In West Seattle Crime Watch, three notes, starting with a followup:

STOLEN CHEROKEE RECOVERED: If you read the comments, you’ll know this case of a student’s stolen white Jeep Cherokee was resolved. We followed up with police, and here’s what they say happened: Thursday afternoon at about 1:43 pm, a Parking Enforcement officer spotted a vehicle identified as stolen, around 37th/Cloverdale, and it was the stolen Cherokee. Someone was inside. A patrol officer was sent. It had left the area but other officers spotted it near California/Myrtle, where, after officers tried to stop the vehicle, the driver turned around in a dead-end and “rammed an SPD patrol vehicle and was last seen SB on California Ave SW from SW Myrtle.” The officer in the police car was not hurt. The stolen Cherokee was subsequently found, empty, still running, open door, punched ignition, in the 8800 block of 36th SW; its bumper (reader photo above) was at the scene of the collision. The Cherokee was taken to the SPD processing room to be checked for prints.

PACKAGE THEFT: Kevin reported this happened around 10:10 am Friday: “A package was stolen off my front porch in north of The Junction on SW Andover. It was a Black Audi Sedan with tinted windows. I watched a white male in his 40s-50s that was heavy set, maybe 5’7″-5’11,” gray hair and white stubble on face, wearing black jeans and a black hoodie at the time, run into the back seat of the car and take off. Just giving a heads up this holiday season. The license plate # (started with CLG).”

CAR BREAK-IN ATTEMPT: Seanelle says this also happened Friday morning on Delridge Way SW (but no block or cross-street mentioned): “We found the driver’s-side handle of my sister’s 2016 Hyundai Accent on the ground beside her vehicle. It appears someone tried and failed to break into her car, although completely breaking the key hole and removing the handle with no additional attempts or vandalism. Sending as a crime watch for fellow West Seattle residents.”

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 notes"

  • McGruff December 22, 2024 (9:44 pm)

    Seriously, zero comments to any one of these stories? 

    • Brian December 23, 2024 (8:54 am)

      “There goes the neighborhood!””It wasn’t like this when I moved here in 1977!””I’m moving next week. Thanks for NOTHING.”That work?

  • sgs December 23, 2024 (11:38 am)

    Ah, c’mon, let’s have a little grace for folks and their online comments especially this time of year.Ok here’s a comment:   if I knew anything about cars and was 40 years younger, I’d reach out to this student and help fix the car.  Hope he is back behind the wheel soon!

Sorry, comment time is over.