West Seattle’s C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) has been the setting for countless conversations. This one had an audience, as 34th District State Sen. Joe Nguyen hosted State Attorney General Bob Ferguson on Saturday afternoon. Their half-hour chat was a fundraiser for the senator but it wasn’t a rally or pep talk – instead, he interviewed Ferguson, with many questions centered on the attorney general’s dozens of lawsuits against the Trump Administration, including what it was like to file the first one:
Taking on the White House landed Ferguson on TIME‘s 2017 most-influential list. He talked about that too.
They also discussed how the AG’s office interacts from the Legislature, and how there’s more bipartisan work in Olympia than you might think. (Both are Democrats.) We counted about 30 people in attendance:
Among those on hand: Sen. Nguyen’s mom, who prepared food for the occasion:
The senator joked that his mom’s cooking was probably a bigger draw than the chance to watch two elected officials chat.