UPDATE: Driver hits drugstore at Westwood Village

6:42 PM: That crash is the reason for a sizable emergency response at Westwood Village. Police tell us early indications are that the driver lost control of the car for some reason while heading toward the Rite-Aid store, and ran into it. Two people were being checked out by medics. The store is closed for now because there’s some cleanup to do inside.

6:49 PM: SFD tells us two female patients will be taken to the hospital by private ambulance, which indicates neither has major injuries.

6:58 PM: SFD’s technical-rescue crew is evaluating the scene, which is likely to be blocked off for a while.

8:26 PM: Just went back to check. Car’s gone; store remains closed.

14 Replies to "UPDATE: Driver hits drugstore at Westwood Village"

  • HelperMonkey March 8, 2019 (6:46 pm)

    LOL at the bumper sticker. Hope everyone’s ok. 

    • WSB March 8, 2019 (7:03 pm)

      We don’t know whether this was a driving lesson in progress or not – this didn’t appear to be a driving-school vehicle, no signage besides that sticker. The scene’s a little chaotic still.

    • Jane March 8, 2019 (10:12 pm)

      Thanks for pointing this out. I’d not have looked. Irony. 

  • uncle loco March 8, 2019 (7:03 pm)

    “driver lost control of the car for some reason” I’ll take a wild guess and say it was an inexperienced driver. Glad there was no major injuries.

  • Mj March 8, 2019 (10:21 pm)

    I was not aware this drugstore had drive up service, good there were no serious injuries.

  • ZD March 8, 2019 (10:32 pm)

    On the bright side there is a new drive thru pharmacy.

    • AMD March 9, 2019 (7:53 am)

      This store actually does have a drive through on the other side…

  • I didnt make this stuff up March 8, 2019 (11:07 pm)

    The story directly following this one is titled:

    YOU CAN HELP! Volunteer drivers sought, because ‘rides change lives’

    Can’t make this stuff up.

  • anonyme March 9, 2019 (6:54 am)

    Especially weird given that the parking area at this corner is surrounded by barriers.  Hard to imagine someone getting up to that speed in such a restricted location.

  • D March 9, 2019 (11:28 am)

    i thought at first it was a drunk driver until reading the bumper sticker.  

  • skeeter March 9, 2019 (12:24 pm)

    As a bicyclist and pedestrian this sort of thing scares me so much.  Self-driving cars can’t come soon enough. 

  • Anthony Medeiros March 9, 2019 (1:35 pm)

    So I had just walked through the path that vehicle took 12 seconds before the collision. I was entering my car when I heard the screech and horrific bang of the car hitting the building. A man had been sorting his purchases and opening a cola RIGHT where the car would have hit him if he hadn’t sidestepped, dropping his McDonald’s bag on the crumpled hood of the smashed Corolla. The driver jumped out and ran to the passenger side  and opened the door where another young woman was concussed by the air bag. Then a man rushed up with a little girl by the hand. He said he was the brother and was determined to remove the passenger from the car. So I helped him and put my jacket under her head as we laid her down on the concrete. A young woman who was on the phone with 911 said she was a doctor and td us not to move her again. Other people put their coats on tbe passenger to keep her warm. The litte girl was crying quietly. The driver had gone back to walkway on tbe other side and laid down and seemed unresponsive too. A policeman arrived within The first 4 minutes. Then many more (4+) police cars and 2 fire engines. Within another 10 minutes both women had revived and the EMTs had the passenger on a backboard stretcher. Still, all the damage and the possibility of serious injury to the passenger, the emotional trauma to the family, and the near (fatal?) injury to the pedestrian was a reality that stays with me.

    • Mike March 10, 2019 (10:53 am)

      He said he was the brother and was determined to remove the passenger from the car. So I helped him and put my jacket under her head as we laid her down on the concrete.”  OMG!  That’s the worst thing you can do unless the car is on fire.  DO NOT move people after an accident.  If they had neck injuries or any problems with their spine, you can kill a person by moving them if not hurt them worse.   

    • Rob Reiter March 11, 2019 (7:19 am)

      Anthony –Thank you for getting your experiences down so quickly and so completely.  Storefront crashes happen 60 times per day in the U.S. — imagine this being repeated and repeated day after day after day, 20,000 times per year.  That’s the reality.Please see http://www.storefrontsafety.org/I hope you will click on the “contact us” link so that we can document this incident and your observations –I am sure that Rite Aid management is not yet aware of the incident, but soon will be.

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