(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:39 AM: Transit notes so far this morning:
-Route 37’s 6:15 am (from 35th/Alaska) run didn’t happen
-The Vashon Water Taxi is canceled this morning because of a “mechanical issue” (the regular backup boat, M/V Spirit of Kingston, is not available because it’s in the middle of a 5-week maintenance period)
No road incidents in our area so far.
6:56 AM: If you use the bicycle trail along surface Spokane Street east of the low bridge – and/or surface Spokane Street itself – reminder that today is the scheduled start of two days of trash cleanup in the area, as we’ve been reporting since Friday. Last word from the city is that the detours won’t start until after 9 am.
11:02 AM: We were there a little while ago and the main eastbound and westbound lanes, and bicycle path, had yet to be affected, though the cleanup has begun. We’ll check back later.
Also: King County has confirmed the Vashon Water Taxi will be back in service for its pm runs.