Tonight’s pandemic toplines:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here’s today’s daily summary from Public Health – the cumulative countywide totals:
*21.533 people have tested positive, 74 more than yesterday’s total*
*753 people have died, 5 more than yesterday’s total*
*2,324 people have been hospitalized, 11 more than yesterday’s total
*The “more than yesterday’s total” calculations are ours, compared to our report of what the dashboard showed 24 hours earlier, and these two calculations differ from what the dashboard shows, unexplained
**No testing totals tonight; this IS explained, attributed to incomplete results from “a data systems error” that’s expected to be remedied tomorrow.
One week ago, the totals were 20.931/743/2,305/401,635.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.
UTILITY RELIEF: The city wants to remind you that it’s still available.
‘STAY HEALTHY BLOCKS’: The city has announced community groups and nonprofits can apply for temporary permits “to temporarily close blocks to thru-traffic for increased access to outdoor recreation space and improved mental health.” Non-arterials only. Full details here.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!