Earlier, we published a reminder that the Sound Transit Board meets tomorrow afternoon downtown to decide which West Seattle-to-Ballard light-rail routing/station-location proposals should go into environmental studies. As you might recall from our coverage of the board’s System Expansion Committee meeting two weeks ago, there was some disagreement about whether to designate “preferred alternatives” at all for parts of the line, including The Junction. Tonight, at least two proposals some board members are circulating would propose these “preferred alternative” (without and with extra $) for The Junction and vicinity:
West Seattle (Avalon / and Junction)
Preferred Alternative
Elevated stations – Avalon station in vicinity of SW Genesee Street, SW Avalon Way and 35th Avenue SW. Turns southwest on Fauntleroy Way SW with elevated Alaska Junction station options oriented north/south and staying east of the Alaska Junction on Fauntleroy and in the vicinity of 41st /42nd Avenue SW. (To be determined)Preferred Alternative with Third Party Funding
Tunnel station – Avalon station in vicinity of SW Genesee Street, SW Avalon Way and 35th Avenue SW. Turns southwest with tunnel Alaska Junction station options oriented north-south in the vicinity of 41st Avenue SW and 42nd Avenue SW. Based on current information, these alternatives would require additional third-party funding. (To be determined)
The proposals – all by board members from outside Seattle – include concern that waiting until after environmental studies to determine these (and some other) “preferred alternatives” could add a year and a half to the timeline. (They were forwarded to West Seattle community advocates by a representative from the office of Mayor Jenny Durkan, who is an ST board member.) Again, as detailed in our preview earlier, the meeting is 1:30-5 pm Thursday at the downtown board room (401 S. Jackson), with a public-comment period toward the start.