If you have some extra giving capacity this year, maybe you can help handle a few of the 1,124 requests received by the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) this season. Both locations have giving trees up, with two weeks and two days for you to help make the holidays happier for someone. From the Y’s executive director Shalimar Gonzales:
The West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA invites local residents of all ages to participate in a variety of free activities and give a gift to support kids and families in the area. There is a giving tree on display in each of the lobbies of the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA locations with cards attached. If you are interested in sharing a gift, just take one or more cards, purchase the requested gift, and return it to the Y by December 9th. Last year, over 800 gifts were provided by the community for this effort. It’s been a tough year for many people in the community, and during this special season, the need for even more donations from our community members is even more critical.
As for those free community activities – to which you’re invited whether you’re a Y member or not – they include:
*Family Night, 6:30 pm-8 pm December 1st
*Healthy Holiday Stress-Reduction Workshop, 6:30 pm December 11th and 10 am December 14th
*Winter Holiday Bake-A-Rama with Chef Kim O’Donnel, 4:30-5:30 pm December 14th (Sufganiyot [Jelly Donuts] and Benne [Sesame] Biscuits)
All of those events – which have been added to the WSB WS Holiday Guide – are at the West Seattle branch (36th SW/SW Snoqualmie); the Fauntleroy branch is at 9131 California SW. Our Holiday Guide also has a “holiday giving” section where we have added these giving trees – if you have a giving tree, donation drive, fundraiser, volunteer need, etc., please let us know so we can add it too – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!