FOLLOWUP: West Seattle’s police commander on staffing and more

Hours after interim Police Chief Adrian Diaz‘s media briefing about staffing changes, Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Kevin Grossman spoke with the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, online. He said he has no further details, yet, about how the 100 “redeployments” will affect his staffing levels, but of course he’s hopeful it means more officers headed this way. Right now, Capt. Grossman said, the precinct staff is 10 percent below what it was when he started, due to attrition – retirements, officers moving to other parts of the city, or moving to other cities’ departments. In addition, this precinct and the others all have to contribute to the “task forces” that deal with some of the ongoing protests on Capitol Hill. On another note, he and operations Lt. Sina Ebinger, who also was at the meeting (as was Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner), will not be regularly attending community meetings as they have since taking over two months ago. Grossman says he wants patrol officers to attend the meetings in the areas they cover, so they can build relationships. (That was part of the reason Chief Diaz cited on Wednesday for moving more officers into patrol.) A special focus of the Kiwanis’s community work is mentoring youth, particularly via Key Clubs, so some Q&A last night focused on that; Danner will be working to set up meetings where she and officers can talk with high-school and middle-school students and hear their concerns.

P.S. Another Kiwanis note – they’re expecting this year’s Pancake Breakfast, usually the first Saturday of December, to be a “virtual” event, so stand by for more on that.

17 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: West Seattle's police commander on staffing and more"

  • Jolie September 3, 2020 (1:52 pm)

    Can we now take care of the mind-bending chop shop over of by the West Seattle Health Club? Almost nightly (and I mean past midnight) I hear people screaming at the top of their lungs. This place is frightening.

    • CS September 3, 2020 (4:09 pm)

      I reported it in Find it Fix it. The more people who report it the more likely the city is to address it.

    • flimflam September 3, 2020 (4:40 pm)

      i wouldn’t get your hopes up unfortunately…

    • M September 3, 2020 (6:04 pm)

      I go to that gym. When the gym re-opened a month ago, I was shocked to see how bad it is.  It is never bern this bad. Maybe Dan Lehr can get more press coverage as this impacts our safety going to the gym.

    • Delridge September 4, 2020 (5:21 am)

      Can anyone elaborate on the chop shop situation a bit more? Forgive my ignorance here, it’s just that it’s in my area/neighborhood but I haven’t seen or heard anything weird going on near there. Thanks!

  • Long Time WS Resident September 3, 2020 (4:00 pm)

    Thanks Capt Grossman, Lt Sina Ebinger, and Coordinator Jennifer Danner for presenting; & WS Blog for covering this months Kiwanis on-line meeting.  Kiwanis works tirelessly to support our community one child at a time. 

  • JunctionResident September 3, 2020 (6:25 pm)

    Has anyone noticed the increase in individuals gathering in the Junction Plaza park across from QFC? Two days in a row I’ve almost stepped on needles while walking by after not seeing any for months. 

  • Lagartija Nick September 3, 2020 (6:29 pm)

    Chief Best’s response to budget cuts: “we’ll just close your precinct.”

    Chief Diaz’s response to budget cuts: “we’ll reorganize so we have more patrol officers and lower response times.” 

    • Michael Hock September 3, 2020 (7:49 pm)

      “More patrol officers” is so wildly not the ask.

      • Lagartija Nick September 4, 2020 (10:25 am)

        You’re right of course, but my point was more that Best used fear mongering to cause division and delegitimize the defund movement. Diaz’s wasn’t.

    • Barton September 4, 2020 (11:09 am)

      Sure.  Sounds good.  I’ll believe it when I see it – easy words to say, harder to do.

  • Diazisnobetter September 3, 2020 (7:28 pm)

    So if I read the article correctly, West Seattle is down officers (who might otherwise be able to respond to the chop shop) because the chief wants them to drive around Capitol HIll at 1 AM with sirens blaring, and then come back the next morning to forcibly remove people who have no where to go and who pose no threat.  And when they’re done they have to stay to eat the food that they have stolen from the homeless.Tell me again why we should continue to fund SPD at current levels?

    • flimflam September 3, 2020 (8:41 pm)

      so, to summarize, you really believe the police are stealing and eating “food for the homeless”??seriously?

      • Michael Hock September 3, 2020 (9:52 pm)

        It’s on video, dude.

      • Joe Z September 3, 2020 (9:57 pm)

        Uhhhh….it was pretty obvious what they were doing on the video. They were definitely eating the food that was for the homeless after the sweep. 

  • CheeseWS777 September 4, 2020 (10:01 am)

    Still nobody will elaborate on the probably non existent chop shop? They are an eye sore and an obnoxious bunch of people but unless you can com up with som evidence of that then wtf. It shouldnt b hard to come up with something real to complaain about

  • CheeseWS777 September 4, 2020 (11:13 pm)

    So no chop shop then? Maybe only a few people who are spending to much time on the internet…

Sorry, comment time is over.