WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Drugs seized after warrant served

(Added: Reader photo from early this morning)

We got a few questions today about what appeared to be a warrant service in High Point early this morning. Tonight this SPD post confirms that’s indeed what it was:

Major Crimes Task Force Detectives are making our neighborhoods safer by seizing heroin, methampheatmine, and fentanyl from a suspected drug dealer.

During the course of an ongoing criminal investigation, and with the assistance of SWAT officers, Major Crimes Task Force detectives served a search warrant this morning in the 6300 block of 34th Avenue SW.

Officers arrested their target, a 47-year-old man, and booked him into King County Jail.

In addition to securing a bottle of liquid fentanyl, detectives collected 64.7 grams of heroin and 5.7 grams of methamphetamine.

This remains an active and ongoing criminal investigation.

The suspect remains in jail. We’re looking into his record.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Drugs seized after warrant served"

  • just wondering September 19, 2019 (7:46 pm)


  • M September 19, 2019 (8:01 pm)

    So glad to see them making these kinds of arrest. Thank you! To see what those drugs are doing to our community and the people that are dying, while trying to profit off of it is just pure evil. 

  • Apotheosis September 19, 2019 (9:21 pm)

    Thank you SPD!

  • Beto September 19, 2019 (10:47 pm)

    One less criminal off the streets…that’s always a good thing.

  • flimflam September 20, 2019 (8:27 am)

    nice work, now the big question – will the guy actually serve a sentence of any length or will he been handled gently and get some “drug diversion” alternative? 

    • WSB September 20, 2019 (10:16 am)

      I’ll follow the case as best I can. I have the name so that’s a start (and will publish it if and when he is charged). Looks like he has past convictions including drugs, burglary, theft dating as far back as adolescence. – TR

    • Alex S. September 20, 2019 (5:13 pm)

      If it’s the guy I see on the King County Jail register, chances are he will be let out soon thanks to the extra-lenient hug-a-thug drug court system.  The guy I saw on the register has been arrested FIVE TIME in the last year – for selling drugs.  He gets out in a matter of days or weeks, then never shows up for treatment, hearings, etc. One question I have: is the public subsidizing his illegal activities through public housing?  It used to be that if you’re dealing drugs from public property, you don’t get to live there anymore.  Just like every other law or rule that used to actually provide consequences for destructive, illegal activities, I would imagine the Seattle Housing Authority is fine looking the other way when serial criminals like this get arrested for the umpteenth time

      • WSB September 20, 2019 (6:06 pm)

        Don’t know who you’re looking at but this suspect has no recent KCJ bookings showing for the past year-plus. His bail was set today at $50,000 and I will be writing a followup a bit later.

        • WSB September 20, 2019 (8:25 pm)

          To the housing point, the probable-cause superform suggests he lives at Stewart Manor but also lists a Snoqualmie address as “last known address.” But toward the end of the doc, explaining why they checked “yes” on the standard question “Does law enforcement object to release?”, the report says the suspect “is losing his housing and he will be difficult to locate in the event he does not make his court dates.” Haven’t seen that one before. Still writing followup.

          • Alex S. September 23, 2019 (11:26 am)

            As always, thanks for the follow-up.  You guys are one of the few news outlets which actually do this – it benefits all of us much more when we find out what actually happens after the initial headlines quickly become history. 

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