WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: From the bridge to the sidewalk

Friday night birding …

GREAT BLUE ON THE BRIDGE: In case you missed that photo posted by James Riley in a comment on Thursday morning, it remains our favorite photo so far this week. The Great Blue Heron was taking advantage of the traffic-free West Seattle Bridge

THE WEST SEATTLE TURKEY HEADS NORTH: Not to be outdone, TWST also posed with a street sign today. Kat sent that photo from Admiral. The Turkey ranged into North Admiral during the day:

Jesse and Dawson Rogers sent that photo after a sighting at 44th/Seattle. Betty saw TWST one block west of there:

PLEASANT PHEASANT: Seen on Genesee Hill again, the Golden Pheasant:

Thanks to Eddie for the photo. westseattleblog@gmail.com if YOU have a sighting to share!

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: From the bridge to the sidewalk"

  • JW April 3, 2020 (9:02 pm)

           I love the turkey 🦃  the pictures always make me smile and these days who couldn’t use a smile

  • Janelle April 3, 2020 (9:03 pm)

    Always love the bird posts, thanks!

    UW is asking for help tracking bird behavior during covid-19 and social distancing…


    • WSB April 3, 2020 (9:13 pm)

      Just saw that on Twitter. Going to look for the source page shortly.

  • John April 3, 2020 (10:30 pm)

    The Golden Pheasant has been hanging around our house for many years. I have pictures of him dating back at least 5 years if not more. The neighbor kids call him “Freddy”. Lately he has become a bit testy and wants to fight with me but he doesn’t bother my wife.

  • Mj April 4, 2020 (8:11 am)

    AT your looking well fed.  You have extended your range and look like you are looking for a partner.  STAY HEALTHY

  • Erin98126 April 4, 2020 (8:54 am)

    I think we should get the turkey a friend. She looks lonely!

  • Janelle April 4, 2020 (12:07 pm)

    I see what you mean Erin… in fact, all these birds are looking a bit lonely right now to me. Perhaps they are missing the usual activity in the world? Maybe I’m just anthropomorphizing?

    While we’re expressing concern for these birds…I’ve been wondering about our city birds, like crows, pigeons, and seagulls…

    It seems like they depend somewhat on our scraps and trash on the streets for food, which is generated from people being out and about. With our current situation and staying home, will there be enough scraps out there for these birds?

    Maybe a good pastime right now would be going outside and feeding birds (while social distancing of course ;)

  • Jethro Marx April 4, 2020 (1:38 pm)

    The birds are fine; yes you are anthropomorphizing. Every time any person ever said, “we should go feed those wild animals, because…” it was a bad idea for both parties. Still the case.

    • Janelle April 4, 2020 (4:14 pm)

      Bet I could find some crows that would disagree with you ;)

      I’m talking about feeding birds here, not bears…

      I don’t think tossing out some bird seed these days would be a bad thing, and some people might enjoy it. 

      But you’re probably right about the birds being fine, they will figure out the changes and adapt.

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