Five notes in West Seattle Crime Watch today:
STOLEN SUBARU: Just received from Ricardo:
Our 1999 Subaru Legacy wagon was stolen from our house this morning/last night. Just wanted to let the community know and to be on the lookout for it. It’s tan in color and has a moon/sunroof. License plate number ANJ2766. Nothing of any real worth in the car unless someone was really looking to lift a case of Trader Joe’s water and a 20-year-old dog blanket. Has been reported to SPD, incident #: 18-132219.
It happened near 36th SW/SW Henderson. (APRIL 19 UPDATE – Ricardo tells us it’s been found.)
WALLET/PHONE THEFT: Stacey says this happened in a flash at the Junction Shell minimart – her wallet and phone were snatched off the counter, and the cards were used “all over downtown” shortly thereafter. She’s hoping to get the surveillance video, and is also still awaiting the report number, so this is a warning for starters.
GRAFFITI VANDALISM: Yes, we know, this happens a lot, but the past few days have brought an extra-brazen wave south of Morgan Junction, Will noticed while walking in the area this morning. The tagging, mostly on the west side of California SW, included multiple commercial buildings as well as a townhouse building at California/Mills, where Will found people painting it over this morning. He says they told him they had called police, who came by to photograph it this morning.
(Photo added, courtesy of commenter KittyJorts)
(Getting graffiti photographed before painting it over is always a good idea, SPD has said repeatedly at community meetings we’ve covered.) The police incident # is 18-132170.
SUSPICIOUS VISIT POST-PACKAGE DELIVERY: A Puget Ridge resident in the 6500 block of 16th SW got a package delivered around 11:15 am today but wasn’t able to get to the porch immediately to pick it up. Around 11:30, they report, a car backed into the driveway with two people inside, and the passenger got out and started walking up the resident’s steps toward the package – until the resident opened the door, at which time the person “turned around and (weirdly casually) went back to the car. Ignored me when I asked if I could help with something, so I gathered my stuff and went inside. They casually drove off, south on 16th.” The car, the resident believes, was a dark gun-metal-colored Jeep Cherokee, mid-2000s. The person who came up the steps wore a black baseball cap obscuring his/her face, “chin-length braids with maybe a little brassy bleaching at the tips of some,” and loose all-black clothing.
CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL ON TUESDAY: If you have neighborhood crime/safety concerns, your next chance to bring them directly to the attention of Southwest Precinct police – outside of 911 calls – is Tuesday (April 17th), 7 pm, at the precinct (2300 SW Webster). It’s the April meeting of the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, and all are welcome. The scheduled guest is SPD Bias Crimes Unit Det. Elizabeth Wareing (rescheduled from an earlier date).