West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
A judge set bail at $30,000 today for a 20-year-old man arrested after allegedly breaking into a Highland Park home early Saturday, awakening a sleeping family, including David, who shared his firsthand account, saying screams woke him up:
“Uncle David! Uncle David! There’s a man in the house!!!” I shook the sleep out of my eyes, sure that I must have heard incorrectly. The screams continued as I exited my room to find a man inside the home, confronting my niece and her three children ages 1, 3, and 5. I demanded that he leave immediately, but he delayed, as though he was considering his options. Meanwhile, my niece was calling the police on her cell phone. Still the man did not move.
David finally pushed the intruder out of the house and watched him disappear between neighbors’ homes before police arrived. While they searched near his house, he decided to drive a wider circle to look for him, and spotted him near the South Seattle College campus. He called 911 to get that information to police, and that’s where they made the arrest. According to the police report, which we obtained along with documents from today’s bail hearing, “The suspect was not wearing shoes when contacted by officers. The suspect’s shoes were found inside the victim’s residence.” (Blue and white Nike Air Jordans, according to the police report.) Arrest paperwork includes the notation that police would be against releasing the suspect, as he is a convicted felon with a record including robbery, and a weapons history. The King County Jail Register says he spent a month in jail last summer in an assault case; his listed “last known address” is also in Highland Park.
After another alert about a Metro Route 56 cancellation this morning – the fourth such alert we had seen in less than a week – we asked Metro what’s going on.
Turns out that today’s “canceled” trip did run after all, spokesperson Jeff Switzer found out after our inquiry, as did one last Wednesday for which there was also an alert, but runs in other areas were canceled today, as you’ll notice if you scroll through @kcmetrobus on Twitter. The Route 56 trips that really didn’t run last week had “no available operator,” Switzer explains.
Transit Alert – Route 56 to downtown Seattle due to leave Alki at 7:19 AM will not operate this morning.
— King County Metro🚌 (@kcmetrobus) November 16, 2017
Transit Alert – Route 56 to downtown Seattle due to leave Alki at 7:19 AM will not operate this morning.
— King County Metro🚌 (@kcmetrobus) November 17, 2017
But he tells WSB they’re staffing up:
In the past month, we have trained and deployed 70 new full-time drivers and 20 new part-time drivers. The most recent class of 35 full-time drivers graduated on Friday and are expanding the routes they are qualified on, so they can cover more work as needed.
We’re about a week away from operating more normalized service with fewer cancellations. We forewarned that a month-long uptick in canceled trips through today, and experienced some good days and some rougher days. Now we are seeing that a few more days of canceled trips are possible.
We’re at 2,850 bus drivers and providing over 99% of our 13,500 scheduled daily bus trips. We continue to hire and have a new rhythm of driver training in an effort to produce more drivers for service.
Two years ago, we took an up-close look at how the system – and the distribution of drivers – works. Switzer says what was pointed out then regarding alerts is still the case – “We notify customers of canceled trips when they are on routes with a low number of commute trips, so riders can adjust as needed. When we cancel trips on other more frequent service, riders can catch the next bus that comes along in the schedule.” He acknowledges today was “rough … on some routes and we apologize for the inconvenience, but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in the uptick in cancellations.”
Friends of Roxhill Elementary, whose projects include school-playground improvements for Roxhill’s upcoming move to EC Hughes, are saying “thanks” tonight – Jenny Rose Ryan says last week’s dine-out fundraiser at Zippy’s Giant Burgers brought in more than $700, and they’re grateful both to diners and to Zippy’s for their generosity. Next up for Friends of Roxhill: “We’re having kids offer ideas and having a brainstorming event during our annual Night of Hope on November 30, and will be sharing information with Roxhill parents during our weekly coffee hour from 8 to 9, also on the 30th.” Then reps from the
city Department of Neighborhoods and Seattle Public Schools will be at the next Friends of Roxhill meeting on December 11th to talk about next steps in the playground process.
4:31 PM: More than two and a half years after the state Attorney General filed wage-theft and tax-evasion charges against former West Seattle Athletic Club owner Sam Adams, a plea agreement (see the documents here and here) has just been announced. Here’s the news release from the AG’s Office:
Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that former employees of West Seattle Athletic Club will receive restitution from their former employer’s company following Ferguson’s criminal wage theft case.
“Wage theft is a crime and I will not stand for violators who cheat working families out of their hard-earned wages,” Ferguson said. “I am pleased that Mr. Adams’ company was held accountable and my office has been successful in obtaining restitution for these workers.”
Hollystone Holdings, Inc., a company owned by former West Seattle Athletic Club owner Sam Adams, pleaded guilty to criminal wage theft in King County Superior Court. Pursuant to the agreement, the company will pay restitution in an amount that will equal the total amount owed to former employees who were never compensated for their back wages. While the exact amount is not yet known, it is expected to be in the thousands of dollars.
If the conditions of the agreement are not met, the state reserves the right to re-file charges against Sam Adams.
How to file wage theft violations with the state Department of Labor & Industries
If you believe you are a victim of wage theft, immediately file a complaint with the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I). Preserve any documentation regarding the amount of wages you believe you are owed.Workers can file a wage complaint if a business does not pay them. Workers can also file a complaint if the business denies other workplace rights regulated by L&I, such as meal and rest breaks, overtime, and family care.
Individuals can download a Worker Rights Complaint form or get one from their nearest L&I office. The completed form should be mailed or delivered to the nearest L&I office. Find out more about how to file a worker rights complaint here.
Our report on the announcement of charges in February 2015 included an allegation that the case involved “$500,000 in unpaid taxes, withheld salary, and unpaid insurance premiums.” As we also noted at the time, this case involved former club owner Adams and a business partner, NOT the current ownership of the club at 2629 SW Andover, which was renamed West Seattle Health Club and has been owned/operated by the property owner since Adams relinquished it in fall 2014. Adams’ short-lived ownership followed a previous owner’s bankruptcy.
ADDED 6:24 PM: A spokesperson for Sam Adams sent this news release on his behalf:
More library news! Thanks to Melinda Jankord-Steedman for the video! Two months after the Highland Park Elementary library was officially named in honor of longtime volunteer LouAnne Rundall, a plaque was unveiled today, displaying the new name over the library entrance. She was there for the short ceremony in her honor – as she has been for so many days in the past 45 years! – led by principal Chris Cronas, with HPE librarian Chris Robert (who uncovered the plaque).
The Seattle Public Library says it’s going system-wide as of today with the Peak Picks program, which it’s been testing at eight locations (none in West Seattle). This is meant to increase availability of in-demand titles (bestsellers and more) – no holds, no renewals after the two-week checkout period, first-come first-served. If you don’t already know, West Seattle’s library branches are in Admiral (2306 42nd SW), Delridge (5423 Delridge Way SW), High Point (3411 SW Raymond), and Westwood (the Southwest branch at 9010 35th SW).
Just in case you’re looking for a taste of home while off-peninsula:
ITTO’S TAPAS 2 ON CAPITOL HILL: Exactly two years after opening on the north edge of The Junction, Itto’s Tapas launches a second location on Capitol Hill tomorrow. They’ve taken over the former Toscana Pizzeria location at 601 Summit Ave. E. General manager Devrim Øzkan tells WSB, “Our first location in West Seattle has been fortunate to share so many wonderful experiences with it’s community through food and libations; we are hoping to make a similar mark in Capitol Hill. Our new location, unlike our spot in West Seattle, will be 21+.”
PIZZERIA 22 PROPRIETOR’S SODO PROJECT: Cary Kemp of Pizzeria 22 in The Admiral District says he’s been “hired as a consultant and executive chef to help create a New York style pizzeria in SODO that will feature a full Italian menu; it’s called Nine Pies Pizzeria and will be connected to the Nine Hats tasting room. It’s a beautiful restaurant and we plan to open the first of the year.” Address: 3861 1st Ave. S.
(Photos by Dennis Hinton. Above, volunteer Pete Draughon watching the Fauntleroy fish ladder)
By Dennis Hinton and Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog
Last year about this time, “Big Wally” closed the spawning season by hanging out in lower Fauntleroy Creek for two weeks. The 7-to-8-pound male coho was likely waiting (in vain) for a mate.
This year, the last of four spawners spotted in the creek was “Little Jill,” a small hatchery-released female. Collectively known as “jacks,” these immature coho come back to fresh water after only one year at sea instead of the standard two.
(“Little Jill” is in this photo – but hard to see)
At about 15″ long, Jill was first thought to be a cutthroat in to feed on fresh salmon eggs. But after she zipped up and down the fish ladder for a few days, volunteers saw that her adipose fin was clipped – the way hatcheries mark smolts when they release them. Watchers last saw her November 2nd, showing signs of deterioration common to spawners.
Volunteer watcher Mark Ahlness claimed the first spawner sightings October 27 – a 3-to-4-pound female and a smaller, red-sided male. The little one was soon a carcass fluttering in the flow. A third fish came in before Jill; at least one other was spotted at the mouth, but watchers didn’t find it in the creek. No fish were seen venturing farther upstream than the fish ladder (just across Fauntleroy Way SW from the beach). Watchers saw no indication of spawning.
Given favorable high tides and creek conditions, watchers continued their surveying until yesterday (Sunday, November 19th), with no further sightings.
The watch involved a dozen volunteers this year. About three dozen visitors stopped by to check out the fish and habitat.
Previous five years’ totals: 7 in 2016, 0 in 2015, 19 in 2014, 0 in 2013, 274 in 2012.
(Harbor seal, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide:
FOOD TRUCKS AT SSC: Today starts the second week of daily food trucks at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor). Until 1 pm, you’ll find Peasant Food Manifesto near the Clock Tower. (6000 16th SW)
TURKEY DONATIONS: Donate turkeys to the West Seattle Food Bank until 3 pm today (35th SW/SW Morgan) and at the White Center Food Bank through 5 pm today. (8th SW/SW 108th)
AFTERNOON BOOK GROUP: “The Round House” by Louise Erdrich is this month’s book for the Southwest Library Afternoon Book Group – all are welcome at the 2 pm gathering. (9010 35th SW)
TINKERLAB: 4-5:30 pm at Delridge Library, “Snap Circuits” is the theme for today’s all-ages STEM craft session. Free! (5423 Delridge Way SW)
‘MEATLESS MONDAY’ COOKING CLASS: 4 pm today at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) with Chef Kim O’Donnel, today’s class theme is “Hearty Greens.” Sign up in advance. (36th SW/SW Snoqualmie)
SINGING AT THE GAME: As mentioned here again last night, the Our Lady of Guadalupe School 4th-and-5th-grade chorus will sing “God Bless America” at halftime of tonight’s Seahawks-Falcons game at CenturyLink Field. Kickoff is at 5:30 pm; the game is on TV on KIRO and ESPN.
ORDERING DEADLINE: Ordering holiday food from Metropolitan Market-Admiral (WSB sponsor)? The deadline is tonight; here’s the link if you’re doing it online. (41st/42nd/Admiral)
SOMETHING TO SHARE … with tens of thousands of your neighbors, via our calendar and/or Holiday Guide? editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
If you have abundance to share this Thanksgiving, here are three ways to ensure others will have holiday feasts too:
DONATE TURKEYS TO WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK: You can bring one or more turkeys to the WSFB until 3 pm today, 9 am-3 pm Tuesday, 9 am-7 pm Wednesday. (35th SW/SW Morgan)
DONATE TURKEYS TO WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK: Turkeys are also being accepted at the WCFB through 5 pm today, 9 am-5 pm Tuesday and Wednesday. (8th SW/SW 108th)
DONATE DESSERTS TO FREE THANKSGIVING DINNER @ THE HALL AT FAUNTLEROY: Thursday’s open-to-everyone dinner at The Hall always welcomes dessert donations – pies, cookies, etc. You can drop them off on Thanksgiving, 10 am-1 pm, or call 206-932-1059 to arrange a Wednesday afternoon dropoff. They could use kids’ clothing, new socks (any size), and blankets, too. (9131 California SW)
P.S. Throughout the holiday season, we feature other donation opportunities (and volunteering, too) in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide – so if you have something to add there, please e-mail info to editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7 AM: Good morning and welcome to Thanksgiving week, off to a rainy start.
Ferry note this morning: The Sealth (90 cars) has replaced the Chelan (124 cars) on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route.
Also – Seattle Public Schools elementary and K-8 schools have no classes today through Wednesday, in addition to the districtwide Thursday-Friday holiday, because of conferences.
And a stadium-zone note: The Seahawks play at home tonight, 5:30 pm vs. Atlanta.
8:14 AM: Another canceled Route 56 bus – Metro just sent an alert that the 7:32 am 56 didn’t run.