From the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly meeting, which just wrapped up at The Kenney, itself a major agenda item:
THE KENNEY’S NEWEST REDEVELOPMENT PLANS: John Shoesmith from Shoesmith Cox Architects (based in Madison Park) explained what’s on the drawing board now. He explained that the site remains a mix of zones – LR1 and LR3. The three duplexes on the property’s southeast corner will be taken down and replaced with five rowhouses, two facing Fauntleroy, three facing Othello. They will range 2,000 to 3,000 square feet, with attached garages, master bedrooms on the main floor, and are aimed at attracting a “more independent” and somewhat younger (65ish) resident. They will be 1 1/2 to 2 stories high. A driveway off the SW Othello cul-de-sac west of Fauntleroy will lead to the garages of the units facing that street. The exteriors will include some brick, “cement wood” siding; street trees are planned on 46th, Fauntleroy, and Othello. The corner will be highlighted by an “amenity space” as required by zoning – landscaping, a bench, etc.
They’re currently in the Master Use Permit application stage with the city, seeking land-use approval, and filing soon for a building permit. They will be part of The Kenney rather than offered for sale. We asked a couple followup questions, recalling the meeting almost two years ago at which this same architecture firm discussed concepts for site redevelopment; no rezoning proposed right now, and the idea of an apartment building further west on the site is still out there, but nothing formal being pursued right now.
35TH SW PHASE 2 UPDATE: SDOT’s Jim Curtin was here to talk about 35th SW Phase 2, which we first detailed back in April. He said there’s been a “modest reduction in crashes” since Phase 1 was complete in fall 2015, and they’d like to see more of a reduction. He acknowledged that the signal timings have been less than optimal. They’ve been tweaked and “we’re seeing a pretty good flow out there” now, he said. He also acknowledged that before the timings were changed, they saw some diversion to side streets, and that, he said, has since eased.
North of Morgan, 35th has 25,000+ vehicles a day, and that’s a big reason why they’re not rechannelizing, he said. He reiterated – as we’ve reported – that left-turn signals are in the works for 35th/Barton, and that 35th/Graham has a signal planned as part of the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway project, hopefully getting it built in 2019.
He had new details about 35th/Juneau – noting that Metro has recently discontinued service at the stops there, reducing pedestrian usage at the intersection – and distributing a handout saying work will start as soon as late July on curb-ramp installation, turn restrictions, and left-turn lanes. On-street parking will be removed near the intersection – at least 20 spaces, Curtin said when we asked. The work has to be complete by October 1st, he said. He promised there’ll be an announcement as soon as work is about to begin. Here’s what is being sent to area residents (there’ll be door-knocking too):
And he recapped that a signal is going in at 35th/Dawson, where there have been concerns over the years from people getting to and from Camp Long. New paving east of 35th on Dawson, too “so the entrance to Camp Long is going to get some substantial touchups that are badly needed,” Curtin said. This part of the project should be done by year’s end, he said. “Hopefully we can (eventually) remember ‘I-35’ as a (relic) of the past,” he summarized.
Q&A included whether more speed or red-light cameras might be in the works. Right now, short answer, no, though they are “incredibly effective” at changing behavior, he said – for example, the city’s three-dozen-plus red-light camera intersections have seen a 40% reduction in crashes. The city is trying to get expanded authorization for more use of enforcement cameras but the proposals get stuck in Olympia, Curtin said.
HALA MHA APPEAL UPDATE: MoCA is one of the neighborhood groups that’s party to the citywide appeal of the final Environmental Impact Statement for the city’s Mandatory Housing Afforability plan. President Deb Barker provided an update on where the hearing on the appeal stands. She noted that the Hearing Examiner’s early rulings included a dismissal of consideration of the impacts that ferry-related traffic has on Morgan Junction traffic. The hearing took a full week in late June, and there are three more weeks ahead – non-consecutive weeks in July, August, and September, all open to the public. “It’s a huge thing,” as Barker put it. Witnesses for the appeal so far have included experts on legislative, policy, tree canopy, and more; former City Councilmember Peter Steinbrueck spent almost a full day testifying, she noted. The coalition has pointed out omissions in the city reports, too, she said. So the coalition is trying to get the word out about the issues those omissions raise. Displacement, pointed out one attendee – bringing it back to The Kenney’s project, “replacing six medium-income units with five high-end units.” Asked about ongoing negotiations, Barker said she had no details on talks between SCALE and the mayor’s office – the second mediation meeting, she said.
QUICK UPDATES: … The Morgan mural restoration is complete (as we reported and showed here), aside from a commemorative plaque … Litter League continues its Morgan Junction cleanups (next one, August 5th – details in our calendar listing) … West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) raised $524 for the Morgan Junction Community Festival fund at its benefit barbecue on festival day …Cindi Barker announced upcoming communitywide preparedness information sessions in October and November …
SPEAKING OF THE MORGAN FESTIVAL: Last month’s festival finished $700+ in the black, said outgoing MoCA treasurer Eldon Olson. That was in no small part due to $4,000 or so in support from 15 or so local businesses (WSB was among the co-sponsors – here’s our as-it-happened coverage). Otherwise, it was a “fantastic festival (with) perfect weather,” Olson declared. The kids’ activities expanded this year – 3 face painters and 2 balloon artists (plus, of course, Bubbleman). A magician will be added for next year, and MoCA would love to have more members for the planning committee!
MORGAN JUNCTION PARK ADDITION: Seattle Parks was at the festival collecting input on potential design concepts, followed up by an online survey, as we reported here last month. They’re hoping to hear about next steps soon.
NEW TREASURER: Michael Brunner has been appointed as MoCA’s new treasurer, succeeding Olson.
NEW OPERATIONS LIEUTENANT: Lt. Steve Strand attended his first MoCA meeting as second in command of the Southwest Precinct, having succeeded retired Lt. Ron Smith three weeks ago.
NEXT MEETING: MoCA’s fall-quarter meeting will be the third Wednesday in October, 7 pm at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW).