West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
11:23 PM: A report of gunfire in Westwood has police searching for up to five suspects. Per scanner, they were most recently reported to have fled behind the 35th/Barton 7-11 southbound and then westbound. A K-9 team is joining the search. The person reported to have fired one shot is described as a young “light-skinned black male” wearing a “sparkly red jacket.” No injuries reported.
11:29 PM: The gunshot reportedly happened near the Southwest Library (35th/Henderson). Also, the Guardian One helicopter is joining the search.
11:35 PM: Per radio communication, this involved someone “chasing (the suspects) with a two-by-four” when one “turned around and shot at” that person.
11:49 PM: The search is scaling down; they’ve exhausted the possibilities and there are other pending calls.
ADDED THURSDAY AFTERNOON: We have obtained the report narrative from SPD. The person who said he was fired at told police that he was chasing the suspects because they had assaulted his girlfriend. He said the two of them are squatting in an empty house in the 9000 block of 35th SW. She was walking in the alley and around the 34th/Barton P-Patch, looking for cigarette butts, when she encountered the suspects. One asked her for cigarettes; she said she had none and was looking for them herself. Then, the boyfriend told police, the suspects called her names, punched her in the face, knocked her down, and kicked her. She screamed for help; her boyfriend went to the house where they were squatting, got a 2 x 4, and chased the suspects after calling 911. That’s when one turned and shot at him, he said, as they were running southbound behind the 35th/Barton 7-11. He said he lost track of them at that point. While he insisted that’s where the shot was fired, police did not find a shell casing nor any other evidence of gunfire. Nearby residents also said they heard the shot. As we reported last night, helicopter and K9 assisted in the subsequent search, but no one was found.
9:41 PM: That’s the aftermath of a dumpster fire on the east side of the Harbor Avenue 7-11. The response was big enough to attract a lot of attention because of the building exposure, so that’s why we went to check it out, but Engine 29 had gotten there quickly, we were told, so there was no major damage, and no one was hurt. Investigators believe it was started by a “hot cigarette lighter” thrown into the dumpster – whether accidental or deliberate, they didn’t say, so we’ll be checking back.
10:14 PM: SFD spokesperson Kristin Tinsley says it was determined to have been accidental. “Estimated loss is $500 to receptacle and $10,000 to building.”
From the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly meeting, which just wrapped up at The Kenney, itself a major agenda item:
THE KENNEY’S NEWEST REDEVELOPMENT PLANS: John Shoesmith from Shoesmith Cox Architects (based in Madison Park) explained what’s on the drawing board now. He explained that the site remains a mix of zones – LR1 and LR3. The three duplexes on the property’s southeast corner will be taken down and replaced with five rowhouses, two facing Fauntleroy, three facing Othello. They will range 2,000 to 3,000 square feet, with attached garages, master bedrooms on the main floor, and are aimed at attracting a “more independent” and somewhat younger (65ish) resident. They will be 1 1/2 to 2 stories high. A driveway off the SW Othello cul-de-sac west of Fauntleroy will lead to the garages of the units facing that street. The exteriors will include some brick, “cement wood” siding; street trees are planned on 46th, Fauntleroy, and Othello. The corner will be highlighted by an “amenity space” as required by zoning – landscaping, a bench, etc.
They’re currently in the Master Use Permit application stage with the city, seeking land-use approval, and filing soon for a building permit. They will be part of The Kenney rather than offered for sale. We asked a couple followup questions, recalling the meeting almost two years ago at which this same architecture firm discussed concepts for site redevelopment; no rezoning proposed right now, and the idea of an apartment building further west on the site is still out there, but nothing formal being pursued right now.
35TH SW PHASE 2 UPDATE: SDOT’s Jim Curtin was here to talk about 35th SW Phase 2, which we first detailed back in April. He said there’s been a “modest reduction in crashes” since Phase 1 was complete in fall 2015, and they’d like to see more of a reduction. He acknowledged that the signal timings have been less than optimal. They’ve been tweaked and “we’re seeing a pretty good flow out there” now, he said. He also acknowledged that before the timings were changed, they saw some diversion to side streets, and that, he said, has since eased.
Just a heads-up: We’re planning some technical work very early Thursday, around 5 am. It shouldn’t take more than a few hours but if you experience anything unusual later in the morning or beyond, please let us know – westseattleblog@gmail.com remains the best address, and of course you can always reach us immediately at 206-293-6302, text or voice. If the work interrupts access to WSB, we will of course report any breaking news in social-media channels (Twitter is always first). Thanks as always for your patience!
6:33 PM: The photos are from Kersti Muul, one of the local wildlife advocates who had been tracking the saga of this California sea lion for the past week or so.
The sea lion, nicknamed Dudley, was severely underweight and had several signs of major illness/injury, so the state Department of Fish and Wildlife removed him this morning from the beach at Cove 3.
No veterinarian was available to euthanize the sea lion on the scene, so he had to be taken away. They would have let nature run its course, Kersti says, but he was on a public beach and that posed hazards both for him and for the public.
8:34 PM: Kersti mentioned in correspondence with us that Seal Sitters have been dealing with Dudley, and now we’ve heard from them. David Hutchinson sent this:
Since last Friday, Seal Sitters’ volunteers have been monitoring the location and condition of a lone California Sea Lion at various spots along Harbor Avenue. Nicknamed “Dudley,” this animal did not make the normal migration south this spring, possibly due to health conditions. It soon became apparent that his health was extremely compromised. He recently began hauling out at Cove #3, just north of Marination, which was a potentially dangerous spot for him and for the public. In consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and SR3, it was determined that the best course of action would be capture and removal from that location. This morning a crew from WDFW, along with a specialist from NOAA, successfully removed him from Cove #3 and transported him to a WDFW facility in Lakewood. Late this afternoon, we were informed that his health was compromised to the point that euthanasia was required. A necropsy will be performed tomorrow and Seal Sitters will be notified of the results.
We want to take this opportunity to thank Steve Jeffries of WDFW and his staff, along with Jeff Harris of NOAA, for their excellent job with the capture and removal. We greatly appreciate the input and assistance of Casey McClean, Co-Executive Director of SR3, in this difficult case.
Also, Seal Sitters would like to say a special thanks to Greg Whittaker of Alki Kayak Tours and his staff for their patience and cooperation these last few days.
SW 102nd in Arbor Heights is blocked right now at 34th SW because of a 2-car crash that has left one on its side. No serious injuries. If you saw several SPD cars headed south with lights and sirens, this is where they were headed. As for the crash’s cause, police are still talking to the drivers but say the initial indication is nothing more than that they both arrived mid-intersection at the same time.
(WSB photo from canoes’ 2016 arrival on Alki)
More than 100 canoes representing Pacific Northwest Native tribes/nations (listed here) are registered for this year’s regional Tribal Journey, the Power Paddle to Puyallup. Two days before the official July 28th arrival in the South Sound, canoes will land at Alki Beach for an overnight stay hosted by the Muckleshoot Tribe. The landings map on the journey website shows Thursday, July 26th, as the day for the Alki arrival, and we have confirmed the date with Muckleshoot cultural director Willard Bill Jr., who says they expect to start receiving canoe families at Alki around noon that day. (They will then travel by land to the Muckleshoot Powwow Grounds in Auburn.) Every year a different tribe/nation in the region hosts the celebration at the end of the journey route; here’s what Puyallup Tribal Council chair Bill Sterud has written about this year’s event.
P.S. Some canoes will be trackable via this map.
That’s Greg Whittaker of Alki Kayak Tours demonstrating rescue techniques during today’s Paddle Safe Week media-preview event at Seacrest. Also participating in the Washington State Parks-organized event: Seattle Police and U.S. Coast Guard personnel and vessels:
Portraying a paddler in need of rescue was Jim Virgin:
Jim chairs the state park system’s Paddle Advisory Committee. The big message from today’s event, promoting the first-ever Paddle Safe Week, which starts Friday: If you’re headed out paddling, have your life jacket on at all times! Dress for the cold water, NOT for the warmer air temperatures. If you heed a few simple rules like that, you might help reduce the number of rescue calls – hundreds every year – that these responders have to answer:
Even if you THINK you know all the rules – review them here just to be sure, before your next trip out on the water.
(West Seattle Summer Fest 2018 photo by Paul Weatherman)
On this third day after West Seattle Summer Fest 2018, the Junction Association – the merchants’ organization that presents the festival – is ready for your feedback and suggestions! The official Summer Fest survey is online (as well as a note about how last year’s feedback shaped changes for this year). There’s an incentive to answer it, too – drawing for a West 5 (WSB sponsor) gift card – or you can be completely anonymous. Just go here!
P.S. If you need a refresher before responding to the survey, you can scroll through all our Summer Fest coverage in the WSB “West Seattle festivals” archive.
(WSB photo: WestSide Baby’s diaper-drive bus at West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade afterparty)
The heart of summer also brings the heart of WestSide Baby‘s biggest diaper-donation drive of the year, Stuff the Bus! Here are two opportunities for you to contribute:
TALARICO’S TRIVIA TONIGHT: Host Phil Tavel says, “This week, Trivia Night at Talarico’s is supporting the WestSide Baby diaper drive. Help give to parents and their children who don’t have enough diapers. Instead of cash, bring diapers! Any size for children. If you can’t bring diapers, bring cash and we will buy the diapers – but, bring diapers! There will be a nice prize for the team that brings the most diapers. Also some raffle prizes as well.” 8:30 pm until about 10:15 pm. (
Starts at 8:30 and goes until about 10:15. (4718 California SW)
STUFF THE BUS BASH ON SUNDAY: Again this year, WS Baby is inviting everyone to bring diapers to its headquarters for a big party – that’s noon-3 pm this Sunday (July 22nd):
Fun during the afternoon will include…
Tours of our new, expanded warehouse
Diaper Dash – a short race for baby crawlers & non-walkers!Article Image
Trike Race – fun for kids ages 2-6 (we will provide trikes & helmets!)
Diaper Relay – because adults want to have fun too!
Kids games, arts & crafts!
Live music
Local food trucks
Free lemonade stand
Free ice cream!
And, most importantly, we will be stuffing our WestSide Baby Bus with your diaper donations!Donating to our summer drive can be as easy as bringing a package of wipes, or an open package of diapers with you.
All welcome! (10002 14th SW)
Don’t know how recently this happened, but Sushi Samurai has permanently closed on Alki – just noticed the note in the window while walking by for the first time in a while. (Likely relatively recently, as the restaurant’s most recent online review was posted a week and a half ago.) The original Queen Anne location remains in operation, and its website says, “Chef Ray has returned home to Queen Anne!” It’s only been 14 months since the Alki location opened at 2758 Alki SW, which Subway had vacated six months before that.
P.S. As discussed in comments, this now means five spaces are vacant in the heart of the Alki business district – the spaces formerly home to Tully’s, Alki Cleaners, Marée Bistro, Alki Urban Market, and now Sushi Samurai.
(Young Northern Flicker, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
We start our daily list with two FYIs:
DISASTER DRILL AT THE MOUNT: Residents and employees at Providence Mount St. Vincent knew the facility would have a full-scale drill sometime this month – today’s the day and it’s happening right now (started at 10 am). We’re mentioning it in case you’re in the area and noticing unusual activity. (4831 35th SW)
‘PADDLE SAFE’ EVENT AT SEACREST: As we mentioned earlier this week, media and emergency personnel are converging on Seacrest at 11 am for an event promoting the first-ever Paddle Safe Week. (1660 Harbor SW)
Now, highlights of what else is happening:
WADING POOLS OPEN – The wading pools scheduled to be open today, since the weather is expected to clear up and remain warm, are Lincoln Park until 8 pm (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), Hiawatha 12 pm-6:30 pm (Walnut/Lander), EC Hughes 12 pm-7 pm (2805 SW Holden).
LUNCH AND LEARN: Noon-1:30 pm at Bethaday Community Learning Space in White Center, the Equity in Education Committee presents its next “Lunch and Learn,” focused on “Defining the Opportunity Gap.” Public welcome. (605 SW 108th)
LIBRARY LAB – GIZMOS AND GADGETS: 1-3 pm at Delridge Library, drop in and give them a try! (5423 Delridge Way SW)
JUNCTION PLAZA PARK AT DESIGN COMMISSION: 2 pm in the City Hall Boards and Commissions Room downtown, the Seattle Design Commission takes another look at the design concept for the new West Seattle Junction Park. Public welcome. (600 4th Ave.) (This event is THURSDAY, not today, sorry!)
WHITE CENTER JUBILEE DAYS CARNIVAL: This year, a new location – White Center Heights Elementary. It opens today, 3-10 pm – here’s all the info. (10015 6th SW)
HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN FARMSTAND: Second weekly farmstand this summer for produce grown next to where it’s sold, 4 pm-7 pm. (32nd SW & SW Juneau)
SWAC COUGARS SIGNUPS: Registration is open for SWAC Cougars Youth Football and Cheer. You can also do it in person 5:30-7:30 pm at Southwest Athletic Complex. (2801 SW Thistle)
GREENWAY DROP-IN: SDOT invites you to come look at the newest plans for the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway and share your thoughts – especially the 35th/Graham intersection redesign – 5:30-7 pm at Neighborhood House High Point. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
7:00 Welcome and Introductions
7:02 Appointment of Treasurer – Michael Brunner
7:05 Morgan Minute Updates
Litter League MJ Cleanups: August 5, Sept 2 and Oct 7 9:30-11
SWDC Report
SWPAC Report
Morgan Mural Restoration
Emergency HUBs Events7:15 New Business
Presentation: The Kenney Row Houses
SPD Micro Policing Plan Focus Group Invitation
Phase 2 – 35th Avenue SW safety project8:30 Old Business
Morgan Junction Festival report
Morgan Junction Park Expansion update
Update Permanent Affordable Housing (PAH)
MHA Appeal Hearing underway
9:00 Adjournment
(7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)
WHAT ELSE IS UP? Plenty – check the full list out here.
King County Elections is sending out the ballots for the August 7th primary election. What you’ll be deciding includes narrowing a field of 29 U.S. Senate candidates (including incumbent Sen. Maria Cantwell) down to 2 and narrowing the list of 11 34th District State Senate candidates (incumbent Sen. Sharon Nelson is not running for re-election) down to 2. There’s one ballot measure – King County Proposition 1 seeks to renew the property-tax levy for the Automated Fingerprint Identification Service, used in criminal investigations. Get your ballot in a dropbox (West Seattle has one at the High Point Library, 3411 SW Raymond) or mailbox – this is the first election for which ballots have prepaid postage if you use the U.S. Postal Service, so you can mail yours without paying for stamps.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:09 AM: Good morning! So far, no incidents reported in/from West Seattle.
SATURDAY: Time to start reminding you that the West Seattle Grand Parade is Saturday (July 21st) and it means California SW will close to traffic morning through early afternoon, starting south of Admiral and continuing to SW Edmunds. You’ll see parking restrictions on some side streets too.
9:27 AM: Via scanner, we’re hearing of a stalled, possibly struck, vehicle on the eastbound bridge at or near the 99 offramp.