HELPING OTHERS STAY WARM: West Seattle Eagles’ coat/blanket drive announced; results of Dave Newman State Farm’s holiday drive

Just as the snow begins – two notes about helping others stay safe and warm:

WEST SEATTLE EAGLES’ DRIVE: The West Seattle Eagles are starting a donation drive to collect coats and blankets for those in need. Drop donations off any time they’re open, 4426 California SW. (But not until you can get there safely!)

DAVE NEWMAN STATE FARM AGENCY DRIVE RESULTS: Gratitude for holiday-season donors:

That’s Jannylee from the Dave Newman State Farm Insurance Agency (WSB sponsor) office, which sent this update:

Thanks, West Seattle!

The West Seattle Helpline annual clothing drive has once again been a big success! This year’s donations from generous friends and neighbors allow the West Seattle Helpline to assist local citizens at a critical time of year.

The clothing drive at Dave Newman State Farm Agency happens every year in December and January. This year marked the most donations we have ever received – THANKS, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. And thanks to volunteers like lifelong West Seattle resident Rodger Tanner, who not only volunteers with the clothing drive every year but also assists the Helpline with facilities, maintenance and equipment.

Watch for the clothing drive at the end of this year – December and January are hard cold months for many citizens.

1 Reply to "HELPING OTHERS STAY WARM: West Seattle Eagles' coat/blanket drive announced; results of Dave Newman State Farm's holiday drive"

  • Donator February 10, 2019 (7:24 am)

    I’d like to donate! Womens, kids coats as well? Or just mens?

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