month : 06/2018 319 results

UPDATE: House fire callout on Beach Drive, downsized

June 24, 2018 11:46 am
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 |   West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

(WSB photo)

11:46 AM: Thanks for the tips. Iniially sizable Seattle Fire callout to the 3500 block of Beach Drive SW for a possible house fire has been downsized to two units already, but we are en route to see what we can find out.

11:55 AM: “Small kitchen fire” is how SFD describes what happened.

UPDATE: West Seattle bake sale raising money for family reunification

(WSB photos)

11:29 AM: As mentioned in today’s highlight list, local families have baked up a variety of treats and are selling them right now north of The Junction, raising money to reunify asylum seekers and their children. It’s at 4146 44th SW and scheduled to continue until 1 pm; Jennifer, the organizer, says contributors have continued to drop off sale items, too, including a mom, baby in tow, who had created a three-layer cake!

(Jennifer and son Theo, a bake-sale helper)

The money will go to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services.

5:37 PM: In a comment, Theo reports the bake sale raised $1,612!

CLOSURE UPDATES: Highway 99 fully open again; West Seattle ‘low bridge’ still undergoing repairs

Just an update/reminder – Southbound Highway 99 between the West Seattle Bridge and Battery Street Tunnel reopened this morning as planned, after work related to the future viaduct-to-tunnel transition. As reported here Friday, WSDOT expects another closure sometime this summer, but the date’s not set yet. Meantime, it’s the fourth full day of the West Seattle “low bridge” repair closure:

No new estimate from SDOT on when it will reopen, beyond the initial estimate that “at least a week” of work would be needed.

West Seattle Sunday: Garden Tour; fundraisers for family reunification; more…

June 24, 2018 6:34 am
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(Western Tiger Swallowtail, photographed at Jack Block Park by David Hutchinson)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox:

WEST SEATTLE GARDEN TOUR: 9 am-5 pm, 12 local gardens are showing off for tour ticket-buyers – tour at your own pace. If you haven’t already bought a ticket book, two local outlets – West Seattle Nursery (5275 California SW) and Junction True Value (4747 44th SW) – both open at 9 am. Proceeds benefit local nonprofits. The tour gardens’ addresses are in the ticket book.

FUNDRAISER FOR FAMILY REUNIFICATION: Sign we spotted at Caffe Ladro in Morgan Junction:

Here’s the Instagram post mentioned on the board. West Seattle Caffe Ladro is open until 6:30 pm. (7011 California SW)

BAKE SALE FOR FAMILY REUNIFICATION: Thanks to Anne for the tip on this. 10 am-1 pm bake sale raising money for #FamiliesBelongTogether – with many local families contributing. (4146 44th Ave SW)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, fresh produce, meat, cheese, beverages, more! Plus cut flowers, plants, ready-to-eat treats …In the street in the heart of The Junction. (California between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)

WSHS CLASS OF 1988 REUNION: 11 am-5 pm, it’s the 30-year reunion for West Seattle High School‘s Class of ’88, at and around Lincoln Park picnic shelter #5, which is near the north play area/wading pool. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: Second day of the season! 11 am-8 pm near the north play area. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

SUMMER CAMP FAIR: Noon-3 pm at Mode Music and Performing Arts, come find out about and sign up for summer camp – music, drama, cooking, sewing …! See our preview for details. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: 1-4 pm (arrive no later than 3:45), the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary welcomes you to the weekly free tours of historic Alki Point Lighthouse. (3201 Alki SW)

DAN LUNDIN AND FRIENDS: Mix of easy-listening covers and originals at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)

P.S. Going to – or participating in – the Pride Parade downtown? Here’s all the official info.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bicycle found; burglary reports; hit-run; more…

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

ROBBERY INVESTIGATION: This past hour, police have been investigating a reported robbery/assault at the Delridge/Orchard Shell station, per radio communication. The assault victim was reported to be the clerk. No other details.

BICYCLE FOUND: AC found a “black and white road bike in the bushes close to Luna Park … Give me a call to ID and I hope you get your bike back. 206 229 1027.”

HIT-RUN: From the inbox: “I’ve reported a hit and run accident 6/22/18 along California and SW Hanford st, at about 1:00 am. The vehicle who hit me and took off looked like it could have been a 1997 dark green Chevy SUV. If anybody witnessed the incident, please call 206-883-5326. Thanks.”

PACKAGES TAKEN: Carolyn shares the video recorded near Lincoln Park at 7:32 am on Friday:

About :30 in, you see a car drive by, then back up, with two people getting out to take boxes from a doorstep. She says the car was a red 4-door Chevy with its back right window smashed in.

OTHER BURGLARIES: The South Delridge burglaries we’ve been reporting on are far from the only burglaries in our area this past week. Some others now have narratives in the publicly viewable report files, so here are our short summaries:

*4700 block SW Charlestown: Around 10:30 last Monday night (June 18th), a woman came home and found a man in her apartment, holding her flat-screen TV. She told police she yelled at him and he put the TV down and took off. The victim’s boyfriend was asleep in a back bedroom while all this happened. The intruder was described as white or Hispanic, in his early 30s, wearing a dark gray hoodie and dark pants.

*1500 block Alki SW: Around 11:30 am last Sunday (June 17th), a neighbor called the resident to say his house had been broken into early that morning. The resident couldn’t find any sign of forced entry but discovered that “his four Glock pistols and his AR-15 style rifle” were missing. The rifle and one pistol were fully loaded, he told police. The neighbor described the burglars only as “two black males and a white female” who left in “a red Taurus.”

*1700 block Alki SW: Last Monday morning, police were called to a complex of seven just-finished townhouses. They were told a lock box containing keys for all but one unit had been stolen sometime over the weekend, and at least one unit – whose new owner had already moved in – had been burglarized.

*9000 block 18th SW: Overnight last Saturday night/Sunday morning, someone broke into the office of a “large commercial building,” stealing two safes and a computer. The safes were reported to have contained jewelry, cash, and documents.

Music, drama, cooking, sewing interest your potential camper(s)? Come to Mode’s summer-camp fair Sunday!

June 23, 2018 8:32 pm
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From Erin Rubin of Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) and its nonprofit offshoot Mode Music and Performing Arts:

We’ve got a summer camp fair tomorrow (Sunday) from 12 pm-3:00 pm at our nonprofit space Mode Music and Performing Arts (3801 Delridge Way SW) and invite all to come – we’ll have a prize wheel, open music, crafts and more! It’ll be followed by the All-Ages Open Mic at The Skylark (next door).

Signup available for all Mode camps:

“Mode Music and Performing Arts All-Day Drama Camps”
M-F 9-3:30 (before and after care available)

“Mode Music Studios Rock Band Camps”
M-F 9-11:30 and 12-2:30 with a Saturday performance at The Skylark

“Little Hands Rainy Day Studios All-Day Sewing/Cooking/Music Camps”
M-F 9-3:00 (after care available)

Here’s the grid showing dates and themes for the camps. Erin adds, “Our summer camps are offering partial and full scholarships for families in need.”

P.S. All are welcome to play in the “open music” during the fair. Plus – this fall Mode is carrying out its mission of bringing arts programming to local schools – 13 schools in the fall, Erin says, with discounted and free programming to local Title I schools, funded by proceeds from after-school programs: “Our goal is to bring music and theater to students in our area and create equity in our Seattle Public Schools.” But first, it’s camp time, so go check out Mode’s fair on Sunday afternoon!

HAPPENING NOW: Ham-radio operators invite you to ‘get on the air’ as Field Day 2018 continues into the night

That’s part of the setup on the south end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus for Field Day, the amateur-radio operators’ event described as “part drill, part contest, part show-and-tell.” The latter is where you come in. You’re invited to visit any time before it ends at 10 am tomorrow – the “Get On The Air” tent (that beige one in our photo) will be happy to set you up with a licensed mentor so you can take a turn. We listened in for a bit:

Field Day involves thousands of other operators, mostly in North America, and so far, as of our visit this afternoon, the hams here had made contacts as far away as Pennsylvania and San Diego – every new contact means a point for the competition, as well as every new means of contact (they’re even using Morse Code in one part of the field). By the way – Field Day will remind you that amateur radio is for all ages:

Those participating include members of the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club:

Also part of Field Day, members of the Puget Sound Repeater Group and the Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service. Related in particular to that last group, another thing that’s potentially of interest – the solar-power setups, as this event is completely off the grid; in case of disaster, hams are ready to be a key part of the communication network, and many regularly train for that. Again, you’re welcome to visit – if you’re driving or riding, enter SSC via the south entrance, and head to the southeasternmost edge of the southern lot – you’ll see the tents and antennas.

UPDATE: Water break at Arrowhead Gardens

(WSB photo)

5:14 PM: Big SFD response at the Arrowhead Gardens seniors complex in SE West Seattle right now. They tell us a major pipe along the underground floor of the easternmost building broke. They’re going to have to do some pumping, and that’s why the Marine Response unit is part of the callout.

6:12 PM UPDATE: SFD adds via Twitter, “Firefighters are working to remove a large amount of water from the structure. Coordinated effort with King County Metro and Red Cross to assist with displaced occupants.” We’ve also added video above showing where some of the water is spilling onto a garage ramp.

12:14 AM: The American Red Cross was called in to help, according to a news release we received via e-mail:

…DAT (Disaster Action Team) 5 responded to the event:

*14 units were affected
*Several individuals (and 1 service dog) were displaced

Initially, all 144 units of the affected building were impacted by the event. Red Cross responders established a shelter, but were able to help mitigate the event and minimize the number of residents who ultimately elected to relocate.

SUNDAY: A dozen sights to see during West Seattle Garden Tour 2018

Planning your Sunday? We’re reminding you about one big event – this year’s West Seattle Garden Tour. A dozen gardens – including “Pocket Paradise” (WSGT photo at right) – will be waiting for you, open 9 am-5 pm to ticketholders on Sunday so you can tour at your own pace. Preview them here!

You can buy ticket books (which include location info about where to find the tour gardens) at Junction True Value (4747 44th SW) until 7 tonight, West Seattle Nursery (California/Brandon) until 8 tonight, or order yours online before 6 pm tonight and pick it up Sunday morning 8-11 am at Metropolitan Market (42nd/Admiral; WSB sponsor).

Proceeds benefit local nonprofits – here’s our April story listing this year’s beneficiaries.

PHOTOS: Celebrating Mark ‘Monk’ Hubbard’s life the way he lived it

Thanks to Tony Welch for photos from the Delridge Skatepark celebration of Mark “Monk” Hubbard‘s life.

Delridge and Roxhill were two of the many skateparks that Mr. Hubbard’s world-renowned West Seattle-headquartered Grindline has built. And as skating was a major part of his life, so it was for his memorial.

He was only 47 when he died earlier this month.

Those not in or near Delridge were urged to gather at their local skateparks on Friday so it would be a “global celebration” in his memory – and the Grindline Instagram feed features some of the other gatherings. At Delridge, the celebration rolled into the second evening of summer, with all ages participating:

Delridge Skatepark opened almost seven years ago.

P.S. As Tony mentioned in a comment, there is a GoFundMe crowdfunding page for Mark’s family.

HAPPENING NOW: Football-fundraiser pancakes with Chief Sealth IHS team

June 23, 2018 11:07 am
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Thanks to Leslie Harris (your rep on the Seattle Public Schools Board as well as its president) for the photo from the Chief Sealth International High School football team’s fundraising pancake breakfast. $5, all-you-can-eat, in the Sealth/Denny galleria until noon.

West Seattle Saturday: 2 closure reminders, and calendar highlights

June 23, 2018 8:44 am
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We start with two closure reminders – first, SB Highway 99 is closed between the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel and the West Seattle Bridge for viaduct-to-tunnel-related work, scheduled to reopen 6 am Sunday.

Second, the West Seattle “low bridge” closure for emergency repairs continues, with completion not expected before midweek.

Now, highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

BENEFIT GARAGE SALE/BAKE SALE: Boy Scout Troop 284‘s sale is under way until 4 pm at Admiral UCC. (4320 SW Hill)

PANCAKES FOR FOOTBALL: As previewed here Friday, Chief Sealth International High School‘s football program is fundraising this morning with all-you-can-eat pancakes and a beverage for just $5, at the Denny Galleria next door. 10 am-noon. (2601 SW Kenyon)

LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: Despite the cloudy sky, Seattle Parks says today is forecast to be warm and sunny later, which means first day for Lincoln Park wading pool, 11 am-8 pm. The pool is near the north play area. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

FIELD DAY: Between noon today and 10 am Sunday, you’re invited to visit the amateur radio operators who will be set up on the south end of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) for the annual Field Day – full details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)

SUMMER SOUNDS: A new music festival featuring local youth performers, and more: “This family event will feature a variety of musical performances and activities, including cultural pieces, participatory art pieces, and our annual carnival.” 1-4 pm at Neighborhood House High Point. (6400 SW Sylvan Way)

FULL TILT ANNIVERSARY PARTY: Ten years for the local ice cream chain that started in White Center! That’s where you’ll drop by tonight for the anniversary celebration, 5-10 pm. (9629 16th SW)

WEST END GIRLS: The Pride edition of this monthly drag extravaganza at The Skylark, hosted by Cookie Couture. Doors at 7, show at 8, performer list on the ticketing page. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

SILENT FILMS WITH LIVE MUSIC: 8 pm at South Park Hall, all ages, $5 admission. (1253 S. Cloverdale)

THE FULL LIST FOR TODAY AND BEYOND … is on our complete-calendar page.

Worried neighbors meet with Southwest Precinct captain after 4 burglaries in 2 days

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

At a time of year when neighbors should be getting together for something fun like a block party, a gathering tonight at one South Delridge house was sparked by a series of burglaries.

So they gathered with pizza – and police.

More than two dozen people crowded into a bungalow living room on 13th SW a short distance north of Roxbury to hear from, and get answers from, Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis.

Within the span of just a few blocks, since Sunday morning, four burglaries have been reported to police, he confirmed, while neighbors wondered if there might have been at least one more. (Our previous report on them is here.) In at least two cases, the burglar’s description was the same – a 6’2″, 220-pound black man who turned up in the house in the middle of the night, “young” but at least 25, clean-shaven, a gap in his op teeth, a “soothing” voice.

No one’s been hurt physically, but the experience was terrifying.

Capt. Davis promised more police presence; he said the night shifts are on orders to do “emphasis patrols” in the area. That doesn’t mean you can expect to see police just parked there – but they’ll frequently be in the area.

Should neighbors go out and walk around on patrols of their own? he was asked.

Davis said he wouldn’t recommend that – “arbitrarily putting yourself in harm’s way is not good.” He did recommend that neighbors stay in close touch with each other, Block Watch-style; they already do, he was assured (a major reason for the crowd in the organizer’s living room), including via their own e-mail list.

One resident said she’s leaving her lights on all night. The captain suggested contacting Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner ( for a home assessment that would lead to suggestions of other ways to beef up security.

What if your landlord doesn’t want to make the changes? “We can strongly recommend that they do,” Davis replied.

The neighbors’ questions continued. Would the burglar come back to the same house? “We’re not sure what this individual wants,” Davis said. One victim said he seemed lonely – seemed to be “looking for love.”

Some wondered if he lives in the area – there’s a “halfway house” nearby, neighbors noted; one said she had contacted people there but no leads so far.

A burglary detective is on the case and will be talking with each victim, Davis reassured the neighbors.

With the city-county line so close by, are police talking to the King County Sheriff’s Office? Yes.

Will police talk with neighbors beyond those who have reported the crimes, just in case somebody saw something? Yes.

Has anything like this happened in any other West Seattle neighborhood? No.

In one case, the burglar bled from broken window glass, so that’s providing evidence that police can test, though Capt. Davis wasn’t certain how soon results would be available. Neighbors’ vigilance is the best way to help with the investigation, he said – “if you see something, say something … so we can get this individual off the street.”

CLOSURE UPDATE: New projected reopening date for 35th SW in Arbor Heights

June 22, 2018 9:44 pm
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While high-profile closures like the West Seattle “low bridge” and SB Highway 99 get all the attention, they’re not the only closures people are dealing with right now. For example, 35th SW between 104th and 106th remains closed for a fourth week in Arbor Heights, because of drainage work in the first phase of the 100th-to-106th sidewalk project. Today, the project team sent this update:

This week, our crews completed concrete pour at driveways and curbs along 35th Ave SW, between SW 104th St and SW 106th St. We tested the newly installed detention pipe and conducted any pipe repair work necessary to begin operation. We then backfilled and repaved the street surface.

Next week, our crews will begin sidewalk construction on the west side of 35th Ave SW, between SW 104th St and SW 106th St. We will coordinate with Puget Sound Energy to schedule for their crews to relocate the gas main at SW 106th St. We hope to complete the sidewalk construction for this segment of 35th Ave SW by the end of next week.

Since that didn’t include a progress report on the 35th closure, we asked about the latest estimate on when it’ll be over. The reply from project spokesperson Ching Chan: ” Assuming the sidewalk construction work on 35th goes smoothly next week, we are hoping to reopen the closed segment of 35th (between 104th and 106th) by first week of July.” An update is promised around the middle of next week.

Can Bar opening this summer in South Delridge

By Randall Hauk
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The South Delridge area will see the arrival of a new neighborhood bar and restaurant later this summer, with Can Bar set to sail into the stretch of 17th Avenue SW between Delridge and Roxbury.

David Gradwohl says he and his partners — Josh Baymiller and James Imonti — are hoping for a mid-July open of their nautically themed bar and restaurant, with an eye toward being able to meet the community during White Center Jubilee Days (July 18-22).

The “Can†in Can Bar is a reference to the prominent role canned beer will play in the bar’s offerings. While there will be six taps for draft beer and a full bar, there will be no bottled beer available.

Read More

TONIGHT: Neighbors invited to concert west of The Junction

Just got word that the traditional end-of-school neighborhood concert near Ercolini Park is on tonight – featuring the band DAD, 6:30 pm-9 pm. Neighbors are invited to the concert – BYO chairs and food/drink (an adjacent pig roast is not a public event). Kids will be playing in the park during the concert; all ages welcome. Free but if you care to donate, it’ll go to support the Genesee Hill Elementary music program.


Thanks to Kersti Muul for the tip – humpback whales have been off West Seattle much of the afternoon, and are in Elliott Bay at last report. One Orca Network commenter reports seeing them from the Water Taxi. Not sure how to ID a humpback? Here’s some help from The Whale Trail.

CLOSURE UPDATE: West Seattle ‘low bridge’ repair work continues

4:14 PM: As you’re hopefully well aware by now, the West Seattle “low bridge” – officially, the Spokane Street Swing Bridge – is closed to non-maritime traffic so repairs can be made after a hydraulic-fluid leak. No new estimate for when it’ll reopen – it’s been closed since Wednesday night, with an estimate of “at least a week” – but SDOT has provided another update on the work, with photos, including:

Today, crews repairing the West Seattle Lower Bridge are pulling electrical conduit and casings from the western bridge support machine room.

They need to reach and replace damaged hydraulics that move the west side of the swing bridge – work that will take several days.

The city-provided van shuttles for bicycle riders continue until 7 pm tonight at both approaches to the low bridge, departing approximately every 20 minutes. Riders who would rather try the detour – across the 1st Avenue South Bridge – have two new ways to check it out, thanks to fellow riders:

1. Don Brubeck of West Seattle Bike Connections sent a RideWithGPS map that he and Bill Gobie created, complete with cue sheet – see it here.

2. Robert Sverci made this video with a first-person view of the ride:

The Water Taxi runs 7 days a week this time of year – you can see the West Seattle schedule here. And whatever mode you’re using, you can check area traffic cameras including the high-level bridge on the WSB West Seattle Traffic page.

P.S. Thanks for all the extra tips on traffic problems during the closure – the best way to get info to us instantly, 24/7, is 206-293-6302, text or voice.

ADDED 8:50 PM: The bicycle shuttle is NOT running on the weekend, SDOT clarifies, adding that usage has been fairly low so far. It will resume Monday morning. Meantime, here’s another repair update.

SATURDAY: All-you-can-eat pancakes for Chief Sealth International High School football program

June 22, 2018 3:04 pm
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School’s out for summer – but fall is right around the corner. Among those very aware of that – those involved with fall sports! Like the Chief Sealth International High School football team, which is raising money for new headsets, dummies, and sleds. As part of that, they’re serving all-you-can-eat pancakes for $5 tomorrow morning, 10 am-noon (Saturday, June 23rd), in the Denny International Middle School Galleria (2601 SW Kenyon, adjacent to Sealth). Just show up – tickets will be available at the door! (Thanks to Jeanette for the tip.)

VIDEO: A tale of two Highway 99 closures – this weekend, and this fall, which will be longer than you’ve heard

(WSB photo: Construction zone just south of southern Highway 99 tunnel portal)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

For the first time in a while, the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program invited the media into the project zone outside the tunnel – not for a tunnel update, but to talk about two closures.

First one is the one we’ve been reminding you about daily since last weekend – 9 pm tonight until 6 am Sunday, southbound 99 is closing between the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel and the West Seattle Bridge. When it reopens, the stretch just north of the stadium zone will be realigned – a little less curvy, basically; not the final configuration, but closer to it. Here are WSDOT-provided images with the before and after – the U-shaped structure at the top of both views is the Atlantic Street overpass:

This won’t be a major change but it’s important for the project – WSDOT’s viaduct-to-tunnel program boss Dave Sowers explained at the briefing that this is part of getting 99 ready for connections to the tunnel and ramps in the area that will carry non-tunnel-bound 99 users into downtown post-viaduct.

Speaking of which, an update on the big tunnel-to-viaduct closure (likely this fall) was the other part of the briefing, and there’s something new for West Seattle drivers/riders – non-tunnel northbound traffic will be affected beyond the main closure itself. We’ll get into that next but first, here’s our video of the entire briefing and media Q&A in case you’d like to watch/listen for yourself:

The first thing to stress: No, there’s still no date for the three-weeks-or-so viaduct-to-tunnel closure. WSDOT hopes to be able to announce it about a month in advance, and currently expects the contractor Seattle Tunnel Partners will officially hand off the tunnel in late August. Sowers said their biggest goal is to have the tunnel open by Thanksgiving, but it could of course be sooner.

While the three-week closure itself isn’t news – we’ve reported it multiple times before – this is: West Seattleites need to know that even when the three-week closure is over and the tunnel is open, the main pre-tunnel ramp from northbound 99 into downtown – Dearborn Street – will not be ready for up to two MORE weeks. So your main paths into downtown until then will be via the low bridge/Spokane Street, or 1st or 4th or I-5 off the eastbound West Seattle Bridge – if you’re not tunnel-bound, you won’t be able to use NB 99 between here and downtown until Dearborn is ready to go.

WSDOT says it’s of course working with other agencies/services including Metro, the Water Taxi, and SDOT to coordinate planning, but they want you to start preparing too, so they’re starting to sound the alerts now.

Something else new: Viaduct demolition, post-closure, is expected to take about six months. That’s a shorter timeframe than previously mentioned. The contractor Kiewit will start at Columbia Street and at the “Pike hillclimb area.” Some work might even begin before year’s end, if the tunnel really does open by November, according to Sowers.

Though the briefing wasn’t about the tunnel itself, we asked what’s going on underground right now. Sowers said the roadway’s built and much of what’s happening now is testing, testing, testing. The tunnel includes “more than 5,000 different instruments” and they not only have to be tested individually, but project managers have to be sure those systems are “talking to each other.” They’re also striping and installing signs.

WSDOT is continuing to put more information about the project and the viaduct-to-tunnel transition online, with an easy-to-remember website: And watch for word of another short-term closure later this summer like the one that’s set for 9 pm tonight through 6 am Sunday – Sowers said they’re trying to figure out the least-impactful dates.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Truck breakdown on eastbound bridge

June 22, 2018 11:55 am
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11:55 AM: Thanks to Jeff for the tip – confirmed by SDOT, which tweeted the image above: A broken-down truck is blocking the left lane on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge just past 1st Avenue S., and that’s extra trouble given the unavailability of the “low bridge” as a detour. So if you have to head east, you might want to wait a while.

UPDATE: SDOT says this was cleared just before 1 pm.

West Seattle Friday: First full day of summer!

June 22, 2018 10:17 am
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(Sunset earlier this week, photographed from Alki by David Hutchinson)

Today is the first full day of summer, which arrived very early Thursday. And as mentioned in the morning traffic coverage, it’s the last day of school for Seattle Public Schools. The calendar’s pretty quiet but we do have a few highlights:

COLMAN POOL: Remember that the outdoor saltwater pool on the shore at Lincoln Park is now open 7 days a week, with swim sessions noon-7 pm. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

GAME ON! Last day of school, and students are invited to celebrate with games at High Point Library, 2-4:30 pm. (3411 SW Raymond)

STEVE ITTERLY: Singer-songwriter performs at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

‘HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH’: The “off-Broadway smash hit” has a 7:30 pm curtain time tonight at ArtsWest and a few tickets remained when we checked. (4711 California SW)

BOBCAT & SHADOW CATS: Live music at The Skylark, doors at 8, music at 9, $8 cover, 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TONIGHT’S SUNSET … 9:10 pm. You can always check the sun/moon times (and some other things) on the WSB West Seattle Weather page.

PREVIEW THE WEEKEND … via our complete calendar!

SPORTS: Final days for West Seattle Soccer Club fall signups! Plus, anniversary party planning

June 22, 2018 9:45 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Two things the West Seattle Soccer Club wants to make sure you know – sent by Tim McMonigle:

With almost a thousand players already registered, we are rapidly coming to the end of our open registration period for the West Seattle Soccer Club 2018 fall season. After July 1, players will only be placed if there is room available on a team. The club exists for players from 5-18 years old, so please register before the deadline.

Play begins right after Labor Day, and will end before Thanksgiving for most ages. The older teams may have some games into early December. Hopefully the World Cup will motivate the players to get out on the pitch to show their stuff.

Also, this is WSSC’s 50th Anniversary, having started in our community in 1968. We are planning a celebration for (new date) September 8th, and hopefully will have some of our founders and early soccer participants available to share stories, along with a lot of food and fun events. If you were part of the WSSC in the late ’60s/early ’70s, please contact us at We’d love to see some old team photos and stories of the early years of our program.