Pearl & Jam appear on West Seattle shore as Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network recruits for final 2018 training

Meet Pearl and Jam. David Hutchinson – who photographed them Sunday – reports that Jam was Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network‘s “first new harbor seal pup of the 2018 season,” resting with mom Pearl “on a rock just offshore from one of our local beaches. … If you see them at any of our West Seattle beaches, please keep back, keep people and pets away, and call the Seal Sitters’ Hotline at 206-905-SEAL (7325).” Meantime, he shared this announcement:


Seal Sitters is a member of NOAA’s West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network. We are responsible for responding to any marine mammal on West Seattle beaches from Brace Point through the Duwamish River including Harbor Island.

All new volunteers are required to take a 2-hour training session. Our last training of 2018 will be held in the front meeting room at the Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds (MAP), on Saturday, August 25th from 10 AM – Noon. This will be followed by a short Q&A opportunity. Topics covered will include: The Marine Mammal Protection Act, life in a harbor seal rookery, what is Seal Sitters’ role in NOAA’s network, information on the most common marine mammals in our local waters, your role as a volunteer in a challenging urban environment. Also discussed will be volunteer opportunities as a hotline operator, first responder, and scheduler.

IF YOU DON’T LIVE IN WEST SEATTLE – While all the different groups operating in Puget Sound are part of NOAA’s Network, each group functions separately and provides its own training. Our training would only qualify you to volunteer within the area mentioned above.

If you plan on attending, an RSVP is required. Please include in your email the full names of everyone who will be attending. If any of these are minors, include their ages. A parent or guardian must accompany all minors to the training and when they are on the beach. Seating is limited, so be sure to register early to reserve your place.


5 Replies to "Pearl & Jam appear on West Seattle shore as Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network recruits for final 2018 training"

  • Kersti E. Muul August 14, 2018 (8:49 am)

    So adorable.*What’s so exciting about this is that this is the first time a mom and pup have been spotted together since the establishment of seal sitters!

  • Highland Park August 14, 2018 (9:48 am)

    Thanks for the good news and beautiful picture.

  • David Hutchinson August 14, 2018 (10:17 am)

    Just want to stress the importance of people and pets keeping a good distance from this mom and pup.

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    On Sunday, Jam was observed
    nursing so it is extremely important that they be given plenty of space. If people and/or
    dogs get too close, Pearl could be frightened away, abandoning her pup, and Jam
    would not survive. Also, a gentle reminder that dogs are not permitted on Seattle Parks beaches, off or on a leash. This is harbor seal “pupping season” in our area and you may encounter a vulnerable young pup using any of our local beaches.

  • TJ August 14, 2018 (7:48 pm)

    Huge population boom in seals and sea lions. Too bad the southern resident orcas can’t adapt and change their diet to these, who voraciously eat and decimate local salmon 

  • RickWS August 15, 2018 (5:16 pm)

    TJ,You aren’t sentimental enough to be in Seattle.   That’s  Natural Selection:  it is verboten in Seattle

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