Camp Second Chance’s future: Community Advisory Committee meeting September 7

When the Community Advisory Committee for city-sanctioned West Seattle encampment Camp Second Chance met earlier this month (WSB coverage here), they expected the city would call a wider community meeting about C2C’s future, so they canceled the September committee meeting. But now it’s back on – a week later than usual – because the city so far hasn’t organized a wider community meeting. So the CAC meeting (usually on 1st Sundays, but that falls during the holiday weekend) is set for 2 pm Saturday, September 7th, with this focus: “This month we will have representatives present from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and the Human Services Department providing a status on the permit for Camp Second Chance.” (Its previously announced six-month extension is about to expire.) The committee will meet in the usual location, the Arrowhead Gardens (9200 2nd SW) community room, all welcome.

7 Replies to "Camp Second Chance's future: Community Advisory Committee meeting September 7"

  • Question Authority August 29, 2019 (7:10 pm)

    Let it expire and replace the padlock that was illegally cut to gain access to City property.  I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but we are all equal under the law and blatant favoritism doesn’t sit well with the taxpaying public.

  • Linda August 29, 2019 (7:58 pm)

    Question Authority–you said it best!

  • 1994 August 29, 2019 (8:38 pm)

    Time for the camp to close because the longer it lingers the higher the expectations grow from long term campers that it should be permanent. All the funds poured into the camp could have been better spent supporting real housing.  Merriam- Webster:

    Definition of camp

     (Entry 1 of 6)1aa place usually away from urban areas where tents or simple buildings (such as cabins) are erected for shelter or for temporary residence (as for laborers, prisoners, or vacationers)

    • Sheryl August 29, 2019 (8:53 pm)

      The purpose of Camp Second Chance is to create transitional housing.  In fact they have the greatest success rate of any camp in the city for getting people placed in housing, back to work and transitioning out of homelessness.

  • KBear August 29, 2019 (8:40 pm)

    Interesting how “Question Authority”… doesn’t. 

    • Question Authority August 29, 2019 (9:36 pm)

      Actually I do, by questioning the authority of the authorities who violate their own rules about trespassing.

  • C2C resident August 31, 2019 (5:06 pm)

    I don’t see any reason why C2C has to leave the neighborhood.  They have greatly improved that area on Myers way and got alot of residence there housing more than any encampment. Not to mention it would cost a lot of money from the city to move them to a new location.

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