‘Walking from Canada to Florida to fight suicide’ – in one day

Ken King invites you to join him this Saturday in West Seattle:

I am walking from Canada to Florida to fight suicide.

You are welcome to join us on our 5-mile walk around Alki Beach on Saturday, Sept. 26th, 10:00 am.

This is a five-mile walk around Alki Beach, from SW Canada Drive & Beach Dr. SW, to SW Florida St. & Harbor Ave. SW. Each mile represents one year from when our son Simon died from suicide.

I want to commemorate Simon’s life by participating in the Seattle, Washington Out of the Darkness Walk, an event that raises money for suicide prevention research, education, survivor and awareness programs. I will be among hundreds of thousands of people walking in more than 300 cities across the country to send a message of hope to the world.

I am walking in the Out of the Darkness Walk, to raise awareness and let people know it is OK to talk about suicide and mental illness. I want to do my part to prevent this tragedy from happening in other families.

To help make a difference, you can click this link to visit my personal fundraising webpage and donate online. I encourage you to share this letter with other people who may want to lend their support as well.

That link goes to a social-media page but you can also donate via this page on the open web.

9 Replies to "'Walking from Canada to Florida to fight suicide' - in one day"

  • Max R. September 23, 2020 (2:53 pm)

    I am so sorry for your unimaginable loss. Donated and will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

    • Ken King September 23, 2020 (8:00 pm)

      Thank you Max for your support! 

  • Jeannie September 23, 2020 (6:11 pm)

    Although I won’t be able to join Ken on the walk, I made a donation. Please note that the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is rated 4 stars, the highest rating, by charitynavigator.org. Please take a few minutes to watch Ken’s video on his personal fundraising webpage. And then please join your West Seattle neighbors and donate – even if you can’t afford to give a lot.(I don’t know Ken, but the video was heartbreaking.)

    By the way, I just found out that donations are eligible for matching gifts.

    • Ken King September 23, 2020 (8:01 pm)

      Thank you so much for your support! 

  • ~Hockeywitch~ September 23, 2020 (9:48 pm)

    Hi Ken, I used to do the Out Of the Darkness Community walks every year for my own Suicide attempts and for a friend who took their own life, until MS took away my ability to actual do the walk. I continue to support though.. Meeting so many strong, amazing people at the walk is an incredible opportunity. You really realize you are not alone. I’m so sorry for the loss of your son.. He will be walking with you as you walk. I will happily donate to and share your fundraiser. Best of luck on the walk.

  • Andrea Saunders September 23, 2020 (9:50 pm)

    Will there be masks and social distancing at this event?

    • Ken King September 26, 2020 (3:10 pm)

      Yes, we wore masks and walked in household groups. 

  • Kathy September 26, 2020 (9:37 am)

    Ken, I can’t join the walk today but I am happy you seem to be having decent weather for it so far, I hope you get a good turnout. You have my deepest condolence for the loss of your son Simon. I donated. Thanks for marching for a worthy cause. Every time I hear a siren I shudder to think it could be another crisis tragically affecting a family. Been there with some near misses.

    • Ken King September 26, 2020 (3:09 pm)

      Thank you. We did it! We finished our walk and we raised $1,638 so far!Thanks to everyone that participated and supported us! We were able to talk with people along our walk and even encouraged someone that had thoughts of ending her life. Our fundraiser will continue until Oct. 11th so keep on sharing this and keep talking about suicide prevention.

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