UPDATE: Water trouble in east West Seattle Junction area, fixed

6:22 AM: We have reports of low water pressure in the area of 40th SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska. One reader says they’ve called Seattle Public Utilities and were told there’s a water break. On our way to check.

(Photo posted in comments by Mark)

6:39 AM: No crew on site right now but the water is flowing on the east side of the street, southward toward SW Alaska from the vicinity of a hydrant at midblock. No traffic effects.

(WSB photos from here down)

7:53 AM: Neighbors report in comments that a crew is there now.

10:13 AM: As commenters reported, LA Fitness (sign above) is indeed closed – we just went by to verify. They hope to reopen by mid-afternoon. And 40th is closed between Oregon and Alaska because of the work.

11:16 AM: We also just got a text that Sound and Fog – which is across SW Alaska on 40th – is also closed because of the water break. If you know of any other businesses affected, please let us know – we’re making phone calls in the meantime, but unlike a power outage, there’s no information on the exact area affected, so we’re just making guesses for starters. (added) We just checked with West Seattle Bowl, for example, right next door to Spruce (the building that houses LA Fitness) – the bowling alley and its restaurant DO have water.

11:36 AM: Across the Fauntleroy/Alaska intersection, The Whittaker (WSB sponsor) tells us they’re without water, but we need to check individually on how/whether that’s affecting the businesses in their building. (added) We called CityMD, which says they’re closed to walk-in patients until the water’s back on, but you can call to make appointments.

12:07 PM: SPU’s Andy Ryan tells us the water “should be back on for customers by 1 pm. Crews will do some flushing to minimize the dirty water caused by the shutdown, and will remain at the jobsite this afternoon, completing the repairs on the hydrant.”

1:30 PM: A commenter says water is back on at Spruce.

2:33 PM: Sound & Fog has reopened. So has 40th SW. The signs were off the door at LA Fitness but we have to head back that way to send someone in to verify that they’re operational.

3:24 PM: LA Fitness confirms it’s open again too.

4:07 PM: And last but by no means least, SPU’s Ingrid Goodwin has answered some followup questions:

What happened? We strongly suspect that a car hit the hydrant based on where it broke and the force needed to cause the type of damage that occurred (damage occurred to critical hydrant parts that were underground).

Why did the water main have to be shut down? Normally, crews can simply shut off the hydrant valve to make the repair. But because the hydrant valve was damaged, they were forced to shut off the water main to stop the break, which unfortunately led to temporary water shutoff for customers.

Why so much damage? The hydrant that was hit was very old, installed about 40 or 50 years ago. The types of hydrants SPU has been installing for quite a while are “break-away” hydrants that are designed to break away or withstand being struck by vehicles. The new hydrant that was installed today is a break-away hydrant.

38 Replies to "UPDATE: Water trouble in east West Seattle Junction area, fixed"

  • Mark January 24, 2018 (6:40 am)

    Turned on our water and has suction not pressure at 6:30am.

  • Dawn January 24, 2018 (6:41 am)

    I’m in the middle of that block and zero water flow at the moment. 

  • Jenn January 24, 2018 (7:14 am)

    On Fauntleroy near Edmunds and we have no water

  • Anthony January 24, 2018 (7:15 am)

     Water bubbling from base of fire hydrant on east side of 40th about mid-block.  Reported at 6:30 am.  Had already been reported.  Crew was dispatched.  No water crew as of 7:15am.

  • Mark January 24, 2018 (7:30 am)

    Water main leak is from the base of a fire hydrant on the East side of 40th Ave SW, between Alaska & Oregon Streets.

  • Peter January 24, 2018 (7:44 am)

    A crew has arrived and is checking out the situation

  • Peter January 24, 2018 (7:49 am)

  • Cyd January 24, 2018 (7:54 am)

    Has anyone heard how long it will take to repair? Spruce apts. maintenance said soon. But that was an hour ago.

  • J. Lardizabal January 24, 2018 (7:58 am)

    LA Fitness is closed as they have no running water. 

  • Jason January 24, 2018 (7:58 am)

    LA fitness just shut down

  • 40th Ave resident January 24, 2018 (8:17 am)

    Once the water comes back, how long until you can drink the water?

  • Kera January 24, 2018 (9:01 am)

    Hope LA Fitness opens soon after water repair is done!!  I would like to stick with my workout commitments!! ☺️

    • Jason January 24, 2018 (10:12 am)

      They kicked me out 50 minutes into my workout. Will be back tonight instead. Guessing it will be packed. 

      • Kera January 24, 2018 (11:55 am)

        Oh that sucks!   I’m not surprised about tonight. 

  • 40th Ave resident January 24, 2018 (9:51 am)

    At 9 AM, my husband spoke to the workers, and they estimated 5 hours. Waiting on other utilities to come and mark their lines.

    • WSB January 24, 2018 (10:09 am)

      We are down here checking on things – 40th is closed on this block. And LA Fitness is indeed closed. Updating above.

  • LA Fitness member January 24, 2018 (10:33 am)

    Maybe LA fitness can take advantage of the shut down to repair their roof leak that has been discoloring ceiling tiles and dripping water on the free weight equipment for months now. Being a “signature” level gym this type of thing should be addressed immediately. I truly think they are taking advantage of location to charge our West Seattle residents this “signature” rate, besides towel service there are no added amenities. Employees are friendly but management needs to step up their game. 

    • Commercial RE January 24, 2018 (7:21 pm)

      A leaking roof is a structural repair. The building owner is responsible for structural repairs, not the tenant (LA Fitness). 

  • MJ January 24, 2018 (11:51 am)

    Not sure why LA Fitness closed due to water item?  A simple note to Clients letting them know would have sufficed.

    • AnonymousCoward January 24, 2018 (12:33 pm)

      Yeah, just let the employees pee in the gutter, right?

    • jv January 24, 2018 (1:20 pm)

      Because employees need functioning bathroom facilities.

  • WSB January 24, 2018 (12:12 pm)

    SPU just told us they expect to have water back on by 1 pm. We’ll do our best to check around again regarding reopenings but we also appreciate info if you find out before we do – TR

  • MJ January 24, 2018 (12:45 pm)

    My bad, lack of restroom is the likely reason.  But a person already working out should have been allowed to finish

  • Ruckus January 24, 2018 (1:08 pm)

    Imagine the widespread – and longlasting – water and gas line breaks that could occur in WS in an Alaska-strength quake. Especially from Harbor Avenue to Beach Drive, where homes and businesses are built on weak soil. Be prepared.

  • newnative January 24, 2018 (1:18 pm)

    LA Fitness posted on Facebook that someone “hit the fire hydrant”. Is this true and the source of the broken water line?

    • WSB January 24, 2018 (1:29 pm)

      I am still waiting for SPU to answer my followup question on the cause and will add the response when I get it. As shown in the photos above, the fire hydrant was certainly the *area* of the problem. However, the previous hydrant itself appeared upright (both in the reader photo and when I went by in the very early going to check) and there is no police or fire call listed online for that block. – TR

      • WSB January 24, 2018 (4:07 pm)

        Finally just got the SPU followup info, adding above.

  • Elissa January 24, 2018 (1:20 pm)

    Spruce Apartments has running water now! Looks like you need to run it for a bit to clear the sediment.

    • WSB January 24, 2018 (1:22 pm)

      Thank you for the update!

  • Waterless in West Seattle January 24, 2018 (1:32 pm)

    The Whittaker DOES NOT have water yet … and we’re across from Spruce :(

    • WSB January 24, 2018 (2:06 pm)

      Be sure SPU knows. We just went through the area and all I can say for sure pending phone calls is that 40th SW is open again.

  • Annoyed January 24, 2018 (1:40 pm)

    A lot of spoiled/entitled responses from LA fitness members here. Why don’t you just go run outside for excercise? It’s free! And in the meantime people who live or work in this area being without running water to use their restrooms or drink is a bit more pressing than missing a couple of your reps on the elliptical or whatever for one day

    • Fastest man in north admiral January 24, 2018 (2:09 pm)

      It’s more than missing a day in your lifting program or excercise for the day.. it’s not the gyms fault for not having running water of course but rather the accumulation of problems this gym has had and currently has but is not taking initiative to fix these problems. Paying good money and not delivering on the signature name. 

    • Question Authority January 24, 2018 (2:38 pm)

      I couldn’t agree more, it’s almost like the water that went missing was being used to walk on!

  • Thank you annoyed! January 24, 2018 (2:39 pm)

    I’ve been thinking the same thing every time I check this for an update!  It’s not the greatest to leave for work with no way to even wash your hands!

  • Brittany January 24, 2018 (2:39 pm)

    The Whittaker apartments have also confirmed water is back on (Edmonds & Fauntleroy)

    • WSB January 24, 2018 (2:42 pm)

      Thank you.

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