month : 07/2018 333 results

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit plans soil sampling on Pigeon Point

July 17, 2018 11:56 am
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11:56 AM: Thanks to Pete Spalding for sending a copy of that flyer circulated on Pigeon Point by Sound Transit. As it says, ST’s ongoing planning for West Seattle light rail will bring crews to PP for two to three days, starting as soon as tomorrow, for soil sampling. Options under consideration for West Seattle light-rail routing include either skirting around Pigeon Point or tunneling under it; ST reps talked with residents at the Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council‘s meeting last month (WSB coverage here). At that meeting, asked where a Pigeon Point tunnel would end at the surface to the west, ST reps said “around Genesee/Delridge,” which explains the sampling location [map].

WHAT’S NEXT IN THE PROCESS: The project’s Stakeholder Advisory Group met again last night; most of the agenda was non-West Seattle-related. (Meeting docs are not yet online but if you’re interested, we’ve obtained the draft slide decks for the SODO alternatives [11 MB PDF] and Chinatown/ID alternatives [10 MB PDF] that comprised most of the discussion last night.) The SAG’s next scheduled meeting is September 5th; the Elected Leadership Group is scheduled to meet this Thursday, 2-4 pm, at the Sound Transit board room (401 S. Jackson). The recommendation for routes/station locations to advance to the third and final review phase is expected in fall.

ADDED 4:14 PM: The full presentation from last night’s stakeholder meeting – including slides from the technical briefing looking at issues with water crossings (such as the bridge that is to be built across the Duwamish River) – is now online.

West Seattle Tuesday: WS Big Band Concert in the Park; ‘Unplugged!’; more…

July 17, 2018 11:09 am
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Busy day already, so before it gets any busier, here are the highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WADING POOLS: Open today! In West Seattle, that means Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), 11 am-8 pm, and Delridge (Genesee/Delridge), noon-6:30 pm.

MOBILE BIKE REPAIRS: Second BikeWorks session of the summer – free or reduced-price bicycle repairs on the driveway behind Neighborhood House High Point, 2-4:30 pm. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

DELRIDGE GROCERY FARMSTAND: Your next chance to buy farm-fresh produce from the Delridge Grocery Coop is 3-7 pm at the farmstand at the Shell across from DGC’s future store. (5441 Delridge Way SW)

SHAKE THE ROOM! 6 pm at High Point Library: “Shake up your body and expand your mind with beats and melodies from around the world. People of all ages are invited to learn about the natural world, experiment with new languages and create a spontaneous community jam session with Eli Rosenblatt’s high-energy blend of sounds from all over the globe.” (3411 SW Raymond)

WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE: The 11’s play their next state-tournament game tonight. WSLL shared this photo of the team with the marquee put up by Easy Street Records during Summer Fest (as shown in our as-it-happened festival coverage):

Their next game is tonight at 6:30 pm at PacWest in SeaTac. (14653 16th Ave S.)
CONCERT IN THE PARK: 7 pm tonight, be on the east lawn at Hiawatha for the West Seattle Big Band Concert in the Park (co-sponsored by WSB)! Free & fun – great music and a great way to stay cool. Here’s our detailed preview. (Walnut/Lander)

UNPLUGGED! Acoustic musicians and singers of all genres are welcome at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7 pm. (5612 California SW)

Got something for the calendar? Please send info via e-mail – – thank you!

West Seattle power outage: South end of Harbor Island

10:31 AM: A 78-customer power outage that stretches eastward across the Duwamish River is affecting south Harbor Island. Thanks for the call that tipped us to this – the screengrab above is from the Seattle City Light outage map. No word yet on the cause.

11:52 AM: Mary reports in comments that the power’s back on; the City Light map indeed shows the outage is over. We’re checking on the cause.

VIDEO: Carmen Best announced as Seattle Police Chief

(10:34 am: Clicking “play” should take you to the archived video of what was a live feed from announcement at City Hall)

9:47 AM: Ten days after she was announced as back in the running for the permanent job, Interim Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best is about to get it. That’s according to a media advisory from the mayor’s office, which says Mayor Durkan will make the announcement at 10 am. We’ll add the official news release when it’s available.

10:12 AM: We have the live announcement going in a stream from City Hall above right now. Durkan says “everybody knows” Chief Best and knows she can do the job. “She knows our city and our officers.” Chief Best says, “I know great things are ahead” and says she is “incredibly grateful for the opportunity.”

10:21 AM: The speeches are over and now it’s question time. First, the mayor announced there’s a 3:30 pm meet-and-greet at City Hall’s Bertha Knight Landes Room this afternoon for anyone who wants to meet the new chief (who does still need to be confirmed by the council), and she says they’ll be touring the city, visiting precinct roll calls, etc.

10:32 AM: The announcement event is over. The video window above should now take you to the archived video.

12:14 PM: After the jump (if you’re reading from our home page), the official news release:

Read More

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday watch; 35th/Holden collision

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:11 AM: We start with a collision at 35th/Holden. A texter says a motorcyclist was injured. No other details. That’s it for incidents so far in or from West Seattle.

ADDED: The call closed fairly quickly; commenter Will explains why.

NOTE FOR JULY 28: The city has provided early heads-up that the West Seattle Bridge’s Admiral Way ramp will be closed for “tidying up” on July 28th.

UPDATE: Fauntlee Hills house fire blamed on ‘oil staining rags’

(WSB photos)

1:57 AM: A full Seattle Fire response is headed for a house fire reported in the 8600 block of Fauntlee Crest SW [map]. Updates to come.

2:02 AM: First crews arriving say it’s a fully engulfed 2-story house and they’re calling a second alarm. Side note – this is a difficult area to reach, up a hillside dead-end. It’s close to our HQ … but there are dead-ends here on top of the hill too.

2:14 AM: Via scanner, scene commander reports most of the fire has been “knocked down” – and she is referring to the dead-end street as she instructs some of the extra units on where to locate. No report of any injuries; the initial report of this mentioned that the residents were evacuating.

2:21 AM: Added a photo just sent by our crew. SFD is canceling most of the second-alarm units.

2:29 AM: SFD is reporting that the last spots of fire were in the attic – our crew confirms that firefighters are aiming water that way right now – and the fire’s just been declared “tapped.”

2:53 AM: We’ve talked to the SFD public-information officer on scene. (video added)

Both people who were home got out OK; no injuries to anyone. They got their two cats out OK too.

3:26 AM: They’re continuing to dismiss crews from the scene, but at least one will remain, on “fire watch” as is usually the case at sizable fire scenes, for some hours to come.

12:10 PM: SFD has announced that its investigator determined the fire to be accidental, “caused by spontaneous combustion of oil staining rags. Fire started on the deck and spread to the main living area. Total estimated loss is $500,000.”

About the police response near Delridge/Brandon

That photo is from one of several people who messaged to ask/tip us about a big police response near Delridge/Brandon this past hour. We headed out to find out, but the police had all cleared the scene by the time we arrived, so we stopped at the Southwest Precinct to ask at the front desk. The log notation: Very loud argument between a man and woman, in or along the street. No injuries, as there was no aid dispatch. (Thanks again for the tips – 206-293-6302, text or voice, is the fastest way to reach us, 24/7.)

WEDNESDAY: Unusual activity you might notice in the Seacrest vicinity

July 16, 2018 9:29 pm
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 |   Safety | Seen at sea | West Seattle news

Especially for the eagle-eyed residents along West Seattle’s north/northeast waterfront, here’s unusual activity you might notice at Seacrest (and vicinity) at midday Wednesday: The U.S. Coast Guard, Seattle Police, Alki Kayak Tours, and other participants will be demonstrating rescues and safe paddling techniques as part of a media event promoting Paddle Safe Week (which starts Friday, July 20th, by proclamation of the governor). This is described in the announcement as “the first statewide public safety campaign focused solely on paddlesport safety … (it) aims to educate the public about laws that apply to paddlecraft users and raise awareness about precautions to take before heading out on Washington’s diverse waterways. The event is set for late morning Wednesday, so in case you notice an unusual presence of public-safety vessels and media crews that day, now you know!

TUESDAY: Cool off with West Seattle Big Band’s Concert in the Park

(Video courtesy West Seattle Big Band)

Tomorrow (Tuesday) night, the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center is the place to be – you can stay cool(er) in the shade while enjoying a free concert by the West Seattle Big Band! 7 pm Tuesday will be the start time for this year’s WSBB Concert in the Park. It’s co-sponsored by WSB and the West Seattle Grand Parade, with a special tie between the parade and the concert – again this year, the Orville Rummel Trophy for Outstanding Service to the Community will be presented during the concert. As noted here last week, this year’s trophy recipient will be recently retired West Seattle High School baseball and golf coach Velko Vitalich – that means he’ll be riding toward the start of the parade (which begins at 11 am Saturday, southbound on California SW from SW Lander in The Admiral District to SW Edmunds in The Junction). But first, be on the Hiawatha lawn tomorrow night to enjoy great music – with special guest vocalist CC! – and community spirit; bring a chair/blanket to sit on, and look for the stage along Walnut south of Lander.

FAUNTLEROY BOULEVARD: Still on hold, but SDOT looking at ‘near-term improvements’ while light-rail route planning continues

(WSB file photo, part of Fauntleroy Boulevard proposed project zone)

Almost half a year has passed since SDOT announced the Fauntleroy Boulevard project was on hold while waiting to see if it would conflict with Sound Transit‘s light-rail plans. The question has lingered since then: So what will happen to the Move Seattle levy money (up to $18 million) set aside for Fauntleroy Boulevard? This SDOT announcement today says some decisions are approaching:

We’ve continued to hear strong community support for the safety and mobility improvements at the heart of the Fauntleroy Boulevard Project. In response, we’re exploring constructing near-term improvements to help improve predictability for people who walk, drive, and bike on Fauntleroy Way while Sound Transit continues to consider their preferred alignment. These near-term improvements will emphasize lower-cost methods in order to expedite construction and save costs, given the potential these improvements may have to be removed during Sound Transit light rail construction in the coming years.

Later this month, we’ll convene a roundtable of community representatives to discuss potential improvements, based on the original Fauntleroy Boulevard Project design. After that, we’ll share our near-term improvements proposal with the community. We anticipate constructing these near-term improvements as soon as spring 2019.

We remain committed to the goals of the Fauntleroy Boulevard Project. If Sound Transit’s light rail design for West Seattle does not impact Fauntleroy Way, we will move forward with the project as designed. If Sound Transit’s design impacts Fauntleroy Way, we will work with Sound Transit to implement streetscape improvements on Fauntleroy Way that align with the goals of the Fauntleroy Boulevard Project. In this case, we would also reallocate remaining Fauntleroy Boulevard Project funds to address other mobility needs in West Seattle.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at or call our project phone number at 206-727-3994.

Community reps who’ve been invited so far tell WSB that the “roundtable” is on July 25th at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor). If you’ve forgotten what the project detailed – you can see the design and other details here.

FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox found competent to stand trial in Gatewood stabbing case

When we last checked in on Ryan Cox, the 40-year-old repeat offender arrested after a man was stabbed in Gatewood last August, he had been ordered sent to Western State Hospital for an attempt at restoring competency to stand trial. Today, a King County Superior Court judge formally found Cox competent, an assessment that doctors at the state hospital had reached while he was there. According to the evaluation document that’s in the public court files, they diagnosed Cox with unspecified psychosis, while finding him in full understanding of the charges he faces and capable of assisting in his own defense. For his part, the evaluation says, Cox told them he “played crazy to come here” because he prefers WSH to county jail. It’s not the first time he has said that; we covered a Municipal Court hearing eight years ago in which he said that to his lawyer and then basically asked the judge if she could send him there ASAP. This was the first time in five years he had been to that hospital, according to court records. Aside from his time there, he has been in the King County Jail since his arrest, bail set at $150,000, awaiting trial on second-degree assault. Now that the competency issue has been resolved, his next case-scheduling hearing is set for July 26th.

First Southwest Design Review Board date set for mixed-use project at 7617 35th SW

(WSB file photo)

We first reported one month ago on the new mixed-use proposal for the auto-shop site at 7617 35th SW. Now there’s a Southwest Design Review Board meeting date set – 6:30 pm Thursday, September 6th. The draft packet available via the city website offers three “massing” options for the proposed development, all four stories, ranging from 42 apartments, 16 offstreet-parking spaces, and 5,500 square feet of commercial space to 51 apartments, 27 spaces, and 5,000 sf of commercial space. Since this is the Early Design Guidance phase, the “packet” focuses on massing – size/shape/siting of the project – rather than final design touches. There’ll be a public-comment period at the meeting, which will be at the Senior Center/Sisson Building (4217 SW Oregon); if you have comments sooner, the assigned city planner is Michael Gushard – reachable via e-mail,

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: About that pursuit; plus – stolen Yamaha dirt bike; found Diamondback bicycle

July 16, 2018 11:49 am
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

ABOUT THAT PURSUIT: We got several messages about a law-enforcement pursuit on NB 35th SW this morning; via scanner, we then heard that it was King County Sheriff’s Office and that it had been terminated. Before we could inquire further, we got a tip about a sizable presence at the park-and-ride on Roxbury across from Holy Family. Once we arrived there – with one officer left on scene (photo above, a Burien Police – who contract with KCSO – vehicle) – we found out the two situations were related. KCSO was pursuing someone who was both driving erratically and who had plates that didn’t match the vehicle. The driver seemed to be pulling over on Roxbury – then hit an unmarked KCSO car and took off again. At some point on NB 35th, KCSO stopped the pursuit. No arrest last we heard and no other details so far. Thanks again for the tips – best way to get us is always 206-293-6302, 24/7, text or voice.

From the inbox:

STOLEN DIRT BIKE: The photo is from Danyell:

She reports, “My husband’s dirt bike was stolen right outside our front door, in Admiral.” Plate 2F8098. Call 911 if you see it.

FOUND BICYCLE: From the “likely stolen and dumped” file – the photo is from Nancy:

She writes, “Anyone missing a Jr Viper Diamondback bike, green and white? Found between SW Dakota and SW Adams on 30th.”

West Seattle Monday: Light-rail meeting, music, more!

(2 young Anna’s Hummingbirds, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Happy Monday! Here are highlights of what’s ahead today/tonight:

SOUND STEPS WEEKLY WALK: 10 am in Lincoln Park. If you can’t catch this one, see our calendar listing for how to participate in future walks! (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

WADING POOLS: Open today in West SeattleLincoln Park (11 am-8 pm; 8011 Fauntleroy Way SW); Delridge (12 noon-6:30 pm; Delridge Way/Genesee)

GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: 1 pm-7 pm blood drive at Our Lady of Guadalupe (closed 3-4 pm for a break), open to the public. (35th/Myrtle)

LIGHT RAIL STAKEHOLDER ADVISORY GROUP: The Sound Transit West Seattle/Ballard light-rail project’s Stakeholder Advisory Group meets 5-8 pm at ST’s board room downtown. Open to the public for observation, but there’s no comment period. (401 S. Jackson)

IF YOU SEE THE ALL-CITY BAND AT SEACREST … tonight is on the calendar as their annual photo night, not a formal performance or public event but always quite the spectacle so we’re mentioning it. And you of course can catch them in the West Seattle Grand Parade next Saturday! *Just got word this is postponed until NEXT Monday

MUSIC UNDER THE STARS, WEEK 3: Third of four Monday nights for the Seattle Chamber Music Society‘s free series at Delridge Community Center Park – at 7:30 pm, a student ensemble plays live, and then at 8 pm the sound system carries live audio from the SCMS Summer Festival concert at Benaroya Hall. (The live music returns during the concert’s intermission.) Bring your own blanket/chair! (Genesee/26th SW)

MONDAY QUIZ: Every Monday at 7:30 pm, all ages, prizes – longrunning quiz night at The Skylark. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

BIG WEEK AHEAD … preview our complete calendar (with more updates added every day) here!

Young Shakespeare Workshop returning to Roxhill Park next Sunday

July 16, 2018 9:00 am
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(July 2017 WSB reader photo from Judy)

Last July, the nationally acclaimed Young Shakespeare Workshop performed twice at Roxhill Park – and they’ll be back this Sunday, so we wanted to provide an early alert in case you hadn’t already seen it in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. This year, the play is “Hamlet,” and the performance is at 2 pm Sunday (July 22nd) – free! It’s this year’s only West Seattle performance for YSW, which has local ties via its director, Darren Lay of Vashon Island, working with students at local schools including Chief Sealth International High School over the years. Free performance – just bring your own chair/blanket and get ready to be impressed by some hard-working young actors next Sunday.


July 16, 2018 7:11 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:11 AM: Good morning! No incidents reported so far in/from West Seattle.

8:07 AM: The Vashon Water Taxi is out of service this morning. That’s led to busier buses from Morgan/Fauntleroy as riders switched to the state ferry to Fauntleroy – thanks for the tip on that.

11:50 AM: The Vashon Water Taxi will be back in service as of the 4:30 pm departure from downtown.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Sky shows

The Moon and Venus have added to the sky show just after sunset this weekend. Top view is from Kanit Cottrell, while Chris Frankovich contributed the planetary closeup below:

Those views were from tonight (after a day with a record high, 93 at Sea-Tac); we also have a beautiful view from last night, courtesy of Mark Dale:

Thanks as always for the photos – remains our best current address for sending them.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Alley arson; window warning

Two reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

EARLY MORNING ALLEY ARSON: Thanks to Patrick for the photo and tip that an early-morning fire callout near California/Raymond was arson.

We confirmed that tonight with SFD spokesperson Kristin Tinsley, who tells WSB via an e-mail response, “Investigators confirmed two recycle bins and one garbage bin were set on fire, along with two rolls of toilet paper inside a porta potty. These all occurred in an alleyway. Total estimated loss for all bins combined is $500. Case referred to SPD for followup.” Earlier in the morning, SFD responded to a dumpster fire at Westwood Village but Tinsley says that was not believed to be related.

WINDOW WARNING: From Lindsay, reporting a burglary in the Highland Park area last night:

The burglars got in the house via a semi=open window that was accidentally left open. With the weather so hot, I thought it might be good if you could broadcast a PSA reminding folks that burglars look for open windows and doors. I would really hate for anyone else to be affected in this way.

West Seattle weekend scene: Mini-STP bicycle ride to Summer Fest

July 15, 2018 8:41 pm
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It’s a tradition every year – the “Mini-STP” bicycle ride to West Seattle Summer Fest! Don Brubeck of West Seattle Bike Connections sent these photos – from North Admiral to Gatewood and then to The Junction:

Don reports, “We did our 6th annual West Seattle STP bike ride today, riding from SW Seattle Street to SW Portland Street, and then back to Summer Fest. A great group of riders, young, old, and inbetween. The shady streets were the best!”

CONGRATULATIONS! Seattle Derby Brats’ Galaxy Girls heading to national championship

(Photo by Danny Ngan)

Thanks to Tanya Powers for this report on national-championship competition ahead for the Seattle Derby Brats‘ Galaxy Girls, a third of whom are from West Seattle:

They will be heading to Philadelphia to compete for Junior Roller Derby Association (JRDA) Championships this coming weekend, July 20th to the 22nd! They are currently ranked 2nd place in the country and have won championships the last 3 years.

2 skaters attend Chief Sealth: Brady aka Sophie Maskill and Anita Getcha aka Rosemary Alliston. 3 skaters attend West Seattle High School: Seven Skate Nine aka Morgayne Lawson, SchloMo aka Gaby Rose, and Fighty aka Mikki Dysart. It is Mikki’s last year with Seattle Derby Brats as she will be attending college at University of Pennsylvania next year.

Our coaches Patrice Davis and Erin Clark also have West Seattle roots. Our league was founded in West Seattle and is the largest league in the United States! Please wish them luck!!! More info about champs here. Streaming watch passes will be available here.

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: West Seattle Summer Fest 2018, day 3!

(QUICK INFO: Bus reroutes here … Festival music schedule here … festival food options here … kids’ ride hours and pricing here)
(COVERAGE SO FAR: Saturday night music, here … Saturday evening, here … Saturday morning/afternoon, here … Friday night, with music, here … Friday evening, here … Friday morning/afternoon, here)

West Seattle Summer Fest‘s third and final day is officially under way! The question of the day so far – “where’s the Farmers’ Market?” As seen in our top photo, it’s in its old spot in the parking lot behind KeyBank – same hours as every week, 10 am-2 pm – if you’re trying to enter off SW Alaska, just look for the gap between the kids’ rides, on the alley.

Even if you’ve already been to the festival – today’s the day to come back and take another look, or do some things you missed on your first tour. Such as – support local nonprofits! More than a few of them are selling raffle tickets – including the West Seattle Helpline, West Seattle Food Bank, and the quilters who are donating raffle proceeds from this creation to the Senior Center of West Seattle:

(WSB photo taken Friday)

The crowd has grown quickly today – maybe because it’s expected to be extra-hot later – so far, though, nice breeze! Mainstage music (California north of Oregon) starts at noon, with Rat City Brass. More coverage to come!

12:19 PM: Another place to find out about, and support, some of your local nonprofits/community groups – GreenLife, headquartered at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska), where they have a few T-shirts left:

Sustainable West Seattle presents GreenLife, where you can find out about the West Seattle TimeBank, Metro buses, registering to vote, recycling, using solar power, and more, via these booths along SW Alaska east of California:

Diver Laura‘s virtual-reality look under the Salish Sea is not to be missed, either – get to GreenLife!

A post shared by Laura James (@diverlaura) on

Back in other booth rows, it’s a great day to learn about your local businesses (and pick up some swag). HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) is right across from us in the heart of California/Alaska and has several freebies including discs.

Meantime, up at the mainstage, we caught a bit of the zesty Rat City Brass:

At California/Alaska, the Celtic dancers are expected to be back around 1. More coverage to come.

1:37 PM: They were, and it was a lively performance:

Comerford has regular sessions in West Seattle – e-mail for info. Summer Fest isn’t just about being a spectator – you can participate too! The Giant Games continue up on the north side of California/Oregon, where you can also help paint the community mural. You can also stop by the Info Tent and ask us a question. Minutes ago: “I know Easy Street Records is famous, but WHY is it so famous?” (Our answer was long.)

3 PM: Only two hours left till the festival closes for another year – right now on the SW corner of California/Alaska, it’s the kids’ pie-eating contest.

(Junction Association executive director Lora Swift interviewing the contestants pre-contest)

Passing the Info Tent a few minutes ago, this cool canine:

Don’t miss the chance to contribute to the community mural before the festival ends – on California just north of Oregon:

The West Seattle Junction Association – the local merchants who put this festival on! – will hang the finished mural in a public space. Meantime, many of the sidewalk sales (did you know Summer Fest has its roots in a Junction-wide summer sidewalk sale?) are offering discounts – like the American Cancer Society Discovery Shop (west side of California between Alaska and Oregon), where these potted plant creations were just $4!

Some of the vendor booths are West Seattle merchants visiting from their storefronts. Longtime WSB sponsor Dream Dinners is based on the east outer side of Jefferson Square, and has a Summer Fest booth on the east side of California south of Alaska:

If you haven’t used Dream Dinners before, you can sign up for their open-house deal, for 6:30 pm Tuesday (July 17th) or August 7th – password dinner – make three dinners for $34.99!

3:25 PM: A bit of video from one of this afternoon’s bands:

Onstage coming up at 4 pm – The Dusty 45s rock Summer Fest 2018 to a close.

4 PM: It’s that time! Co-publisher is up catching the start of The Dusty 45s. Meanwhile, Paul Weatherman sent more great aerials:

That’s the heart of the festival – here’s what it looked like from above the Farmers’ Market and kid zones on the west edge of the festival a bit earlier:

When the festival officially ends at 5, the cleanup/breakdown begins, and the streets generally remain closed to traffic until it’s over hours later – but everything will be back to normal by early Monday morning. Remember that NEXT Saturday, California SW is closed again for the West Seattle Grand Parade, until early afternoon – here’s our most-recent preview.

4:30 PM: A taste of The Dusty 45s:

We don’t start packing up until the top of the hour but right across Walk-All-Ways from us is a sign the festival’s wrapping up – the QFC booth (water, coconuts, fruit skewers all weekend) is in cleanup mode.

Big thanks to everyone who’s been in the Info Tent all weekend – it’s our 11th year of being headquartered here and helping answer questions while covering the festival as it happens – lots of great volunteers have been here, as well as The Junction’s event staff (special shoutout to “Skaty” and producer Oliver Little‘s Monumental Undertaking).

5 PM: It’s a wrap! Thanks also to the thousands who made this a mega-party again this year.

UPDATE: Water-rescue response on Harbor Avenue

11:26 AM: Big Seattle Fire “water rescue” dispatch to the 1000 block of Harbor Avenue SW. Details as we get them.

11:28 AM: Most of the units are already being dismissed.

11:34 AM: Per scanner, the person who was in trouble – we haven’t heard the circumstances – is on shore and being tended to by SFD.

SPORTS: West Seattle Little League state-tournament play starts today

The West Seattle Little League players who’ve just won district championships are starting their quests to win state titles! The photo and update are from WSLL’s Kathy Powers:

Congratulations to West Seattle Little League 12’s for clinching the District 7 title this week. Pictured are players Blake Taft, Bobby Trigg, Caden Fahy, Eli Palmer, Jake Daily, Joe Sherick, Matthew Henning, Matthew Hazlegrove, Miles Gosztola, Parker Eley, Robbie Foisy, Simon Vance, TJ Buehring and Wyatt Glover, along with Manager Mike Fahy and Coaches Sean Eley and Brian Sherick.

Both the 11’s and 12’s will represent District 7 for the State title.

The 11’s will play their tournament at Pacwest fields in Seatac (14649 16th Ave S). Their first game is Sunday, July 15th (today!) at 12:30. Bracket link here.

The 12’s will play their tournament in Sedro-Woolley. Their first game will be Saturday July 21st at Noon. Bracket link here.

We invite the community to come cheer our players on!