West Seattle’s historic murals: Here’s how you can help save the rest of them

(WSB photo, April 2018)

The Mosquito Fleet mural on the east side of the city-landmark Campbell Building is next up for restoration in the finally launched project to restore all of West Seattle’s historic murals; it’ll be restored by muralist Bob Henry, who recently brought the Morgan Junction mural back to life. While the campaign to save all the Murals of West Seattle has a good start to the necessary funding – thanks to Adah Rhodes Cruzen‘s gift and to the West Seattle Garden Tour, among others – community contributions are requested, too, and that fundraising campaign has officially launched. This video tells the story:

(Video by This Is It Video Production)
More backstory on the murals and the restoration campaign – plus your options for contributing – can be found here.

1 Reply to "West Seattle's historic murals: Here's how you can help save the rest of them"

  • SaraB August 6, 2018 (4:35 pm)

    I’ve always loved the murals, and I’m excited to contribute towards their restoration/upkeep. 

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