensors and self-detects vehicle problems like a loose cable or a faulty brake, correcting issues remotely or autonomously removing unsafe devices from service. (Also) On-board geofence technology that enhances real-time compliance with regulations such as speed limits and no-ride zones.” As with other such services, this one requires an app download to use.

13 Replies to "Another scooter-share provider launching in West Seattle: LINK"

  • Flo B October 30, 2020 (2:55 pm)

    Ahhh. More things parked on the sidewalk. My daily walks on Alki ave ALWAY’S include moveing a scooter or bike off the sidewalk. It’s almost as if lime tells people to leave them in the way.

    • Chemist October 30, 2020 (9:37 pm)

      Has Lime not implemented the permit’s required end-of-trip photo?  I’m kind of disappointed in SDOT’s not having communicated anything about this vendor prior to these being on the streets.  Contact info isn’t on their website.  Pricing isn’t available without the app, apparently.

      O4.4 Trip-End Photograph. (a) The Vendor shall require that all users take a photo of the parked device before ending a trip and implement strategies to compel users to take the required trip-end photo. The Vendor shall also provide instructions within the app that assure riders take Trip-End Photos that clearly show if a device is properly parked.

      • WSB October 30, 2020 (9:43 pm)

        Yes, they did announce this company from the start as one of the three who were cleared to seek permits. It was mentioned in our initial coverage and it’s in this announcement:

        P.S. As for the app part, that is a dismaying aspect of these companies – lack of transparency to the wider public, requiring use of a proprietary app to find info. They actually told me at one point in our exchanges today that if I downloaded the app that would show me how to find one for a photo op (although later in the same email the PR person then passed on info about two planned placement locations).

        • Chemist October 30, 2020 (10:13 pm)

          Yes, but they’re required to have a low-income access program and there’s no info about it on SDOT’s page.   On the plus side, if there is a parking issue the scooters “Link” is already in the pull-down menu for online reporting.

  • Kim October 30, 2020 (3:33 pm)

    This is so stupid!In the White Center Community there are tons of electric scooter every where on the sidewalk and sometimes they are in my way when I try to walk my 10 year old dog. I saw one in the street. Please get them out of Seattle and surrounding community. 

    • WSB October 30, 2020 (3:55 pm)

      The White Center scooters are a separate program – you can complain to King County about those.

  • Trogdor October 30, 2020 (7:39 pm)

    This is great! The more transportation options and people out of the cars the better. If people want these off sidewalks maybe we should designate a car parking spot on each block to these, surely more efficient use if space than a car that sits there not being used.

  • Sam5038 October 30, 2020 (9:16 pm)

    Why would they leave scooters in the ally behind people’s houses. So stupid. 

    • WSB October 30, 2020 (9:28 pm)

      What alley did you see scooters placed in?

    • Maria October 31, 2020 (12:33 am)

      If they are in an alley, it’s likely that some folks (neighbors or visitors) used them and ended their trip there.  Others who use these can find them there with the mobile apps since they are on GPS.  The host company will eventually gather them on their service rounds and relocate them to more visible access.  That’s how it’s supposed to work anyway.

  • flimflam October 31, 2020 (6:51 am)

    one was deposited in the middle of the sidewalk in front of my work place last week. i’m quite sure it wasn’t from a customer using it as there were zero on the block the day before – the morning i saw them there were a few strategically placed up the block. anyway, don’t just plop them down in the middle of a sidewalk, not like you can miss ’em.

  • WestJack October 31, 2020 (7:59 am)

    Dangerous and not environmentally  friendly. ‘traveling by scooter has a
    higher carbon footprint than going by bus or moped — as well as on a
    bike or on foot, according to Jeremiah Johnson, an associate professor
    at NCSU who led the research published in the Environmental Research
    Letters journal.
    of looking at scooter carbon footprint per journey, Johnson and his
    team looked at the entire lifecycle of scooters — crucial because they
    are notoriously short-lived, he says, with customers mistreating them.
    materials used to make the scooters — an aluminum frame, lithium
    battery and rubber wheels — all result in an environmental burden, he
    says. As does the manufacturing’

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