Cleanup, candidates, more for your West Seattle Monday

(Hawk meets ‘owl,’ photo by Mark Dale)

A few highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

CITY COUNCIL TALKS POLICE BUDGET, CRIMINAL JUSTICE: 2:30 pm at City Hall, as the council’s second level of budget review continues – see the agenda here. Public comment period included; livestreamed at Seattle Channel. (600 4th Ave.)

DUWAMISH RIVER CLEANUP CATCHUP: Something to say about the ongoing cleanup operation in our area’s only river? Interested in catching up on what’s happened so far? 5 pm at South Park Community Center, be there. Child care, refreshments, interpretation available. (8319 8th Ave. S.)

CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES: Arrowhead Gardens hosts a forum with Lisa Herbold and Phil Tavel, 6 pm, public welcome. In the community room on the east side of the complex. (9200 2nd SW)

FREE IMPROV CLASS: 7 pm at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse with Play It Out – details and RSVP info here. (9131 California SW)

3 TRIVIA/QUIZ NIGHTS: We have listings for these three Monday night options!
*Best of Hands Barrelhouse (7500 35th SW), 7 pm, $2/person, 21+
*The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 7:30 pm, free, all ages
*Parliament Tavern (4210 SW Oregon), 8 pm, $2/person, 21+

MUCH MORE ... for all ages; browse our complete calendar!

5 Replies to "Cleanup, candidates, more for your West Seattle Monday"

  • emcat8 October 21, 2019 (12:22 pm)

    Oh, what an adorable photo!

    • WSB October 21, 2019 (1:25 pm)

      I know, needs a caption, like: “Imposter!”

  • Graciano October 21, 2019 (3:38 pm)

    Or whooo there when I say whooo there!

  • flimflam October 21, 2019 (4:33 pm)

    great photo!

  • sbre October 21, 2019 (8:01 pm)

    Whoooo you looking at?!!

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