Here’s what the Coast Guard is doing off West Seattle

(Photo sent by Vicki)

2:31 PM: Thanks to everybody who’s been asking about the U.S. Coast Guard helicopter and vessel off west-facing West Seattle. We just talked with the duty officer at USCG District 13 public affairs and he says they don’t have anything search/rescue going on in this area, so as far as he knows, it’s training, which is common on Sundays “to get their hours in” when nothing else is going on.

3:21 PM: Over now. (We went down to see if we could catch a photo, but no luck.)

6:16 PM: Thanks to Jamie Kinney for the video.

1 Reply to "Here's what the Coast Guard is doing off West Seattle"

  • Patrick Dwyer May 18, 2020 (8:22 pm)

    When stationed in Long Beach California in 1969 As a coxswain on a 40 footer, 40414, We trained with a helicopter above me, practicing dropping a litter and simulating picking up someone off the small boat. So it’s nothing new, just living up to our motto,  Always ready.

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