NIGHT OUT: What you need to know with 6 days to go

August 1, 2018 1:51 pm
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 |   Safety | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

Less than a week until Night Out – next Tuesday is the night when neighborhoods around the nation have block/building/etc. parties to celebrate community and safety. We checked in with Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Danner, who says 266 Night Out events are registered so far in our area (still the second-highest total in the city, though SW is the smallest precinct). If you want to close a (non-arterial) street and/or request a Night Out visit by public-safety personnel, register your event ASAP (you have until Monday afternoon, but why procrastinate?) – just go here. If you’re already registered, that page is also where you can download invitations, street-closure signs, and other Night Out collateral.

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