FYI: Governor’s next briefing @ 2:30 pm today

Less than a week left in the stay-home order as our state awaits formal word on whether it will be extended. Gov. Inslee‘s office has just announced his next media briefing for 2:30 pm today, and that he “will be joined by Vice Admiral Dr. Raquel Bono, director of Washington state COVID-19 health care response, Kathy Lofy, state health officer, and Katherine Guest, deputy intelligence section chief for the Washington State Emergency Operations Center.” It’ll be streamed via TVW, and we’ll carry it too.

2 Replies to "FYI: Governor's next briefing @ 2:30 pm today"

  • WS Business owner April 29, 2020 (1:24 pm)

    I really wish the governor would understand how this delay in getting us information stymies businesses. He needs to let us know more than a few days in advance that we will either stay closed or be able to reopen. Businesses need time to get their employees scheduled, their customer areas cleaned, order product, and make adjustments to how they will be able to do business, as I am sure there will be needed modifications. 4 days is not enough time, if by chance we can start on the 4th. Plus, every time he makes a change, sales drop off. So I hope he doesn’t make daily changes like he did at the beginning. Just make a decision and stick to it. And get it to us in a timely manner. – end of rant

  • James Walker April 30, 2020 (3:58 am)

    So you are somehow expecting everything to go back to the old normal?   Do you expect people to rush back in?  It’s been pretty clear for a while that the 4th wasn’t a reprieve.   Give it a year.  

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