CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: ‘Resolution’ near in Ryan Cox case?

As reported here last week, Ryan Cox has been found competent to stand trial for assault in the Gatewood stabbing case from almost a year ago. After that ruling, he was due back in court today for a case-scheduling hearing, but it was postponed a week. The document in the online file says the postponement is because “parties are finalizing a resolution.” Does that mean a plea bargain? We’ll be checking the file daily. That’s how the last assault case against him ended more than four years ago.

6 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: 'Resolution' near in Ryan Cox case?"

  • Miscreants Don't Deserve Justice July 26, 2018 (6:09 pm)

    This miscreant doesn’t deserve a plea deal. Send him to Walla Walla for 600 years.

    • Petunia July 28, 2018 (8:56 pm)

      Mkscreant! Yes!Are you from Pakistan? I WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU!I spent my last 3 years in Peshawar, Pakistan and that is the only place in the world I have heard or read miscreant!Just let me know!

  • TJ July 26, 2018 (6:46 pm)

    I certainly hope it’s not a plead deal. There has been a lot of comments in the past about him needing mental health. Well, he has been found to be competent, and in fact admitting to playing the system. There is no way he should be able to strike a deal. The judicial system, and prosecutors in particular, will get a black eye from it. This in a time when there isn’t much faith in police or the judicisl system. And I certainly hope he doesn’t have the gall to appear back here in West Seattle whenever he is out. 

  • heartless July 26, 2018 (6:54 pm)

    You have an interesting idea of justice, then.

  • Luke July 26, 2018 (8:19 pm)

    How is the victim? I’m sure you reported, but I haven’t noticed an update or result of his condition. That was terrifying when it happened. 

    • WSB July 26, 2018 (8:22 pm)

      I don’t know. The family wanted to remain private, we were told (even to the point where a GoFundMe launched by friends was taken down shortly after it went up).

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