What’s up for the rest of your West Seattle Friday

(Moonset photo by James Bratsanos)

Thanks for all the sunrise and full-moon photos, four of which are interspersed with our highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:

WEST SEATTLE LUG CO-SPONSORS CONFERENCE: Not in West Seattle but co-sponsored by the West Seattle Linux Users’ Group – this is happening today (just under way) and tomorrow:

The West Seattle LUG (Linux User Group) is proud to be a Community Sponsor of the 2017 Seattle GNU/Linux Conference.

SeaGL is a grassroots technical conference dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the GNU/Linux community and free/libre/open-source software/hardware. The goal for SeaGL is to produce an event which is as enjoyable and informative for those who spend their days maintaining hundreds of servers as it is for a student who has only just started exploring technology options.

Seattle GNU/Linux Conference is October 6 & 7 at Seattle Central College. There is no cost for attendance, and your right to privacy is respected.

Find out more at seagl.org – and find out more about #WSeaLUG at wsealug.net.

(Moonset photo by Kersti Muul)

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY CENTER @ SCC: It’s Friends and Family Day at the TRiO Educational Opportunity Center on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, 11 am-3 pm. Details in our calendar listing.(6000 16th SW)

WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: 5-7 pm at Barnes and Noble/Westwood Village, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society-presented author series features Steven Bender. Free – just drop in! (2600 SW Barton)

FRIDAY NIGHT SKATE: We’ve updated our Alki Community Center Friday night skating link with info from the center, including the dates it’s not happening, but tonight it’s ON! 5:45 pm-7:45 pm; details here. (5817 SW Stevens)

(Sunrise photo by Jim Borrow)

CORNER BAR IN HIGHLAND PARK: 6 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, it’s the monthly pop-up bar, with music! Bluegrass/Americana performed live by Rusty Hinges – plus DJ Dr. Lehl. All ages until 9 pm. (1116 SW Holden)

FOOTBALL: West Seattle High School‘s homecoming game is at 7 pm vs. Nathan Hale (Southwest Athletic Complex; 2801 SW Thistle) … Tonight’s game at West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW) is Seattle Prep vs. Roosevelt, also 7 pm.

(Reader photo, taken from Highland Park)

NOT DEAD YET: The West Seattle band celebrates its 8th anniversary on tonight’s bill at The Skylark. $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

PREVIEW THE WEEKEND … on our complete-calendar page!

4 Replies to "What's up for the rest of your West Seattle Friday"

  • Lee October 6, 2017 (11:41 am)

    Wow, Kersti!  Another amazing shot.  If you don’t charge for your photography, you probably should.  :)

    • Kersti Muul October 8, 2017 (8:52 pm)

      Any photo you see if mine is available for purchase.

      I like to share photos on the blog, as I feel it promotes curiosity about our wild, beautiful west Seattle, which then may lead to interest in conservation….

  • cjp October 6, 2017 (7:09 pm)

    this links to the contact page, not the calendar page. ;) 


    • WSB October 6, 2017 (7:14 pm)

      thanks, after all these years you’d think we’d use a template, but no, I type it fresh from scratch every day and do that on occasion. Fixing!

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