West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
One reader report in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight. Just in, from Liz:
My boyfriend and I live at the Alaska Junction and today between 1 am and noon, Luc’s maroon 1992 Subaru Legacy wagon (hatchback – license plate number AAM 5011) was stolen with his black MacNeil BMX bicycle locked inside. It was parked on Glenn Way near the alley between Oregon and Alaska. We have made a police report, looked at Offerup and Craigslist, and called the tow yard, but there has been no sign of the bike or the car.
The bike is a MacNeil Default frame with S&M bars and forks, purple Hoder grips, and Odyssey pedals (purple) cranks and wheels.
SPD incident # 18-14338. Call 911 if you see the car.
P.S. Reminder that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets Tuesday (January 16th), 7 pm at Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster) – bring your neighborhood crime concerns/questions for police.
Thanks for the tips about that new banner hanging outside the ex-Kokoras space in Morgan Junction. It proclaims “Grand Opening” for TeriFresh, though it’s not open yet. Kokoras closed three months ago and when we found a crew working inside, they told us they were remodeling. Then some time ago, a local businessperson reported seeing a flyer that said TeriFresh was coming; when we reported on Kokoras’s ownership change a little over a year ago, our story included a mention that the new owner owned TeriFresh in Maple Valley. We tried to contact them about the flyer and never got a response; we’ve also been going by looking for anyone at work inside, and there’s been nothing visible for a long time until the new banner. If you want to find out more about TeriFresh, here’s the website for their Maple Valley restaurant.
This week a few people contacted us to ask “when is this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day?” And when we start getting that question, it’s time to launch the countdown – and today happens to be exactly four months from the big day – the second Saturday in May, as always – this year, that’s May 12th. If you’re new, WSCGSD isn’t one big sale, but one big day with simultaneous sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula. A local nonprofit launched it in 2005 and organized it for three years before shutting down and putting out the call for someone to take it over. We thought it was such a great day of face-to-face community-building all over West Seattle, we didn’t want to see it go away, so we raised our hands … and this is the 11th year we’re coordinating it. Registration will open in early April – watch here and westseattlegaragesale.com for updates.
More than five years after buying and “landbanking” the future park site in the 4700 block of 40th SW [map], Seattle Parks is moving forward with designing the new park. And the next round of input is set for two drop-in events on the same day: 11:30 am-1 pm and 5:30-7 pm Thursday, February 1st, at the site. The project team from Parks and GGLO Design will be there to “review design concepts and gather input” from everyone who shows up. Last September, you might recall, Parks held a drop-in event at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market to gather votes on potential design elements. The city bought the park site in 2012 for $1.4 million and “landbanked” it; until last summer, it was home to temporary Fire Station 32 while the new station was being built.
(Black turnstone, photographed by Mark Ahlness, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Now approaching – your weekend. Here are Friday highlights to get it started. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WINE: Stop in and enjoy a glass of wine at Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor); bottles available for purchase too. Tasting room open 5-9 pm. (5910 California SW) … In South Admiral, Welcome Road Winery (WSB sponsor) is open 5-8 pm, with glass pours and tasting flights. (3804 California SW)
SKATE NIGHT: 5:45 pm-7:45 pm, skating at Alki Community Center. $3/person. (5817 SW Stevens)
SPAGHETTI-DINNER FUNDRAISER: 6:30-8:30 pm, join the West Seattle High School Key Club in the WSHS Commons for a spaghetti dinner, raising money for club expenses and the Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program. Tickets are $10 each; along with spaghetti, you’ll find a photo booth, raffles, and cake walk. (3000 California SW)
ART LOUNGE: Highland Park Improvement Club invites you to bring your projects and get creative, starting at 7 pm. 21+. (1116 SW Holden)
SIGGIE THE VINTAGE MAN: Americana at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
BASKETBALL HOME GAMES: The West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School varsity teams are all home tonight. Sealth (2600 SW Thistle) hosts Franklin, West Seattle (3000 California SW) hosts Lakeside – girls’ varsity games at 7 pm, boys’ varsity games at 8:30 pm.
STUDENT-DIRECTED THEATER: Last of 3 nights for “Killjoy,” directed by student Kimberly Le, at West Seattle High School, 7:30 pm. $10 at the door. (3000 California SW)
AT THE SKYLARK: Live music at 8 pm, with Brainard, The Double Cross Committee, and Dennis Dabbs. $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
AT THE PARLIAMENT: 9 pm-midnight, it’s Box Punch, your favorite cover band. 21+. $5 at the door. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
AND THERE’S MORE … on our complete-calendar page.
One BIG beach party is in the works for Alki this summer … seven months away, but that’s not too far off for you to save the date. Legendary Sub Pop Records just shared the news with us so we could share it with you:
To celebrate 30 years of releasing somewhat well-regarded records, CDs, and tapes, Sub Pop Records is hosting an entirely FREE event we’ve taken to calling SPF30. Sub Pop’s 30th Anniversary Party (with entertainment) will be held Saturday, August 11th, 2018, along incredibly scenic Alki Ave. in the Alki Beach neighborhood of West Seattle. …
SPF30 is altogether FREE and will have… Bands! A record fair-type event! A host of local nonprofit organizations! Food! Booze! (The food and beer and wine and soda or whatever, you will have to pay for! These parts are not free!) Good times and opportunities to embarrass yourself and those who’d always hoped for better for you! Plus, bands!
Sub Pop’s 30th Anniversary Party (with entertainment) at Alki Beach
Saturday, August 11th, 2018
Noon – 10 pm
West SeattleFor FREE / For YOU
Which bands? Of course you’d ask that. Too soon to say, Sub Pop tells us. But they want you to save the date and be ready to celebrate with them on (have you memorized the date yet?) August 11th. We’ll have updates in the months ahead.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:03 AM: Good morning! No incidents reported in/from West Seattle so far.
SATURDAY MORNING BATTERY STREET TUNNEL CLOSURE: The BSTunnel will be closed both ways 6 am-10 am Saturday morning. If you’re heading north, you’ll have to exit 99 at Western; if you’re heading south (from north of downtown), you’ll have to exit at Denny.
MONDAY HOLIDAY: Monday is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No school; no Water Taxi; Metro on “reduced weekday” service.
METRO ‘MOMENT OF REMEMBRANCE’ MONDAY: As announced Wednesday, most Metro buses will stop at 4:04 pm Monday for a “moment of remembrance.”