HAPPENING NOW: Explorer West Middle School students out to ‘Change the World’ today

We took and tweeted that photo from across the California/Admiral intersection before we realized it was part of an event already on our coverage slate for today – Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor) students’ Community Service Day, including eighth-graders out raising awareness as part of their “Change the World Project” work. We subsequently found these two groups in The Junction:

Other groups are/have been at Alki Beach and the Fauntleroy ferry dock. While the “Change the World Project” is a uniquely 8th-grade endeavor at EWMS, students in other grades are working on community service, social-studies teacher Tim Owens tells us – 6th-graders removing invasive plants at Seola Park, 7th-graders with various activities at Camp Long.

5 Replies to "HAPPENING NOW: Explorer West Middle School students out to 'Change the World' today"

  • Popsy May 8, 2019 (5:42 pm)

    The kids are alright 

  • Carl May 8, 2019 (9:29 pm)

    This is so disheartening. I’m a police officer in West Seattle and by and large, this community loves us and we love you. To see a sign like that kid on the right is holding is so insulting. I’ve risked my life for you people on so many occasions and you repay us by brainwashing your kids into believing they live in a police state where there is no accountability. The SPD is regulated, when it comes to use of force, by so many redundant levels of review, from the initial sergeant, up the precinct chain of command, over to another chain of command in several units, depending on the severity of the force used (Force Investigation Team or Force Review Board) to OPA, and body cameras, to the  oversight of the federal government, to the watchful eye of the media, who request our videos daily. To say that Seattle is a department that commits ‘brutality’ is both sad and ignorant. To have a brainwashed child stand there with his sign, as if he had the first clue as to what he was talking about, makes me want to lateral to Bellevue. Good work Seattle…

    • Steve May 9, 2019 (12:51 am)

      Carl it’s everywhere man. It’ll be in Bellevue too. No matter where you go. Most of us are thankful for the work and sacrifice put in by the police force. From me and my family trust me when I say “Thank You.”

    • AliAlki May 9, 2019 (3:45 pm)

      Carl thank you for your hard work and dedication it is appreciated. I like to believe what Steve said is accurate and that most people in our community are thankful for our dedicated and hardworking police force.

  • Westie May 9, 2019 (11:17 pm)

    I am impressed these kids went out in the community to canvas for causes that were important to them as a learning experience.  I can imagine they learned quite a bit first hand what it takes to advocate for something not only in an echo chamber of those who agree but also among neighbors who may have alternate opinions.  I would think a big take away is that in a civil society we can discuss these controversial topics and that raising a voice AND listening leads to greater understanding.  Contrary to what we hear and read a lot online today, opinions don’t have to live only in opposing extremes.  It is possible to support local police AND be concerned about incidences of police brutality.  Hopefully as adults we can give kids the space to learn without judgement.  I’m sure West Seattle was very kind to them.  And, I bet it would be great if local police officers spoke with students to tell their truth from their point of view. 

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