West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
From the WSB inbox:
MISDELIVERED PACKAGE: Jenny R says this was not a case of package theft – the US Postal Service shows her package was delivered today, and she was home when her carrier left only envelopes. This is something that can’t just be replaced so she’s wondering if you can check YOUR porch or other delivery spot:
I know people have things misdelivered all the time, but this was a custom-made dress I bought for my upcoming 40th birthday and 15th wedding anniversary, so I’m wondering if neighbors can check their front porches for a priority box addressed to me. I live in the 9400 block of 21st Ave SW. I’m sad.
If you ended up with Jenny’s package, let us know. (SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: Jenny reports in comments that it was delivered four blocks away and has been returned to her!)
SOLICITOR SUSPICION: Reports of suspicion-sparking door-to-door solicitors are starting to surge again – here’s one, from Bill:
Wanted to alert neighbors of a very aggressive door-to-door solicitor. He said he was looking for donations to attend culinary school. He claimed to be a neighbor and mentioned one of my neighbors by first name. He had a wad of folded/laminated papers, but no badge that I could see. I thanked him and told him I was not interested, but he persisted. I told him two more times I was not interested, then finally had to ask him (twice) to leave my property. As he was walking away, he made a disparaging comment about me being rude.
With door-to-door season seeming to rev up, we’re reminding you about the major rules. As most recently published here last fall:
*Door-to-door (residential) selling is allowed between 8 am-9 pm.
*The entity for whom the seller is working has to have a license, and the seller (agent) must have ID showing the license and the agent’s name: “All licensees and agents shall conspicuously display on their outer clothing their residential sales license or residential sales agent licenses when selling.” If you choose to open the door, ask to see it immediately: “Each residential seller or agent shall, immediately upon contacting the prospective buyer, disclose to the prospective buyer his/her name, company, and the product or service represented.”
*Solicitors are required to honor a “no soliciting” sign if you have one. Whether you do or don’t, they’re also required to honor this part of the code: “If requested to do so, (the agent) shall leave the premises immediately.”
Read the full set of rules by going here.. And note the city says they don’t apply to sellers of “newspapers, or fresh or perishable food items”; nor is a license required for a person who turns up at your door seeking charity donations. (That of course does not mean you can’t ask for ID or further information on what a donation would go toward.)
If you do buy something from a solicitor, you have cancellation rights.
FIRST REPORT, 9:54 PM SATURDAY: Congratulations to the boys-soccer teams of Madison Middle School and Denny International Middle School for playing for the city championship this afternoon! Thanks to Jodi Bennett for the first game report and photo:
Under sunny skies and the shadow of the Space Needle, Madison Middle School won the city championship for boys’ soccer today at Memorial Stadium. The final match came down to a good old-fashioned rivalry of West Seattle – Denny vs Madison. Final score was 3-2 with Sam Dagg and Ben Lapchis scoring the goals for Madison. It was a nice ending to a great season. Go Bulldogs!
ADDED 11:23 AM: From Denny principal Jeff Clark:
On Saturday, Denny and Madison both won semi-final matches at Memorial Stadium to set up an all-West Seattle city-wide championship game! Denny had won the West Seattle Cup earlier in the season. On Saturday, it was Madison’s turn as they won a highly competitive match 3 to 2 to win the championship. Congratulations to the Bulldogs on the win!
It was an amazing year for Denny boys soccer — we are very proud of all of our players, coaches, supporters and fans! A special thank you to Coaches Holland, Gutierrez, Vargas, and Tschida, Athletic Director Rodriguez, and everyone who has supported and encouraged our players all season! Go Dolphins!
We told you back on Thursday about the brand-new Snack Shack built for West Seattle Baseball at the Pee-Wee Fields in lower Riverview – and today, it was dedicated. We photographed project manager Karen, league president Erik, Peter from Charter Construction, and Eric from JEM Contractors as they got ready for the early-afternoon ribboncutting. Inside – classic snacks:
Hot dogs, popcorn, and nachos are available too. In our Thursday story, we mentioned the business donors who made it happen; today, Harvey and Sam displayed a thank-you banner with other contributors:
As we left, families were arriving for an afternoon of baseball – and, of course, snacks.
Alki’s a little cleaner after one hour of volunteer help today – thanks to Kersti Muul for the photos and report!
Today many groups are meeting at several beaches to help clean up for “An hour for the ocean” another event for Orca Month.
I worked with Whale Scout at Alki and we got 100 pounds of trash in one hour, in a small stretch near the bathhouse!
Beautiful day, beautiful people. We had a woman from Poland there, and one from Colombia helping, amazing!
More chances to clean up the beach are coming up this summer – including a Seal Sitters event two weeks from today!
2:20 PM: You’ll want to avoid 34th/35th/Morgan for a while – there’s a police search under way, K-9 included. We’re headed over to find out more.
2:32 PM: The intersection is not affected – police are in nearby parking lots including the gas station/minimart on the northeast corner. They tell us that two people bolted out of a stolen car that’s currently by the pumps, and that’s who they’re looking for. Adding a photo.
2:41 PM: One suspect has been taken into custody.
2:50 PM: Police tell us the suspect arrested is the person they believe was driving the stolen car.
Spectacular morning to run and/or walk in Lincoln Park – exactly what more than 30 people did in the first-ever Chief Sealth International High School Roll Hawks 5K.
And the first Chief Sealth @SealthAthletics Roll Hawks 5K is on, at Lincoln Park. pic.twitter.com/2epnD6d4Wj
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) June 10, 2017
It’s a benefit for the cross-country team; coach Jim McCue (below) told the group just before the run that this is going to be a great year for the growing program, which was just chosen to get a boost from Brooks Running.
Unique to the course setting, the coach told runners to be careful in an area where a mother raven is protecting her babies. And at the nearby Fauntleroy ferry dock, the ferry happened to be at the dock as the run got going (it’s at the end of our starting-line video above).
Results will be online later.
Until noon, you’re invited to come tour the new Murray combined-sewer-overflow-control “Wet Weather Facility” across from Lowman Beach Park – where a million-gallon storage tank is underground (where the people in the top photo are standing), ready in case a big storm sends too much stormwater and sewage to the Murray Pump Station (named for Murray Avenue SW) across the street. The King County Wastewater Treatment Division built the facility and we’re about to hear from its director Mark Isaacson as well as project manager Marla Coles, King County Council Chair Joe McDermott, and Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett.
(Project consultant Scott Radford, demonstrating how water drains right through permeable pavement)
There are treats, informational stations, and tours, right where 48th SW meets Lincoln Park Way and Beach Drive.
ADDED 4:34 PM: Here’s our video of the speakers, who voiced pride in the project and thanks to the neighbors for putting up with years of construction:
Still a bit more to add later!
P.S. Those who took tours today got a look inside the building – if you missed that, here’s the story of our tour last Monday.
Early catch at WS Sportsmen's annual kids' fishing pond at Seacrest – until 11 or until they run out of fish! pic.twitter.com/JCEzW0KYaI
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) June 10, 2017
ORIGINAL REPORT, 9:22 AM: Until 11 am – or until the ~250 rainbow trout are all caught – kids and teens 14 and younger are invited to fish at Seacrest with the West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club. It’s free; pole provided.
Already a good turnout when we stopped by shortly after the once-a-year event’s 8 am start.
11:48 AM: Added a few more photos.
That’s Eric Iwamoto at the fish-cleaning station, beneath which a savvy sea gull was waiting:
(Cargo ship and tour boat on Elliott Bay, photographed by Jim Borrow)
Welcome to a busy summer Saturday in West Seattle!
KIDS’ FISHING POND: Today’s the day the West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club presents the annual free fishing pond at Seacrest. 8 am-11 am, for kids 14 and younger, poles provided. (1660 Harbor SW)
ROLL HAWKS 5K: First year for a brand-new benefit run, starting at 9 am at the waterfront picnic shelters in Lincoln Park, with proceeds going to the Chief Sealth International High School Cross-Country Team. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
MURRAY ‘WET-WEATHER FACILITY’ CELEBRATION: 10 am-noon, you’re invited to the community celebration at the combined-sewer-overflow-control facility across from Lowman Beach Park – details here, including the event schedule. Here’s our sneak peek from a tour earlier this week. (48th SW/Beach Drive/Lincoln Park Way)
WEST SIDE ARTISTS’ TOUR: Visit any or all of four participating studios, 10 am-8 pm. Map, addresses, and list can be found here.
WORK PARTY, GARDEN TOUR, PLANT SALE: It’s all happening between 10 am-3 pm at the South Seattle College Arboretum on the north end of campus – schedule is here. (6000 16th SW)
LOW TIDE WITH BEACH NATURALISTS: 10:30 am-1:30 pm, Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists will be back at Constellation and Lincoln Parks to assist with your low-tide exploring. Today’s low tide is -1.4 feet at 12:12 pm.
WEST SEATTLE BASEBALL: Celebrate West Seattle Baseball‘s new Snack Shack at the Pee-Wee fields at lower Riverview Playfield, starting at 11 am, ribboncutting at 11:45, Pinto and Mustang championship games start at 1 pm. (7226 12th SW)
TRIBUTE TO CASS TURNBULL: 12:30 pm at the SSC Arboretum, a plaque will be placed in tribute to the late Plant Amnesty founder Cass Turnbull – details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
NEIGHBORHOOD PRESCHOOL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: 1-4 pm, you’re invited to stop by the Neighborhood Preschool and help celebrate its 10th anniversary. (6902 35th SW)
NO ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS:The Coast Guard Auxiliary had to cancel them for today. On for tomorrow, though, 1-4 pm.
WINE RELEASE: 2-7 pm, new wines will be poured at Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) – 2016 Perseverance Viognier and 2016 PORCH Rose’ of Syrah:
You can try and buy the rest of Viscon’s selections, too! (5910 California SW)
(TIME CORRECTED TO 2 PM) LAFAYETTE’S ‘LITTLE MERMAID’: Last chance to see this year’s Lafayette Elementary production! **2 pm** at West Seattle High School Theater, “Little Mermaid Jr.” is back on the stage. Ticket info’s in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)
TLC FOR FAIRMOUNT PLAYFIELD PARK GREENBELT: 3:30-6 pm, come help Fairmount Playfield‘s volunteer forest steward Christine Deppe continue clearing invasive plants so that hundreds of new native plants can replace them later this year. (Fauntleroy Way/SW Brandon)
ALBUM SIDE SATURDAY: Fun new drop-in event at Highland Park Improvement Club, 4 pm-8 pm. Chick’n Fix food truck will be there 4-7 pm; HPIC DJs will play their favorite vinyl album sides; the bar’ll be open; paper-airplane-making too. All welcome! (1116 SW Holden)
BURGUNDY PEARL: Americana duo performs live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
NORTHWEST FIRELIGHT CHORALE: “They sing, they dance (a special brand of “choralography”), and they have a meaningful mission — to invite the opening of people’s hearts to love and healing through inspired rehearsals and performances of soul-stirring music” – and you can see and hear them tonight at 7:30 pm at Fauntleroy Church. More info in our calendar listing.
TRIANGULAR JAZZTET: Live at Whisky West, 9 pm. No cover. 21+. (6451 California SW)
EVEN MORE … on our complete calendar!
12:20 AM: If you’re hearing sirens, it’s a “full response” for a possible fire in a multifamily building in the 2400 block of SW Trenton. First crew to arrive isn’t seeing anything, so far. More to come.
12:23 AM: Now they’re finding “light smoke” from a third-floor unit. Suspected “wall fire.” The address checks to the Westwood Plaza complex.
12:45 AM: What’s described as a “small wall fire” that did not spread is tapped and some units are being dismissed. No injuries reported. Adding a photo of Ladder 7 just before it pulled back.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
If you want to settle into the weekend with a little light reading, consider the 460+ pages of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda‘s Mandatory Housing Affordability component (let’s just call it the HALA MHA DEIS for short).
Since it officially went public on Thursday, we’ve been looking through the HALA MHA DEIS in order to present the first in a series of “what you need to know about it” – or, ways to wade through it – reports, rather than just slapping up a news release and a link and moving on. While the comment period runs a month and a half, its marquee event – a City Hall public hearing – is only three weeks away.
The Draft EIS is the next major step in the process we have been closely covering since last October, when the draft maps showing proposed rezoning appeared online. The point of HALA MHA is to require developers to set aside a certain percentage of their projects as affordable housing, or to pay a fee into a city fund that will pay for affordable housing somewhere else. In exchange, zoning increases to give them more capacity – on average, an extra floor. But other proposed changes are more complex, such as upzoning all single-family areas in urban villages, and expanding urban-village boundaries in some areas (the West Seattle Junction Hub Urban Village is proposed for some of this). Read More