WEST SEATTLE ROAD WORK: 35th SW repairs this week, Alki-area paving next

8:23 PM: Thanks to @MetPatrick22 for the photo and word that 35th SW near SW Webster* is getting some spot-paving repairs this week. No advisories from SDOT, so we checked in with spokesperson Sue Romero – who explained that “spot repairs” do not usually generate advance alerts – and asked about any other smaller paving projects coming up. She mentioned these:

Paving Beach Dr. SW between SW Andover St. & SW Charlestown St., August 1-2 & August 8-9, 9 am-4 pm

Paving 63rd Ave SW between Alki Ave SW & SW Admiral Wy, August 3rd & August 10th, 9 am-4 pm

The 35th SW spot repaving plan was noted here twice last month, most recently in an update last month from City Councilmember Lisa Herbold.

8:54 PM: Right after we published this, Chas Redmond mentioned the repaving in the waning moments of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting, also noting that it had been done near SW Thistle. So after the meeting, we drove 35th to see exactly what’s been repaved: Northbound lane, Cloverdale to Thistle, and Holden to Othello.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE ROAD WORK: 35th SW repairs this week, Alki-area paving next"

  • Alki Betty July 28, 2017 (11:11 am)

    Thank you for alerting us to the upcoming Alki paving projects. Many people are home on vacation now enjoying warm weather with windows/doors open,  so it’s nice to be mentally prepared for all-day noise!! Urgh. 

  • West Sea Neighbor July 31, 2017 (7:55 am)

    So they are just repaving that one block section of Beach Dr from Charlestown to Andover? It seems like that entire stretch from there south could use repaving (except for the portions near Me Kwa Mooks that have been recently repaved).  Does anyone know of any plans to do that? The area is pothole city. I guess this is better than nothing. I was riding my bike down there on Sunday and that section is particularly bad.

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